Pictures of all members of the corvidae family of birds - crows, ravens, rooks, jackdaws, jays, magpies, treepies, choughs and nutcrackers.
If you have a picture of a similar sort of bird (e.g. tropical "magpies"), you may post it, preferably with a description or latin name for the curious and to avoid any confusion :)
Living birds only, please - thanks
This group is for pictures of animals in their natural environment.
No buildings or people.
No black and white.
No dead, dying or stuffed animals.
No pets.
The animals must be in their natural surroundings. The only exception to the rule is if an animal is perched on something, such as a bird feeder.
Keep it clean - this is a family group
Power lines and cables in the air can be a challenge to that great landscape photograph. Instead of cursing them, let us embrace them. Here you may contribute your creative work at making power lines and other cables artistic and interesting.
I inherited this site as administrator. Originally it was called Alberta Power lines. Power lines and cables from anywhere in the world are welcome.
Have a picture of a bird, or a flock of them? Post them here and share with other bird photographers. Just make sure they're pictures of living birds. Those that are dead, plucked and stuffed need to find another group. ;o)
The only ambition of this "Birds of my world" Group is to want to modestly participate in raising awareness among a larger number of people about the protection of birds, so that one day, future generations cannot blame us for having destroyed their environment. The land and animals do not belong to us. Learning to respect the earth and animals is learning to respect man.
This group is dedicated to buildings, old,or new. The building should take up most of the photo, i.e. no special architectural details ( Religious buildings do not belong in this group. They have their own group :
( . However, if this type of building appears in a group of buildings, it must not be the subject of the photo.
Merry Christmas to all!
I know that Christmas is the most important holiday of the year, and the time when all of you feel heavenly, so let's share pictures that express our emotions in that period of time.
NO computer generated images!
NO illustrations!
NO Christmas cards!
Photos of your favorite animals at the Zoo! Please name what zoo it was taken at and what country. Comments welcome but not required. Have buckets of fun at the Zoo!!
Public groups in which Anne Elliott is an administrator2 groups in total
All Corvidae - crows, ravens, magpies, jays, and other related birds
Pictures of all members of the corvidae family of birds - crows, ravens, rooks, jackdaws, jays, magpies, treepies, choughs and nutcrackers. If you have a picture of a similar sort of bird (e.g. tropical "magpies"), you may post it, preferably with a description or latin name for the curious and to avoid any confusion :) Living birds only, please - thanks
The Calgary Zoo
This is for photos taken at the Calgary Zoo. Please keep it clean and relevant to animals at the zoo.
Public groups in which Anne Elliott is a member44 groups in total
*** This group accepts only macro or close up flower photos *** Flower buds, or flowers with insects, fruits, seads are acceptable
50 plus photographers
For photographers aged 50 and over
A Single Flower
Alone, by itself , does not have to be a macro, bugs in the picture are fine as long as the pictures is about a flower alone.
Animals in the Wild
This group is for pictures of animals in their natural environment. No buildings or people. No black and white. No dead, dying or stuffed animals. No pets. The animals must be in their natural surroundings. The only exception to the rule is if an animal is perched on something, such as a bird feeder. Keep it clean - this is a family group
Artistic Cables and Power Lines
Power lines and cables in the air can be a challenge to that great landscape photograph. Instead of cursing them, let us embrace them. Here you may contribute your creative work at making power lines and other cables artistic and interesting. I inherited this site as administrator. Originally it was called Alberta Power lines. Power lines and cables from anywhere in the world are welcome.
Beautiful Landscape
Beautiful Landscape
Can't believe, that no one has found a "birds" group! So - here it is :)
Birds of a feather
Have a picture of a bird, or a flock of them? Post them here and share with other bird photographers. Just make sure they're pictures of living birds. Those that are dead, plucked and stuffed need to find another group. ;o)
Birds of my world
The only ambition of this "Birds of my world" Group is to want to modestly participate in raising awareness among a larger number of people about the protection of birds, so that one day, future generations cannot blame us for having destroyed their environment. The land and animals do not belong to us. Learning to respect the earth and animals is learning to respect man.
Photographs that blur bokeh or grant them a special beauty, poetic, "creamy" dream, immaterial. Become blur visual orgy.
Buildings - Bâtiments - Edificios - Edifici - Gebäude - Edifícios - Gebouwen - Budynki
This group is dedicated to buildings, old,or new. The building should take up most of the photo, i.e. no special architectural details ( Religious buildings do not belong in this group. They have their own group : ( . However, if this type of building appears in a group of buildings, it must not be the subject of the photo.
Christmas Time / Noel / Weihnachten
Merry Christmas to all! I know that Christmas is the most important holiday of the year, and the time when all of you feel heavenly, so let's share pictures that express our emotions in that period of time. NO computer generated images! NO illustrations! NO Christmas cards!
Colour my world
Any photo in which the colour is the big eyecatcher.
Doors and Windows
Group for sharing pictures about doors and windows.
Flowers Of The World
flowers of the world href=" ">
Photos of mushrooms and fungi, or what I like to refer to as "stuff that grows on trees". :)
Horses / Chevaux / Caballos / Pferd
I Belong in A Zoo
Photos of your favorite animals at the Zoo! Please name what zoo it was taken at and what country. Comments welcome but not required. Have buckets of fun at the Zoo!!