Impressionism is a light, spontaneous manner of painting which began in France as a reaction against the restrictions and conventions of the dominant Academic art. Its naturalistic and down-to-earth treatment of its subject matter, most commonly landscapes, has its roots in the French Realism. ...not just landscapes, not just light colors...objectively record visual reality in terms of transient effects of light and color (B&W also works).
Vous habitez Marseille, sa région, ou même le bout du monde ? Vos photos sur Marseille sont la bienvenues, pourvu qu'elles offrent un aspect moins classique que la traditionnelle carte postale. Angles, couleurs, sujets, tout est bon ! ------------------------ Should you love in Marseille or anywhere else on the world, feel free to post Marseille pictures of you own ! Every subject accepted, even the usual stereotype if treated an original way.
-TODAS LAS MANIFESTACIONES DEL AREA EN DIFERENTES TECNICAS (todo tipo de pinturas, decoupaje,estaño, telar, costuras, pirograbao, etc.)
- ALLE IHNEN ARTEN (Mosaik, Patchwork, Holzarbeiten,Servillettentechnik, Tontonpfliguren, Skulptur, usw...)
City gardens, a corner from a pretty garden,balcons with flowers or plants,terracotta corners, terraces decorated with plants etc.....
Jardin de ville, petit coin d'un beau jardin ,balcon fleuri, pot en terre cuite, terrasse décorée etc.....
Gärten in der Stadt - eine schöne Ecke im Garten - Balkon mit Blumen und Pflanzen - Terracotta Töpfe - Terrassen geschmückt mit Planzen und Blumen etc.....
Is it Art? Fortunately,tastes vary as much as interpretation.
I certainly know what Art is - as I am sure that you know as well.
To incite, to move, to express, to report, to share, to display, -Art is used for these purposes, and always there are other forms and uses. Art is what we say it is. Please hasten to add your Art to this group...
Are you a lover of all things abandoned, decayed, rusty, and crusty?
This group is about your most artistic captures and renditions of this subject... macros, extreme PoV's and angles, color treatments, cool scenes, etc. No quick snapshot photos please.
Open to the whole world - I know there are such cool locations all over the globe... let's get a great collection going here! Have fun :)
Be "urban"
no porn, no nude,.. just (dark-)life in the city
the beauty or not of urban lifestyle.. it depend..
some photos with people but it depend... LOTS OF PHOTOS about "urbanism"!!!
Beautiful Gardens arround the world, gardens arround castles, in cities and arround your home! In this group no single flowers please.
Help & Contact|Club news|About ipernity|History|ipernity Club & Prices|Guide of good conduct Donate|Group guidelines|Privacy policy|Terms of use|Statutes|In memoria
Public groups in which Max Baris is an administrator10 groups in total
art exhibition
everything about art and exhibitions
depressing pictures
this group is open for all pictures where something is wrong, photos that may leave the observer with an uncomfortable feeling.
houses - you love to live in
Impressionistic Realism
Impressionism is a light, spontaneous manner of painting which began in France as a reaction against the restrictions and conventions of the dominant Academic art. Its naturalistic and down-to-earth treatment of its subject matter, most commonly landscapes, has its roots in the French Realism. ...not just landscapes, not just light colors...objectively record visual reality in terms of transient effects of light and color (B&W also works).
to create the best art team in the world
Vous habitez Marseille, sa région, ou même le bout du monde ? Vos photos sur Marseille sont la bienvenues, pourvu qu'elles offrent un aspect moins classique que la traditionnelle carte postale. Angles, couleurs, sujets, tout est bon ! ------------------------ Should you love in Marseille or anywhere else on the world, feel free to post Marseille pictures of you own ! Every subject accepted, even the usual stereotype if treated an original way.
Portas, janelas, arcos de Portugal
Mostrar as portas, janelas e arcos tradicionais do nosso pais
Sights and sounds of Rotterdam alias "Rotjeknor" alias "Maasstad" alias "Manhattan aan de Maas" alias "City of Architecture 2007"...
-TODAS LAS MANIFESTACIONES DEL AREA EN DIFERENTES TECNICAS (todo tipo de pinturas, decoupaje,estaño, telar, costuras, pirograbao, etc.) - ALLE IHNEN ARTEN (Mosaik, Patchwork, Holzarbeiten,Servillettentechnik, Tontonpfliguren, Skulptur, usw...)
Volets et persiennes
photos représentant des volets et persiennes de préférences un peu vieux, et colorés.
Public groups in which Max Baris is a member67 groups in total
#matrix of present times
| Present here photos of || Futurism ||| Sci-fi |||| Innovation ||||| Utopia & dystopia
A little corner from your garden. Un petit coin de votre jardin. Een klein hoekje in je tuin. Gärten in der Stadt - eine schöne Ecke im Garten By verdecores1 and Erato
City gardens, a corner from a pretty garden,balcons with flowers or plants,terracotta corners, terraces decorated with plants etc..... Jardin de ville, petit coin d'un beau jardin ,balcon fleuri, pot en terre cuite, terrasse décorée etc..... Gärten in der Stadt - eine schöne Ecke im Garten - Balkon mit Blumen und Pflanzen - Terracotta Töpfe - Terrassen geschmückt mit Planzen und Blumen etc.....
> > > architecture > > > architektur > > > arquitectura > > >
architecture (2)
Please feel free to post any architecture picture you want :-)
Art is Art
Is it Art? Fortunately,tastes vary as much as interpretation. I certainly know what Art is - as I am sure that you know as well. To incite, to move, to express, to report, to share, to display, -Art is used for these purposes, and always there are other forms and uses. Art is what we say it is. Please hasten to add your Art to this group...
Art [Not Photography]
If you've drawn it painted it designed it or whatever... if it's yours and it's art, post it here so we can all enjoy :D All art mediums welcome
Artistic Decay & Abandonments
Are you a lover of all things abandoned, decayed, rusty, and crusty? This group is about your most artistic captures and renditions of this subject... macros, extreme PoV's and angles, color treatments, cool scenes, etc. No quick snapshot photos please. Open to the whole world - I know there are such cool locations all over the globe... let's get a great collection going here! Have fun :)
Home balconies
Be urban
Be "urban" no porn, no nude,.. just (dark-)life in the city the beauty or not of urban lifestyle.. it depend.. some photos with people but it depend... LOTS OF PHOTOS about "urbanism"!!!
beautiful gardens
⚠️ ADMIN WANTED ⚠️ Beautiful Gardens arround the world, gardens arround castles, in cities and arround your home! In this group no single flowers please.