Sight and Sound
For lovers of photography and music.
1. Upload a photo with a link to a piece of music.
Add a description saying why the music links to the photo (not always necessary), the description can be short or as detailed as you wish. Tenuous links are more than welcome.
2. Music that is already in the public domain (i.e You Tube) is fine and most people can access these easily. Deezer is okay too, although you may need an account to hear more than a 30 se…
Collecter tous les types de photos, vidéos, et textes sur les chats.
Photos de tous les jours.
Photos d'oeuvres d'art sur tous genres de supports ayant comme sujet les chats.
Vidéos ayant comme sujet les chats
Textes d'auteurs connus et méconnus ayant pour thème les chats.
Toutes les "images miroirs" sont les bienvenues, dans l'eau, miroirs, verre, fenêtres, vitrines, métal, etc ...
Alle " Spiegelbilder " sind willkommen , im Wasser , Spiegel , Glas , Fenster, Schaufenster , Metall usw ...
All "mirror images" are welcome, in the water, Mirrors, glass, windows, shop windows, metal etc ...
Tutte le "immagini dello specchio" sono i benvenuti, in acqua, specchi, vetro, finestre, vetrine, metallo ecc ...
Please show photos of sculptures of all kinds, whether religious or secular, whether funny or pondering, whether sad or cheerful .....
Here, the shrill pop-art figure as well as the angel at the cemetery have their very own place, the heads of the Easter Island fit as well as the the Niki-St.Phalle-sculptures in Hanover.....-)...
00 - WC - Toilette - Gabinetto - Abort - Latrine - Klo - Lokus - Urinal - Donnerbalken ... dieser Welt, möglichst ungewöhnliche oder bizarre Plätze!
Auch Toilettenhäuschen und bizarre Hinweisschilder...
Vulgärbezeichnungen sind Scheißhaus (mittelhochdeutsch schîzhûs war hingegen noch nicht anstößig), Schlotte – eigentlich ein Hohlraum in wasserlöslichem Gestein – oder besonders im Militärjargon Donnerbalken.
Dialektale Begriffe sind in Österreich und Bayern auch Häusl, in der Schweiz Hüüsli…
Plantes, arbres,feuilles champignons divers, gazon, fruits
PAS DE FLEURS! (il y a d'autres groupes pour ça)
Merci de votre compréhension...
Bienvenue à tous et merci de votre participation en espérant que vous apprécierez ce que vous verrez...
Hi and welcome to all of you who loves vegetation pictures (Trees, fungi, greens, fruits
Thanks for your understanding,
Hope you will enjoy and appreciate what you will…
Pictures with 10 ⭐ or more
See also the sister groups:
5+ Favourites
15+ Favourites
20+ Favourites
25+ Favourites
30+ Favourites
40+ Favourites
50+ Favourites
75+ Favourites
100+ Favourites
Plants have often very attractive seed-pods. Pods are mostly associated with members of the pea family,but it also includes capsules and fruits. Some of these are very attractive, and make attractive photo objects.
Publiez vos photos comprenant des mots, slogans, principes et phrases populaires autour du monde...
Bonne participation et amusez-vous bien !
Publish photos with words, slogans, principles and phrases celebrated around the world...
Welcome with your participation.
Thank you!
Découvrons ensemble les meilleures images de villes et villages autour du globe !
Gemeinsam die schönsten Photos aus Dörfern und Städten der Welt entdecken !
Together , discover the most beautiful pictures of villages and cities around the world!
Insieme le migliori foto di villaggi e città in tutto il mondo a scoprire!
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Public groups in which Bruce Dean (Puchinpappy) is a member290 groups in total
Sight and Sound
Sight and Sound For lovers of photography and music. GROUP RULES ~ PLEASE READ. 1. Upload a photo with a link to a piece of music. Add a description saying why the music links to the photo (not always necessary), the description can be short or as detailed as you wish. Tenuous links are more than welcome. 2. Music that is already in the public domain (i.e You Tube) is fine and most people can access these easily. Deezer is okay too, although you may need an account to hear more than a 30 se…
"a mixed pixels presentation...."
Ihre persönlichen TOP - Favoriten ! Vos top - favoris personelles ! Your personal top - favorites! La vostra personale top - Favoriti!
Collecter tous les types de photos, vidéos, et textes sur les chats. Photos de tous les jours. Photos d'oeuvres d'art sur tous genres de supports ayant comme sujet les chats. Vidéos ayant comme sujet les chats Textes d'auteurs connus et méconnus ayant pour thème les chats.
Horses / Chevaux / Caballos / Pferd
O Canada!
This group is all about Canada, for Canadians or visitors to Canada or those who hope to visit someday.
Fire and Ice
Picture with Fire and/or Ice.
Illustrations for the Bible
The purpose of this group to draw attention to the variety of technical, stylistic and semantic solutions to the biblical images
" 100 % MIROIR - Mirror - Spiegel - Espejo - Specchio " Toutes les "images miroirs" sont les bienvenues, dans l'eau, miroirs, verre, fenêtres, vitrines, métal, etc ... Alle " Spiegelbilder " sind willkommen , im Wasser , Spiegel , Glas , Fenster, Schaufenster , Metall usw ... All "mirror images" are welcome, in the water, Mirrors, glass, windows, shop windows, metal etc ... Tutte le "immagini dello specchio" sono i benvenuti, in acqua, specchi, vetro, finestre, vetrine, metallo ecc ...
Sculptures of the world
Please show photos of sculptures of all kinds, whether religious or secular, whether funny or pondering, whether sad or cheerful ..... Here, the shrill pop-art figure as well as the angel at the cemetery have their very own place, the heads of the Easter Island fit as well as the the Niki-St.Phalle-sculptures in Hanover.....-)...
WC- OO -Toilette-Gabinetto-Abort-Latrine-Klo-Lokus-Urinal
00 - WC - Toilette - Gabinetto - Abort - Latrine - Klo - Lokus - Urinal - Donnerbalken ... dieser Welt, möglichst ungewöhnliche oder bizarre Plätze! Auch Toilettenhäuschen und bizarre Hinweisschilder... Vulgärbezeichnungen sind Scheißhaus (mittelhochdeutsch schîzhûs war hingegen noch nicht anstößig), Schlotte – eigentlich ein Hohlraum in wasserlöslichem Gestein – oder besonders im Militärjargon Donnerbalken. Dialektale Begriffe sind in Österreich und Bayern auch Häusl, in der Schweiz Hüüsli…
Vegetation / Végétation
Plantes, arbres,feuilles champignons divers, gazon, fruits PAS DE FLEURS! (il y a d'autres groupes pour ça) PAS D'ANIMAUX, PAS D'INSECTES; Merci de votre compréhension... Bienvenue à tous et merci de votre participation en espérant que vous apprécierez ce que vous verrez... Hi and welcome to all of you who loves vegetation pictures (Trees, fungi, greens, fruits NO FLOWERS, NO ANIMALS NO CRITTERS IN HERE! Thanks for your understanding, Hope you will enjoy and appreciate what you will…
10+ Favourites
Pictures with 10 ⭐ or more See also the sister groups: 5+ Favourites 15+ Favourites 20+ Favourites 25+ Favourites 30+ Favourites 40+ Favourites 50+ Favourites 75+ Favourites 100+ Favourites
Sports .
Photos of sporting activities of all kinds, but also of scenes on the sidelines or behind the scenes.
Vroom ! Vroom ! Vroom !
Cars, airplanes, motorcycles, trucks,..... all vehicles are welcome. Autos, avions, motos, camions.......tous genres de véhicules sont bienvenus.
400-500 views.
Any item that has been viewed 400-500 times
Seeds and Seedpods
Plants have often very attractive seed-pods. Pods are mostly associated with members of the pea family,but it also includes capsules and fruits. Some of these are very attractive, and make attractive photo objects.
" Culture Touch - Kultur erleben " mpressions culturellement intéressantes du musée - concert - visites d'exposition; Marchés de l'artiste, etc ... Kulturell interessante Eindrücke aus Museumen - Konzerten - Ausstellungsbesuchen; Künstlermärkten; Denkmäler Industrie/Technik .. Culturally interesting impressions from the museum - concert - exhibition visits; Artist markets; monuments technology /industry ...
Die 4 Jahreszeiten ... Les 4 saisons...I quattro stagioni...The 4 Seasons
Publiez vos photos comprenant des mots, slogans, principes et phrases populaires autour du monde... Bonne participation et amusez-vous bien ! Publish photos with words, slogans, principles and phrases celebrated around the world... Welcome with your participation. Thank you!
" 100% BEST OF : Top pictures of cities and villages " Découvrons ensemble les meilleures images de villes et villages autour du globe ! Gemeinsam die schönsten Photos aus Dörfern und Städten der Welt entdecken ! Together , discover the most beautiful pictures of villages and cities around the world! Insieme le migliori foto di villaggi e città in tutto il mondo a scoprire!