Pictures with 75 ⭐ or more
See also the sister groups:
5+ Favourites
10+ Favourites
15+ Favourites
20+ Favourites
25+ Favourites
30+ Favourites
40+ Favourites
50+ Favourites
100+ Favourites
manor houses, country/town houses, estates, unusual houses, quaint houses, modern/ancient/beautiful/ugly houses.... but not ordinary
from palaces and castles to mud huts
Are you a lover of all things abandoned, decayed, rusty, and crusty?
This group is about your most artistic captures and renditions of this subject... macros, extreme PoV's and angles, color treatments, cool scenes, etc. No quick snapshot photos please.
Open to the whole world - I know there are such cool locations all over the globe... let's get a great collection going here! Have fun :)
To showcase all things of an old car nature be they beautifully restored classics or rusty old hulks. So the quality of the vehicle doesn't really matter, but that doesn't mean we're not fussy when it comes to the photographs.
So let's see what you got, but bear in mind any low quality 'phone type snaps' will be deleted as will any that bring with them a trail of unnecessary 'spam' and that includes as far as this group is concerned 'flag counters', 'awards', 'flashing icons' and 'seen in' st…
Fog sometimes gives you the opportunity to take photos of special fascination.
In this group you are invited to present photos with fog veils, ground fog or high fog.
Worldwide urban/suburban/rural exploration and infiltration of abandoned & decayed structures (industrial, commercial, hospitals, farms, barns, etc.)... some of these sites may even be active, if you dare!
If you have a cool story to share of an experience while exploring, please share it here... Did you get caught? Did you find something interesting? Let's hear about it! :)
What, then, is that incalculable feeling that deprives the mind of the sleep necessary to life? A world that can be explained even with bad reasons is a familiar world. But, on the other hand, in a universe suddenly divested of illusions and lights, man feels an alien, a stranger. His exile is without remedy since he is deprived of the memory of a lost home or the hope of a promised land. This divorce between man and his life, the actor and his setting, is properly the feeling of absurdity.…
LIghthouses from all around the world.
This group is about anything to do with lighthouses, the keepers, the stations themselves, fresnel lenses, lamp & reflector systems, lighthouse museums, etc.
Please name the lighthouse, whenever possible - Thanks
Die Industriegeschichte als schützenswerte kulturelle Leistung...
The industrial history as worth protecting cultural performance ...
L'histoire industrielle digne d'être protégé dans sa performance culturelle ...
La storia industriale come pena proteggere manifestazione culturale ...
Trams - Trolleys - Straßenbahnen
Please insert the name from the town to the photo. - Bitte den Namen der Stadt unter dem Foto mit angeben.
Tram Trams Straßenbahn Strassenbahn Straßenbahnen Strassenbahnen Trolley Trolleys
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Public groups in which Berny is a member175 groups in total
up above my head
everything you only see when you look up
75+ Favourites
Pictures with 75 ⭐ or more See also the sister groups: 5+ Favourites 10+ Favourites 15+ Favourites 20+ Favourites 25+ Favourites 30+ Favourites 40+ Favourites 50+ Favourites 100+ Favourites
Sea and Ocean
Any photos of the sea or seaside, shoreline etc.
manor houses, country/town houses, estates, unusual houses, quaint houses, modern/ancient/beautiful/ugly houses.... but not ordinary from palaces and castles to mud huts
Rusty Vehicles
Cars, Trucks, Tractors,...Anything with wheels that has a little rust or just a plain rust bucket.
Artistic Decay & Abandonments
Are you a lover of all things abandoned, decayed, rusty, and crusty? This group is about your most artistic captures and renditions of this subject... macros, extreme PoV's and angles, color treatments, cool scenes, etc. No quick snapshot photos please. Open to the whole world - I know there are such cool locations all over the globe... let's get a great collection going here! Have fun :)
Classic Cars International
To showcase all things of an old car nature be they beautifully restored classics or rusty old hulks. So the quality of the vehicle doesn't really matter, but that doesn't mean we're not fussy when it comes to the photographs. So let's see what you got, but bear in mind any low quality 'phone type snaps' will be deleted as will any that bring with them a trail of unnecessary 'spam' and that includes as far as this group is concerned 'flag counters', 'awards', 'flashing icons' and 'seen in' st…
fog, dust, mist, brouillard, Nebel, nebbia, bruma
Fog sometimes gives you the opportunity to take photos of special fascination. In this group you are invited to present photos with fog veils, ground fog or high fog.
Advertising / Publicité
This group aims to collect print, audio and video advertisements
dunkel und geheimnisvoll
Wie der Gruppen-Name schon sagt, dunkle, düstere und geheimnisvolle Bilder.
The Dark Side
Post pictures here with a dark mood.
UrbEx / BurbEx (Urban & Suburban Exploration)
Worldwide urban/suburban/rural exploration and infiltration of abandoned & decayed structures (industrial, commercial, hospitals, farms, barns, etc.)... some of these sites may even be active, if you dare! If you have a cool story to share of an experience while exploring, please share it here... Did you get caught? Did you find something interesting? Let's hear about it! :)
" The absurd "
What, then, is that incalculable feeling that deprives the mind of the sleep necessary to life? A world that can be explained even with bad reasons is a familiar world. But, on the other hand, in a universe suddenly divested of illusions and lights, man feels an alien, a stranger. His exile is without remedy since he is deprived of the memory of a lost home or the hope of a promised land. This divorce between man and his life, the actor and his setting, is properly the feeling of absurdity.…
LIghthouses from all around the world. This group is about anything to do with lighthouses, the keepers, the stations themselves, fresnel lenses, lamp & reflector systems, lighthouse museums, etc. Please name the lighthouse, whenever possible - Thanks
" 1 A Industriedenkmäler / 1A industrial monuments" " Die Industriegeschichte als schützenswerte kulturelle Leistung... The industrial history as worth protecting cultural performance ... L'histoire industrielle digne d'être protégé dans sa performance culturelle ... La storia industriale come pena proteggere manifestazione culturale ...
Graffitis y mensajes urbanos de cualquier tipo.
The sea
Trams - Straßenbahnen - Trolleys
Trams - Trolleys - Straßenbahnen Please insert the name from the town to the photo. - Bitte den Namen der Stadt unter dem Foto mit angeben. Tags/Stichworte: Tram Trams Straßenbahn Strassenbahn Straßenbahnen Strassenbahnen Trolley Trolleys
The language of trees
all pictures of trees which grow in a special manner
Sunsets and Skys
I love Sunsets, Sunrises, Clouds and Skypictures. So please share Yours with me