Photographs of architecture in France, contemporary architecture, old or heritage.
This group proposes to gather photographs of architecture. Is to say of detail, of a building, of a street, of a village or a city interesting from the architectural point of view. There is no definite period. One can go from oldest to most modern but we only accept quality architectures.
concrétisation des limites entre deux mondes, traces aujourd'hui souvent anodines ( quand surgissent encore par endroit sur Terre murs et clôtures monstrueux pour séparer les Hommes ). Vos images de bornes sont ici bienvenues...
This group will be about cars built before 1960. A bit flexible about the time frame. What should not be here - newer cars (there are plenty of groups here already), modified cars etc. Vintage photo also allowed.
Une vraie photo d'une Mairie ou d'un Hôtel de Ville avec indication de la ville et du numéro de département. Le but est de comparer ces bâtiments d'une région à une autre, ou d'une ville à une autre. Ils sont tous très différents et parfois surprenants par leur superbe architecture.
Dans la mesure du possible, éviter de mettre une photo déjà prise par un autre membre, et bien sûr ne pas
poster plusieurs fois le même bâtiment.
+9999 photos people, sexy or not, flowers, animals, everything welcome
The group is rebuilding.
There were problems with some presenters who did not accept nude photos.
Original name and description edited. Previous administrator has abandoned the group and no longer takes the responsibility.
Reason: Group abandoned by the original administrator and the group used to advertise one's own web site, which no longer exists.
If you disagree, contact GroupBusters to become as an administrator and reopen.
Do you like b l u e?
Then this group is perfect for you, because it's dedicated to the blue colour!
Please post only pictures where b l u e is the dominating colour.
Thank blue.
Old images you found in a shoebox, a cigar box, somewhere in a cabinet ...
Old Family pictures, pictures taken by your grand parents etc., the older the better :-)
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Public groups in which Éric Tancoigne is an administrator8 groups in total
Photos d'Alsace... Le Rhin, les Vosges, Strasbourg, Mulhouse, Colmar, les vignes...
Architecture in France
Photographs of architecture in France, contemporary architecture, old or heritage. This group proposes to gather photographs of architecture. Is to say of detail, of a building, of a street, of a village or a city interesting from the architectural point of view. There is no definite period. One can go from oldest to most modern but we only accept quality architectures.
Down the road I go
This is a group for roads, streets, paths.
concrétisation des limites entre deux mondes, traces aujourd'hui souvent anodines ( quand surgissent encore par endroit sur Terre murs et clôtures monstrueux pour séparer les Hommes ). Vos images de bornes sont ici bienvenues...
Pre 60s Cars
This group will be about cars built before 1960. A bit flexible about the time frame. What should not be here - newer cars (there are plenty of groups here already), modified cars etc. Vintage photo also allowed.
raining cats and dogs
all about your favorite Cats and Dogs pics, so show off your hounds and kitties, and let the world know how much we love our pets
Randonnée, marche
La randonnée, en France ou ailleurs. Les MUL ( marcheurs ultra légers). Ceux qui dorment sous tarp.
Strasbourg Autrement
Une autre vision de strasbourg... insolite, drôle, noir, colorée, artistique... mais pas touristique...
Public groups in which Éric Tancoigne is a moderator1 group in total
Mairies & Hôtels de Ville
Une vraie photo d'une Mairie ou d'un Hôtel de Ville avec indication de la ville et du numéro de département. Le but est de comparer ces bâtiments d'une région à une autre, ou d'une ville à une autre. Ils sont tous très différents et parfois surprenants par leur superbe architecture. Dans la mesure du possible, éviter de mettre une photo déjà prise par un autre membre, et bien sûr ne pas poster plusieurs fois le même bâtiment.
Public groups in which Éric Tancoigne is a member79 groups in total
+9999 photos no limits, no restrictions, no conditions
+9999 photos people, sexy or not, flowers, animals, everything welcome The group is rebuilding. There were problems with some presenters who did not accept nude photos.
0P3N ★ V1SU4L_M0M3NT
Original name and description edited. Previous administrator has abandoned the group and no longer takes the responsibility. CLOSED Reason: Group abandoned by the original administrator and the group used to advertise one's own web site, which no longer exists. If you disagree, contact GroupBusters to become as an administrator and reopen.
500+ visits
See also the sister group: 10+ visits 50+ visits 100+ visits 250+ visits 750+ visits 1000+ visits 2500+ visits 5000+ visits
empty buildings, space left alone
> > > architecture > > > architektur > > > arquitectura > > >
b l u e
Do you like b l u e? Then this group is perfect for you, because it's dedicated to the blue colour! Please post only pictures where b l u e is the dominating colour. Thank blue.
Beauty of Sky, Himmel, cielo, ciel, hemel, céu, небо, cennet,
All kind of sky photos, the goal is to see all the colors may the sky have in a lot of places arround the world.
Bekannte Bauten alt und neu - Famous buildings ancient and modern
Das abbilden von Bauten, ob Hauser , Burgen , Schlösser, ,Brücken, alt und neu ( zb. Rathaus von Michelstadt, Eifelturm usw.)
Blattwerk , Baumstämme und Wurzeln
Es soll Blattwerk in jeder Form zeigen, bearbeitet oder unbearbeitet, Baumstämme, dessen Rinden, Aeste, oder Wurzelwerk.
Boîte à Chaussures - Schuhkarton - Shoebox
Old images you found in a shoebox, a cigar box, somewhere in a cabinet ... Old Family pictures, pictures taken by your grand parents etc., the older the better :-)