bertapei's groups

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Public groups in which bertapei is an administrator
3 groups in total

  • " Culture Touch - Kultur erleben "

    " Culture Touch - Kultur erleben "

    Created 9 years ago mpressions culturellement intéressantes du musée - concert - visites d'exposition; Marchés de l'artiste, etc ... Kulturell interessante Eindrücke aus Museumen - Konzerten - Ausstellungsbesuchen; Künstlermärkten; Denkmäler Industrie/Technik .. Culturally interesting impressions from the museum - concert - exhibition visits; Artist markets; monuments technology /industry ...

  • Blue Mondays

    Blue Mondays

    Created 11 years ago

    .....sometimes it pays to stay in bed on a Monday, rather than spending the rest of the week debugging Monday's code...... blue in any form should be the main color in your pics.... even the blue Milka cow is allowed... :-)... please ... no people...

  • Swan Song

    Swan Song

    Created 11 years ago

    This is a group dedicated to swans of all kinds.

Public groups in which bertapei is a member
79 groups in total

  • 'upside down'

    'upside down'

    Created 11 years ago

    Rotated Photos cells that have a surprising and / or confusing effect (perspective, sense of space, etc.). Please, no simple examples - these are immediately removed! The first photos may serve as examples. And now enjoy in 'upside down'!

  • " 100 % Aqua - Art "

    " 100 % Aqua - Art "

    Created 9 years ago Présenter cet élément d'importance vitale sous toutes ses formes ! Toutes les photos ,à partir de plusieures gouttes d'eau ,glaçons , glaciers , les mers et des oceans. Dieses Lebenswichtige Element in All seinen Formen zeigen! Alle Photos , ab mehreren Tropfen , Eiswürfeln / Gletschern ,Eisbergen bis hin zu Meeren / Ozeanen. Show this vital element in all its forms! All photos, from multiple drops, ice cubes ,glaciers , icebergs to seas / oceans. Mostrare loro quest…

  • " 100%  Cours d'eau ... Wasserlauf ... Watercourse...I corsi d'acqua ... "

    " 100% Cours d'eau ... Wasserlauf ... Watercourse...I corsi d'acqua ... "

    Created 9 years ago

    Les cours d'eau: Tous les types de ruisseaux, rivières et cascades ... Die Wasserläufe: Alle Arten von Bächen , Flüssen und Wasserfällen... The watercourses: All types of streams, rivers and waterfalls ... I corsi d'acqua: tutti i tipi di ruscelli, fiumi e cascate ...

  • " All about Kitsch "

    " All about Kitsch "

    Created 9 years ago Firlefanz, Kinkerlitzchen, Klimbim, Kram, Krempel, Krimskrams, Plunder, Ramsch, Schnickschnack, Schund, Tand, Flitter, Flitterkram, Mist, Zeug, Kitsch... Friperie, bibelots, Klimbim, Kram, désordre, désordre, ordures, ordure, bibelots, trash, bibelots, babioles, bibelots, de la merde, des trucs kitsch Frippery, trinkets, Klimbim, Kram, clutter, clutter, trash, junk, knick-knacks, trash, trinkets, baubles, trinkets, crap, stuff Kitsch Fronzoli, bigiotteria…

  • " Amazing Nature - Einmalige Natur - La nature unique - La natura unica "

    " Amazing Nature - Einmalige Natur - La nature unique - La natura unica "

    Created 9 years ago Das Besondere aus der Natur ; Von Makro bis zur Landschaftsfotografie ! The special feature of nature; From macro to landscape photography! La particularité de la nature; Depuis la photographie macro au paysage! La particolarità della natura; Dal macro per fotografia di paesaggio!

  • " Ambiance et lumière - Stimmung und Licht - Atmosphere and light -  Ambiente e la luce"

    " Ambiance et lumière - Stimmung und Licht - Atmosphere and light - Ambiente e la luce"

    Created 9 years ago Faire découvrir l'ambiance crée par la lumière , naturelle , artificielle , brouillard , etc...

  • " ART - comme architecture ! Art - like architecture !  Art - come l'architettura! " Art  -  wie Architektur !

  • " Biz - ART "

    " Biz - ART "

    Created 9 years ago Ausschliesslich nur diese Art von Fotografie : Ausgefallen, absonderlich, eigenwillig, verzerrt, wunderlich, grotesk ,kurios , übertrieben sind ! Jede Menge an Spaß ! Exclusivement ce type de photographie: Insolite, étrange, idiosyncrasique, déformée, fantaisistes, grotesque, étrange, exagéré! Beaucoup de plaisir! Exclusively this type of Photography: Unusual, strange, idiosyncratic, distorted, whimsical, grotesque, strange, exaggerated! Lots of fun! Esclusivament…

  • "100 % Relax" Relaxing moments...

    "100 % Relax" Relaxing moments...

    Created 9 years ago

    Show moments of relaxation (with people or animals only).

  • ...La terre est ronde...Die Erde ist rund...The earth is round...La terra è rotonda...

    ...La terre est ronde...Die Erde ist rund...The earth is round...La terra è rotonda...

    Created 9 years ago Toute image qui montre des cercles , courbes , lignes courbées... Alle Bilder , die Kreise , Kurven , oder gebogene Linien zeigen... All images, with circles, curves or curved lines ... Tutte le immagini, con cerchi, curve o linee curve ...

  • .cO) clouds

    .cO) clouds

    Created 11 years ago

    In meteorology, a cloud is a visible mass of liquid droplets or frozen crystals made of water or various chemicals suspended in the atmosphere above the surface of a planetary body. These suspended particles are also known as aerosols and are studied in the cloud physics branch of meteorology. Terrestrial cloud formation is the result of air in Earth's atmosphere becoming saturated due to either or both of two processes; cooling of the air and adding water vapor. With sufficient saturation, pre…

  • 10-Week Picture Projects: Taking A Time-Out :)

    10-Week Picture Projects: Taking A Time-Out :)

    Created 10 years ago

    This group features photography projects which are once-a-week submissions that follow a specific weekly theme. Previous project was Textures, and we are currently having a break in our projects. A new project will be announced in 2016, see you then! :) Diese Gruppe beinhaltet Photografie-Projekte, die jede Woche ein eigenes Thema haben. Das letzte Projekt hieß: Gegensätze. Das neue Projekt hat "Texturen/Oberflächen" zum Thema und startet am 14. September. Das erste Thema wird "weich" sein. Jed…

  • 100 Percent Perfect

    100 Percent Perfect

    Created 10 years ago

    NO photos of food | NO garden flowers | NO cats, dogs & other pets | QUALITY PHOTOS WELCOME!

  • A Coffee and Tea Time

    A Coffee and Tea Time

    Created 9 years ago Alles über die Pause zwischendurch... Kaffee , Tee , sowie die passenden Beilagen... Zucker , Gebäck , Snacks und Süsses ! À propos des pauses ... Café, thé, et des plats correspondants secondaires ... Sucre, des biscuits, les petits pains , baguettes , les en-cas et des friandises! All about the breaks ... Coffee, tea, well as the suitable side dishes ... Sugar, bisc…

  • Abstract architecture

    Abstract architecture

    Created 11 years ago

    In abstract architecture, the focus is on shapes, surfaces, lines and patterns. Abstract in meaning: reduced to shapes, surfaces, lines, patterns. The appeal of the photographs should lie in the beauty of simplicity, they should have no message, meaning or recognisability (of famous buildings). A section of a building, from the outside or inside, the size of the section does not matter. A spiral staircase is usually recognisable as a staircase, the image-defining motif should be the shape, the l…

  • Abstract Nature

    Abstract Nature

    Created 11 years ago

    Abstract phenomena in nature seen and originally presented by the photographer. Please restrain from digitally over-processed and manipulated images. Thank you. Enjoy the group.

  • Antarctica and the sub-Antarctic

    Antarctica and the sub-Antarctic

    Created 11 years ago

    For any photos relating to Antarctica and the sub-Antarctic islands and region.