Antonio's groups

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Public groups in which Antonio is an administrator
6 groups in total

  • 6x6 ~ 6x12 Film Formats

    6x6 ~ 6x12 Film Formats

    Created 11 years ago

    Welcome to 6x6 ~ 6x12 Film and all formats in between. Please post your 6x? here! Show us your camera! Box cameras are most welcome.

  • Auf den Spuren von Karl Blossfeldt & botanische Studien.

    Auf den Spuren von Karl Blossfeldt & botanische Studien.

    Created 11 years ago

    Urformen der Natur karl blossfeldt fine art photography. Karl Blossfeldt. Fine Art Photography. Studien der Botanik, Studies of botany,Los estudios de la botánica,Études de botanique «Meine Pflanzenurkunden sollen dazu beitragen, die Verbindung mit der Natur wieder herzustellen. ... Die Pflanze ist als ein durchaus künstlerisch-architektonischer Aufbau zu bewerten. Neben einem ornamental-rhythmisch schaffenden Urtrieb, der überall in der Natur waltet, baut die Pflanze nur Nutz- und Zweckforme…

  • Diva


    Created 11 years ago

    Scanned negatives and, even preferred, scans of prints made of a negative shot with the devouring diva, Holga

  • In memoriam Josef Sudek

    In memoriam Josef Sudek

    Created 11 years ago

    Sicht, Stimmung, Licht, Dunkelheit - von den Arbeiten Josef Sudek inspiriert und sie fortsetzend. Josef Sudek: If someone you love dies on you, it bothers you of course. But after a while you find out that he didn't completely die. Suddenly you see he's somehow alive in something. We don't know why that is. But that's the way it is with a tree too. When it dies and sheds its leaves or needles, it becomes a statue. And it suggests something to you....Don't try and photograph things only as they…

  • Paper Archaelogy

    Paper Archaelogy

    Created 11 years ago

    Chamois, extra-white, glossy, semi-matt, filigran, silk-grain, o wonderful world of diversity.

  • rolleiflex


    Created 17 years ago

Public groups in which Antonio is a member
123 groups in total