Puzzler4879's groups

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Public groups in which Puzzler4879 is a member
276 groups in total

  • Mind, Body & Soul

    Mind, Body & Soul

    Created 11 years ago

    Relaxation based photography, anything tranquil be it a location or simply in the subject of the image itself.

  • Minimalist - real subjects

    Minimalist - real subjects

    Created 11 years ago

    All too often I see so called minimalist photos where, for example, the whole photo is perhaps a colour block with a contrasting mark on it. The photo may be minimalist but it fails to show a real subject. This group is for "real life" minimalist design and subjects. I hope that I am making this clear enough.

  • Mágicos momentos★ Magic Moments;-))

    Mágicos momentos★ Magic Moments;-))

    Created 13 years ago

    Bienvenidos al nuevo grupo de ipernity. Momentos mágicos de nuestro día. Saludos "La vida es una pura llama y vivimos cerca de un sol invisible en nuestro interior" A.de Saint Exupery Tous avons un moment dans le notre jour par jour que nous ne voudrions jamais oublier, tant dans notre esprit ou immortalisés dans nos photographies. Et de cela ce groupe se fréquente(se soigne), ne jamais oublier, ces moments magiques de notre vie : Des paysages inoubliables, papillons, macros, une aube et un…

  • National and other holidays around the world.

    National and other holidays around the world.

    Created 10 years ago

    National, religious and other holidays, festivals around the world. All arts and media accepted (pictures, videos, music, poems and prose) which expresses your thoughts and feelings about the celebration. This is a family friendly group. Enjoy and have a happy holiday! Optional text only comment code: Admired in the group National and other holidays in the World



    Created 14 years ago

    Photos of nature: plants, flowers, fruits, vegetables, trees, sea, rivers, forest, gardens, parks, mountains, animals, wildlife,etc... NOT MAN MADE THINGS, such as buildings, cars, roads, etc, or art work. Pictures that don't fit the purpose of the group will be removed without warning! The group does not condone trawling for comments and does not advertise other sites or groups. The use graphics / links / references to other sites in comments is prohibited by Ipernity (See Ipernity group gui…



    Created 12 years ago

    Pictures of Nature: Landscapes with sea, beach, rivers, trees, animals, people, plants, flowers...NOT MAN MADE THINGS, such as buildings, cars, roads, etc... Pictures that don't fit the purpose of the group will be removed without warning! As I'm not still 100% recovered from my last surgery, appreciate if you keep an eye in the group and let me know if you see something wrong! Thank you!!! Photos de Nature: Paysages avec la mer, la plage, les rivières, les arbres, les animaux, les gens, le…

  • Nature and Biodiversity

    Nature and Biodiversity

    Created 13 years ago

    Is humanity ready for transformation? consciousness as radical and deep as that which would allow him to open up to the splendor of the world, like a bud that explodes in spring to make the light of the flower appear, premise of the fulfillment of the fruit?

  • Nature Lovers

    Nature Lovers

    Created 16 years ago

    Any quality photo of anything nature. Landscapes, flowers, animals in the wild, sunrises and sunsets, waterscapes... if it has to do with nature, here's your group!



    Created 11 years ago

    NATURE ❤ SANCTUARY group celebrates: nature , flora and fauna , environment and ecology . Please post your best NATURE photos, videos and audios. NO pics with -buildings, -people, or -pets indoors! Our motto: Love'n'cherish Earth, Save the World!

  • Nature's miracles

    Nature's miracles

    Created 12 years ago

    Not just an item, but a photo that shows an extraordinary detail of nature. NO AI images. You can use this code for your comments: <a href=" www.ipernity.com/group/nature039smiracles "> Nature's miracles

  • Natures Kingdom

    Natures Kingdom

    Created 11 years ago

    Any image with a focus on Nature...no children, people only in the background or as minor elements of the composition... NO SNAPSHOTS..

  • New Flickr Survivors

    New Flickr Survivors

    Created 11 years ago

    A group for all the Flickr Members who left for Ipernity and of course the other also This is a general Group, but PLEASE NO NUDITY Banner by YaensArt from DeviantArt Stocks : Autumncheshire, Hyenacub-Stock, SolStock & LittleWhiteWitch, all from DA

  • New York

    New York

    Created 17 years ago

    It's all about the Big Apple ...

  • North American Travel

    North American Travel

    Created 11 years ago

    This group is for pictures of places located in North America (United States and Canada)

  • Nos amis les arbres , arbustes

    Nos amis les arbres , arbustes

    Created 6 years ago

    s de photos de fleurs dans ce groupe ! les arbres fruitiers sont acceptés ainsi que les arbres en fleurs ( mais pas de macros de fleurs ) .uniquement arbres et forêts. Merci et bienvenue dans le groupe à tous ! Keine Blumenfotos in dieser Gruppe! Obstbäume werden ebenso akzeptiert wie blühende Bäume (aber keine Blumenmakros) .nur Bäume und Wälder. Danke und willkommen in der Gruppe! no flower photos in this group! fruit trees are accepted as well as flowering trees (but no flower macros) .onl…

  • nos amis à plumes......

    nos amis à plumes......

    Created 14 years ago

    les canards les goelands et autres amis à plumes!

  • Obiettivo & Fotocamera

  • Old Pros (Photos Without People)

    Old Pros (Photos Without People)

    Created 11 years ago

    A place for old flickr pros and new friends to post their photos and have fun.

  • Only butterflies

    Only butterflies

    Created 11 years ago

    Pünktlich mit den ersten wärmenden Frühlings-Sonnenstrahlen sind sie unterwegs: Schmetterlinge (Lepidoptera) in verschiedenen Farben, Formen und Größen. Sie heißen Admiral, Tagpfauenauge, Kleiner Fuchs, Zitronen- oder Distelfalter. Schmetterlinge gehören biologisch betrachtet zu den Insekten und sind nach den Käfern die zweitreichste Insekten-Ordnung. Zeigt uns Schmetterlinge in allen Farben und Formen.

  • Only photos of nature

    Only photos of nature

    Created 14 years ago

    Nature, fauna and flora: flowers, butterflies, insects, birds, animals, trees, pebbles, owls, etc.