Stan Askew's groups

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Public groups in which Stan Askew is a member
165 groups in total

  • Classic Cars From Around The World

    Classic Cars From Around The World

    Created 11 years ago

    Any classic car or truck from around the world...pre 1980:)

  • Transport World

    Transport World

    Created 11 years ago

    The group for all transport photos. Car, motorcycle, truck, plane, bicycle, boat, train, pretty much anything you like, as long as there is some form of transport in the image. ( and the form of transport depicted is prominent in the image and the complete vehicle rather than extreme close ups of only parts of the vehicle ) Also please only pictures of the mode of transport AND NOT just pictures of transport infrastructure ) ALSO please no glamour shots where the mode of transport is s…

  • ART - Absolute TOP of  photography@ipernity - ARCHIVED

    ART - Absolute TOP of photography@ipernity - ARCHIVED

    Created 9 years ago Le haut de gamme de la photographie ! Only the finest photography ! Nur die allerfeinste Photographie ! Solo i migliori fotografia!

  • " ART - 1A - Macro und Nahaufnahmen "

    " ART - 1A - Macro und Nahaufnahmen "

    Created 9 years ago Découvrir toute la diversité de la photographie Macro . Die gesamte Vielfalt der Makroaufnahmen entdecken. Explore the whole range of macro shooting. Esplora l'intera gamma di riprese macro.

  • "  Art - N.B. / Monochrom "

    " Art - N.B. / Monochrom "

    Created 9 years ago Photos en N/B tout sujets! S / W Fotos aller Art ! B / W photos of all kinds !B / W foto di tutti i tipi! Pas d' images pornographiques! Merci ...Keine pornographische Darstellungen ! Danke ... No pornographic images! Thanks ...Non ci sono immagini pornografiche! Grazie ...

  • " ART - comme architecture ! Art - like architecture !  Art - come l'architettura! " Art  -  wie Architektur !

  • Créativité


    Created 10 years ago

    All photos, even artistically edited ones, that have been taken from a photo : Modern art, whether abstract, contemporary, impressionist or other.

  • Creativities : of Arts, Crafts & Photo's

    Creativities : of Arts, Crafts & Photo's

    Created 11 years ago

    We allow any kind of art, crafts, photo-manipulations, doll photos,doll making, good photo scenes/subjects, and historical images in an inclusive mix of creativities. Keep it tasteful, creative, and no porn. Anyone who wants to describe how you create your stuff GO ahead, inform us all please. Group Administration will be within Ipernity's current publically available rules on no spam-links or other types of Group back-links on poster's comments that may irritate them. Creativities Group Rule…

  • Mail Art

    Mail Art

    Created 11 years ago

    Absolutely any medium is welcome. If you've made something to be mailed "as is", this the place to show it off. You do not have to be a "serious artist" or even a serious person. Please feel free to start discussions on any topic. Posting of techniques and tutorials is encouraged.

  • polaroid


    Created 17 years ago

    polaroid pictures

  • ZEN 禅 ART

    ZEN 禅 ART

    Created 11 years ago

    ZEN 禅 ART showcases: calligraphy, symmetry, geometrics, aesthetics, ambiance, minimalism, serenity, meditative, colour and B&W . . . etc. . . . images which celebrate incredible world around us, simplicity in the midst, our inmost spirituality.

  • Perching Birds

    Perching Birds

    Created 10 years ago

    This is a group for pictures of birds perching on a structure, such as a fence, tree or bird feeder. No black and white. Live birds - wild or domestic. No stuffed animals.



    Created 10 years ago

    From a combination of two to the full palette

  • Les yeux, miroirs de l'âme

    Les yeux, miroirs de l'âme

    Created 10 years ago

    Des yeux, des regards, au travers de photos ( macros, plans serrés ) ou de créations digitales.

  • Assemblage


    Created 11 years ago

    Three- dimensional artistic compositions, putting together found objects. Static or with movement. "The important thing to know about assemblage is that it is "supposed" to be three-dimensional and different from collage, which is "supposed" to be two-dimensional (though both are similarly eclectic in nature and composition). But! There's a really fine, nearly invisible line between between a bulky, multi-layered collage and an assemblage done in extremely shallow relief. In this large, grey ar…

  • For the Love of TOYS

    For the Love of TOYS

    Created 11 years ago

    TOYS TOYS TOYS Missing my fav toy-groups "Secret life of toys", "Toys Toys Toys" and "Toysaholic Anonymous" already ... so here you go ^^ Feel free to post your photos of your beloved toys here - dolls, plushes, vinyl - collectibles ... all TOYS welcome ^^

  • The Artists Group

    The Artists Group

    Created 11 years ago

    The Artist's Group is a supportive community for artists of all types, from beginners to professionals, to share their creations and encourage one another. Artist refugees from Flickr can reunite here and discover new artistic souls. Please keep this group PG-- no nudity or foul language.



    Created 14 years ago

    PLEASE, READ OUR RULES : This is a group for artist and THEIR works... so, please, post images which are created by YOURSELF, not images of artworks of somebody els. no racism, no violence, no porn, no copyright infringement, please! ! thanks a lot, have fun ! ;-) NIcht akzeptiert werden: pornographische Darstellung, Gewalt, rassistische Äußerungen sowie Abbildungen von Skulpturen. Wir bitten, dieses zu berücksichtigen! ENGLISH: This group was created for exceptional images of art. We…

  • Kollage Kids

    Kollage Kids

    Created 11 years ago

    Collage made the old fashioned way -with scissors and glue. No photoshop or digital manipulation.

  • collages sans frontière

    collages sans frontière

    Created 11 years ago

    dédié aux plasticiens qui assemblent, recyclent, jouent, montent et démontent avec : ciseaux, cutter et colle...