William Sutherland's groups

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Public groups in which William Sutherland is a member
414 groups in total

  • Green, emerald and turquoise...in memoriam to Vilmar Vidor ♫

    Green, emerald and turquoise...in memoriam to Vilmar Vidor ♫

    Created 15 years ago

    All photos with these colours in MAJORITY ! NO BLUE or others please ! No nude or porn pictures too ! All inappropriate photos will be deleted ! Revised photos accepted♫

  • Whatever the Weather

    Whatever the Weather

    Created 10 years ago

    Pictures depicting weather events, such as rain, snow, storm clouds etc. This is not a group for sunrise/sunset, nor is it a group for seasons. No black and white photos No people in the picture - this is for weather events only

  • National Geographic

    National Geographic

    Created 17 years ago

    We strive to emulate the photographic quality of National Geographic magazine —combined with informational/educational content. Please do read the rules in the "New admin, new group rules" discussion topic.

  • Birds of my world

    Birds of my world

    Created 13 years ago

    The only ambition of this "Birds of my world" Group is to want to modestly participate in raising awareness among a larger number of people about the protection of birds, so that one day, future generations cannot blame us for having destroyed their environment. The land and animals do not belong to us. Learning to respect the earth and animals is learning to respect man.

  • Photo and Poetry

    Photo and Poetry

    Created 16 years ago

    photo poetry poesy verse rhyme music Only photos related to a poem. Please try to specify the author.

  • Urban Decay et Décrépitudes Urbaines

    Urban Decay et Décrépitudes Urbaines

    Created 11 years ago

    All kinds of urban sites and building which have seen better days. Toutes sortes de vues urbaines et immeubles qui ont connus de meilleurs jours.

  • Contemporary Abstracts

    Contemporary Abstracts

    Created 17 years ago

    Abstract photography is understood to mean that it does not depict objects in the natural world, but instead uses color and form nonrepresentational. Obviously do we need objects but let us see them abstract.

  • Strong Colors

    Strong Colors

    Created 17 years ago

    Each color and shade has an individual effect and is strong seen this way. Consequently, all colors are welcome : bold colors, monochromatic images, psychedelic color combinations, abstract or natural colors...

  • La nature

    La nature

    Created 14 years ago

    Vous pouvez déposer dans ce groupe toutes vos photos ayant un rapport avec la Nature. Les photos de personnes ne sont pas acceptées ici. Vous pouvez déposer au maximum trois photos par jour. Type de médias accepté : photos.

  • Pictures for Pam

    Pictures for Pam

    Created 6 years ago

    Our dear friend, Pam Johnson, is on the path to recovery from illness. This is a special place to add our warm thoughts and well-wishes in the form of pictures in the hopes that Pam will get some enjoyment and strength from them. WE LOVE YOU PAM!!

  • l'insolite


    Created 16 years ago

    Les photos qui vous semblent sortir de l'ordinaire !

  • Winter (in temperate climate zones)

    Winter (in temperate climate zones)

    Created 17 years ago

    Winter presents itself in very different ways in the different climate zones of the world. Here we would like to show winter pictures from the temperate climate zones . Nature is at rest there. Landscapes are often covered in hoar frost or snow, bodies of water in ice. No festive greetings please! For winter pictures from warmer regions, see: ► Winter (in subtropischen Klimazonen)

  • Silence


    Created 16 years ago

    Images that make us fall silent.

  • Landscape - Landschaft - Paysage

    Landscape - Landschaft - Paysage

    Created 17 years ago

    Please remember this is a Landscape group, Please avoid close up's or photos, where there is a main subject, like a tree, a waterfall, birds, the sea, but no "landscape" at all. Please only photos, no videos! Have fun! And please tell us the location! If possible, images that fail to follow these rules will NOT be accepted.

  • " ART of Graffiti "

    " ART of Graffiti "

    Created 9 years ago

    art-graffiti.group.ipernity.com Graffiti, italienisch Singular Graffito, steht als Sammelbegriff für thematisch und gestalterisch unterschiedliche sichtbare Elemente, zum Beispiel Bilder, Schriftzüge oder Zeichen, die mit verschiedenen Techniken auf Oberflächen oder durch deren Veränderung im privaten und öffentlichen Raum erstellt wurden. Un graffiti est une inscription ou une peinture réalisée sur des murs, des monuments ou des objets situés sur l'espace public Wikipédia . Graffiti are wr…

  • In memoria

    In memoria

    Created 2 years ago

    HERE WE REMEMBER AND HONOR OUR CLUB MEMBERS WHO HAVE PASSED ON. Please feel free to add your thoughts, memories and comments on these photo pages. [Note: Discussions take place under the individual photos. If one has information about a member not mentioned here who has passed on, please contact the team directly through the Help & Contact link found at the bottom of every ipernity page.]

  • ◉*Vigilant Photographers Unite*

    ◉*Vigilant Photographers Unite*

    Created 11 years ago

    The main function of this group is to make ALL MEMBERS aware of copyright infringements, as this affects us all. It is not right that you, as an Artist/Photographer, who has dedicated time, money and effort, should have your work stolen, abused and violated for someone else's monetary gain. We can do something if ARTISTS UNITE against trolls.

  • Breaking Rules- unusual/Photos/ Works

    Breaking Rules- unusual/Photos/ Works

    Created 9 years ago

    Welcome: This is a group for photos or graphic or abstract creations. No animals or other... Thank you ! I am the creator of this group !

  • Ombres & reflets / Shades & reflections

    Ombres & reflets / Shades & reflections

    Created 14 years ago

    A place where shades and reflections rule!

  • Street art/Art Hurbain

    Street art/Art Hurbain

    Created 10 years ago

    All forms of art performed on the street. These anonymous and courageous artists who express themselves and decorate our cities make me admire. Disseminating their works through photography is a way of paying tribute to them.