This group is dedicate to a beautiful Fine Arts creations, in every styles the Textures
as landscape, portrait , but Only with all textures,
We desire that you feel free to express yourself, sharing thoughts and feeling with other members commenting the photos in our pool.
My name is Jean-Pierre Prieur. I am a web designer, "Crazy" graphic designer from France/San Diego and I am Webmaster of Bionic Sisters Productions
I love graphic design from all over the world
Photo manipulation are my faves :)
please put only what you think is the best design!!!! :)
~ the moon, the dream, the space in between ~
This little group is for moon and moonshine photo´s
with a creative touch ~ The magic of the night ~
Do you have magical moon pictures ? Please join :-)
Photos en N/B tout sujets! S / W Fotos aller Art ! B / W photos of all kinds !B / W foto di tutti i tipi!
Pas d' images pornographiques! Merci ...Keine pornographische Darstellungen ! Danke ... No pornographic images! Thanks ...Non ci sono immagini pornografiche! Grazie ...
Sämtliche Drucksachen für die sie sich gerade interessieren : Bücher , Zeitungen , Zeitschriften , Magazine , Prospekte , Werbung , Flyer , Briefe usw...
KEINE Pornographie sowie anstössiges Material !!!
Tous les documents imprimés qui vous intéressent : les livres, les journaux, magazines, brochures, publicités, prospectus, lettres, etc .
PAS de pornographie ou de matériel offensant !!!
All printed materials for which they are just interested in books, new…
Starting from a photo, no limits, but please refrain from posting any nudity and any other inappropriate creations that might offend visitors.... use filters, effects, give another "dimension" to your images. Your "work" on the photo must be evident, not only to enhance... :-)))
Enjoy yourself, get creative. :-) Let's play!
This FRIENDLY group has been designated for the favorite high quality images of our dear Ipernity's
= AMIS = 朋友人 = FRIENDS = मित्रों = PRIJATELJI = all over the world! Please keep in mind that we're a 'family FRIENDLY' place. Show your respect and support to your =FRIENDS= by commenting on the minimum of TWO =2= DEUX other contributions in the pool. | Hvala | 謝謝 |Thank You | धन्यवाद | Merci |
This is a group for artist and THEIR works...
so, please, post images which are created by YOURSELF,
not images of artworks of somebody els.
no racism, no violence, no porn, no copyright infringement, please! !
thanks a lot, have fun ! ;-)
NIcht akzeptiert werden: pornographische Darstellung, Gewalt,
rassistische Äußerungen sowie Abbildungen von Skulpturen.
Wir bitten, dieses zu berücksichtigen!
This group was created for exceptional images of art.
Is it Art? Fortunately,tastes vary as much as interpretation.
I certainly know what Art is - as I am sure that you know as well.
To incite, to move, to express, to report, to share, to display, -Art is used for these purposes, and always there are other forms and uses. Art is what we say it is. Please hasten to add your Art to this group...
Welcome to the "Artistic Impressions"
Bienvenue dans le groupe "Impressions artistiques".
Créations manipulées! Ne soumettez pas d'images générées par ordinateur, y compris des fractales, etc.! Prenez une photo et montrez-nous ce que vous pouvez faire pour l'améliorer au mieux de vos capacités.
L'impressionnisme est un style artistique qui cherche à capturer un sentiment ou une expérience plutôt que d'obtenir une représentation précise.
Art nudes, female and male. Only original work. No web pics. No porn. Nudi artistici, donne e uomini. Sono accettate solo foto originali. Niente foto trovate sul web! Niente porno
Photo d'Art, Artistic Picture.
The visual arts include mediums such as drawing, painting, sculpture, architecture, photography, film, and printmaking. Many of these pieces of art are created to stimulate us through a visual experience. When we look at them, they often provoke a feeling of some sort. Within the visual arts is a category known as the decorative arts, or craft. This is art that is more utilitarian and has a function but retains an artistic style and still requires talent to crea…
Help & Contact|Club news|About ipernity|History|ipernity Club & Prices|Guide of good conduct Donate|Group guidelines|Privacy policy|Terms of use|Statutes|In memoria
Public groups in which Amba Lee is an administrator3 groups in total
This group is dedicate to a beautiful Fine Arts creations, in every styles the Textures as landscape, portrait , but Only with all textures, We desire that you feel free to express yourself, sharing thoughts and feeling with other members commenting the photos in our pool.
Photoshop Awesome Graphic Design, Posters, Affiche, Plakat, Flyers
My name is Jean-Pierre Prieur. I am a web designer, "Crazy" graphic designer from France/San Diego and I am Webmaster of Bionic Sisters Productions I love graphic design from all over the world Photo manipulation are my faves :) please put only what you think is the best design!!!! :)
The dreaming moon
~ the moon, the dream, the space in between ~ This little group is for moon and moonshine photo´s with a creative touch ~ The magic of the night ~ Do you have magical moon pictures ? Please join :-)
Public groups in which Amba Lee is a member43 groups in total
" Art - N.B. / Monochrom " Photos en N/B tout sujets! S / W Fotos aller Art ! B / W photos of all kinds !B / W foto di tutti i tipi! Pas d' images pornographiques! Merci ...Keine pornographische Darstellungen ! Danke ... No pornographic images! Thanks ...Non ci sono immagini pornografiche! Grazie ...
" 1:1 rat de bibliothèque - Leseratte -Bookworm... " Sämtliche Drucksachen für die sie sich gerade interessieren : Bücher , Zeitungen , Zeitschriften , Magazine , Prospekte , Werbung , Flyer , Briefe usw... KEINE Pornographie sowie anstössiges Material !!! Tous les documents imprimés qui vous intéressent : les livres, les journaux, magazines, brochures, publicités, prospectus, lettres, etc . PAS de pornographie ou de matériel offensant !!! All printed materials for which they are just interested in books, new…
" Ambiance et lumière - Stimmung und Licht - Atmosphere and light - Ambiente e la luce" Faire découvrir l'ambiance crée par la lumière , naturelle , artificielle , brouillard , etc...
" Cartes postales et photos historiques de partout dans le monde / Historische Postkarten und Photos aus aller Welt "
Documents des temps passés... Photos & Cartes postales ( Avant 1990 ) Dokumente längst vergangener Zeiten... Photos & Ansichtskarten ( VOR 1990 )
" Meine eigenen " Meisterwerke " - Mes propres "chefs - d'oeuvres " My own " master pieces "
Proposer sa " meilleure " photographie ... Seine " Besten " Photographien zeigen...
"100 % Relax" Relaxing moments...
Show moments of relaxation (with people or animals only).
*image manipulations*
Starting from a photo, no limits, but please refrain from posting any nudity and any other inappropriate creations that might offend visitors.... use filters, effects, give another "dimension" to your images. Your "work" on the photo must be evident, not only to enhance... :-))) ;-) Enjoy yourself, get creative. :-) Let's play!
AMIS = मित्रों = FRIENDS = 朋友人 = PRIJATELJI
This FRIENDLY group has been designated for the favorite high quality images of our dear Ipernity's = AMIS = 朋友人 = FRIENDS = मित्रों = PRIJATELJI = all over the world! Please keep in mind that we're a 'family FRIENDLY' place. Show your respect and support to your =FRIENDS= by commenting on the minimum of TWO =2= DEUX other contributions in the pool. | Hvala | 謝謝 |Thank You | धन्यवाद | Merci |
PLEASE, READ OUR RULES : This is a group for artist and THEIR works... so, please, post images which are created by YOURSELF, not images of artworks of somebody els. no racism, no violence, no porn, no copyright infringement, please! ! thanks a lot, have fun ! ;-) NIcht akzeptiert werden: pornographische Darstellung, Gewalt, rassistische Äußerungen sowie Abbildungen von Skulpturen. Wir bitten, dieses zu berücksichtigen! ENGLISH: This group was created for exceptional images of art. We…
Art is Art
Is it Art? Fortunately,tastes vary as much as interpretation. I certainly know what Art is - as I am sure that you know as well. To incite, to move, to express, to report, to share, to display, -Art is used for these purposes, and always there are other forms and uses. Art is what we say it is. Please hasten to add your Art to this group...
Art World - invite only
share your visions, feelings and your creativity
Art [Not Photography]
If you've drawn it painted it designed it or whatever... if it's yours and it's art, post it here so we can all enjoy :D All art mediums welcome
ARTISTIC IMPRESSIONS~ manipulated photos only!
Welcome to the "Artistic Impressions" Bienvenue dans le groupe "Impressions artistiques". Créations manipulées! Ne soumettez pas d'images générées par ordinateur, y compris des fractales, etc.! Prenez une photo et montrez-nous ce que vous pouvez faire pour l'améliorer au mieux de vos capacités. L'impressionnisme est un style artistique qui cherche à capturer un sentiment ou une expérience plutôt que d'obtenir une représentation précise.
Artistic Nudes
Art nudes, female and male. Only original work. No web pics. No porn. Nudi artistici, donne e uomini. Sono accettate solo foto originali. Niente foto trovate sul web! Niente porno
Artistically Yours
Photo d'Art, Artistic Picture. The visual arts include mediums such as drawing, painting, sculpture, architecture, photography, film, and printmaking. Many of these pieces of art are created to stimulate us through a visual experience. When we look at them, they often provoke a feeling of some sort. Within the visual arts is a category known as the decorative arts, or craft. This is art that is more utilitarian and has a function but retains an artistic style and still requires talent to crea…
Birds in your art
Drawings, paintings, collage, or abstract designs of real or imagined birds. No photographs unless part of a collage.