Filippo Tosi's groups

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Public groups in which Filippo Tosi is an administrator
5 groups in total

  • Infiltration | Industrial Exploration

    Infiltration | Industrial Exploration

    Created 17 years ago

    discovering the forbidden we everything rusty, damaged and sometimes dangerous lovely icon from

  • monochromatic -  stylistic -  anonymity ----

    monochromatic - stylistic - anonymity ----

    Created 10 years ago

    ***Please read carefully before posting your photographs*** Monochrome photographs of a 'man-altered landscape' that are stripped of any artistic frills and reduced to an essentially topographic state, conveying substantial amounts of visual information but eschewing entirely the aspects of beauty, emotion and opinion,." "[...] rigorous purity, deadpan humour and a casual disregard for the importance of the images. Monochrome Fotografien einer durch den Menschen veränderten Landschaft, von jed…

  • Street lights lamps chandeliers

    Street lights lamps chandeliers

    Created 7 years ago

    street lights lamps, desk lamps, wall lamps, chandeliers, lamps of all kinds, old, modern, vintage, industrial , ministerial.......

  • TWO is better

    TWO is better

    Created 3 years ago

    photos of two objects or people in a row, in horizontal or vertical or diagonally, better the same or similar, or in geometric order, only two. Sequences of two objects also different but ordered. Minimal photos that look anonymous. 2 objects or 2 images.

  • Urbexmania


    Created 11 years ago

    photographie d'exploration urbaine, région sud-ouest, aquitaine, midi-pyrénées, charentes,... et d'ailleurs!

Public groups in which Filippo Tosi is a member
92 groups in total