François Labarbe's groups

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Public groups in which François Labarbe is an administrator
2 groups in total

Public groups in which François Labarbe is a member
31 groups in total

  • +9999 photos no limits, no restrictions, no conditions

    +9999 photos no limits, no restrictions, no conditions

    Created 16 years ago

    +9999 photos people, sexy or not, flowers, animals, everything welcome The group is rebuilding. There were problems with some presenters who did not accept nude photos.

  • 0P3N ★ V1SU4L_M0M3NT

    0P3N ★ V1SU4L_M0M3NT

    Created 17 years ago

    Original name and description edited. Previous administrator has abandoned the group and no longer takes the responsibility. CLOSED Reason: Group abandoned by the original administrator and the group used to advertise one's own web site, which no longer exists. If you disagree, contact GroupBusters to become as an administrator and reopen.

  • 50 plus photographers

    50 plus photographers

    Created 11 years ago

    For photographers aged 50 and over

  • Art Outdoors

    Art Outdoors

    Created 11 years ago

    The aim of this group is to promote friendly discussion of man-made art found outdoors and the sharing of photographs of it. Most deliberate art applies. This includes murals, graffiti (providing it's more than just a 'tag'), calligraphy (as on Muslim buildings), tilework, sculptures, and architectural details. Pictures of whole buildings and structures don't count -- there are enough groups for those. Nor do pictures of garden ornaments, art found on vehicles or accidental art, such an inter…

  • City Shots

    City Shots

    Created 11 years ago

    This group is only for photos taken within city limits and must portray either , buildings, streets, people, construction sites, transport, street scape, city scape as long as it is in the city.So even if you have graffiti, or your own creative city themed artwork, then this group is for you. This group covers a lot of different types of photography from coloured, HDR, Black and White etc, etc. Do not post images of plants, animals, pets, insects etc, etc as they will be removed.

  • Digital Photography

    Digital Photography

    Created 11 years ago

    The name of this group should give a clue as to what this group is about. However, it is hoped that only quality or interesting images will be posted here.

  • Everyone's Photo Pool

    Everyone's Photo Pool

    Created 11 years ago

    1. This group welcomes all kinds of photos and images. Normally, the only ones disallowed will be those depicting sexual acts and sexual arousal. The promotion of hatred and violence will not be tolerated but the exposure of such undesirable elements in our world will be. 2. It is a general group without any codes. It is being created simply for all on Ipernity to enjoy each other's work. 3.It does not bar the use of the words "Seen in" as taboo words but certainly doesn't encourage them. 4.…

  • Fenêtres, portes et façades /  Windows, doors and façades.

    Fenêtres, portes et façades / Windows, doors and façades.

    Created 14 years ago

    Trois éléments qui font bon ménage très souvent ! Three elements often matching together beautifully !

  • Flickr Refugees

    Flickr Refugees

    Created 11 years ago

    It has to be done.This is a group for anyone who is looking for an alternative to the new Flickr. Anything goes (except porn)

  • From (t)here to ipernity

    From (t)here to ipernity

    Created 11 years ago

    For everybody who decided to emigrate from flickr, or elsewhere, and wants to find their old contacts back and for anybody else who wants to meet us. Feel free to join in the discussions. Note: this is a family friendly group, please bear that in mind when submitting content, so no pornography. Keep ipernity spam free! This is a no-spam group. Please do not post contributions that have graphic group icons, awards or HTML links to groups. Do not post photos that have endless repetitive "…

  • I want to show you this pic :)

    I want to show you this pic :)

    Created 17 years ago

    this group is meant as an open gallery for everybody... most posted pics are only viewed by friends and contacts... and that's a pity... here you can show your pics to others, who don't even know you... you can find new friends here, get a bigger audience, see new pics, get new inspirations... please post only 1 pic a day, and please comment at least 1 other pic... that would be fair... :) be welcome and have fun !

  • Ipernity Addicts

    Ipernity Addicts

    Created 11 years ago

    Anything goes - except violence/nudity/porn

  • Jews, Judaism and anything Jewish

    Jews, Judaism and anything Jewish

    Created 17 years ago

    Jews, Judaism and anything Jewish. Good photos only, bad ones will be removed.

  • Micro Nikkor

    Micro Nikkor

    Created 15 years ago

    A place for images taken with (or of) the micro-nikkor lens. Ein Plätzchen für Bilder mit oder von einer Micro-Nikkor Linse.

  • Minolta MD/MC Lens

    Minolta MD/MC Lens

    Created 17 years ago

    Welcome all photos which are taken by Minolta MD or MC lens.

  • Märklin trains

    Märklin trains

    Created 11 years ago

    Märklin, Primex and Hamo model trains.

  • New Flickr Survivors

    New Flickr Survivors

    Created 11 years ago

    A group for all the Flickr Members who left for Ipernity and of course the other also This is a general Group, but PLEASE NO NUDITY Banner by YaensArt from DeviantArt Stocks : Autumncheshire, Hyenacub-Stock, SolStock & LittleWhiteWitch, all from DA

  • Nikkor


    Created 17 years ago

    Just anything about Nikon lens.