Elisabeth (moi,élo)'s groups

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Public groups in which Elisabeth (moi,élo) is a member
3 groups in total

  • Atelier d'écriture: poème, création, évasion....

    Atelier d'écriture: poème, création, évasion....

    Created 12 years ago

    S'évader à travers la photo, les créations artistiques... Des ateliers pour le plaisir de créer et de s'amuser grâce aux divers défis d'écriture...;-)

  • Poésies... de Vous

    Poésies... de Vous

    Created 16 years ago

    Ecrivez quelques vers, un poème en prose ou vers, sur une de vos photo , quelques mots et c'est beau... lancez vous, pas trop loin, juste dans vos délires et désirs..

  • the pen and inkwell

    the pen and inkwell

    Created 8 years ago

    Image-related writing group. All your poems in classical or free verse, all prose texts, all writings of which you are the author that are related to an image. To make sure your text is seen by your readers, print it directly under the photo. If you'd rather promote an author you like, with one of their writings or thoughts, be sure to quote them and say a few words about them. If you find that your text is too long, print out part of it and add a link to read the rest in "Articles". Don't hesit…