William Sutherland's groups

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Public groups in which William Sutherland is a member
414 groups in total

  • New Symbolism

    New Symbolism

    Created 11 years ago

    At the edge of major change in culture and consciousness, the artist senses things, sees patterns, feels connected to, images without names or categories. They aren't particularly useful or popular, although they might strike a strong common chord in many people. They may be attractive or not, they may allude to other times, other seasons, but their main attraction is that they seem to be pulling us together into a future without a marquee. This virtual beach where the coastline of the familiar…

  • Pictorials


    Created 11 years ago

    Pictorial is an article primarily featuring many photographs, or simply a collection of photographs. Also Having or suggesting the visual appeal or imagery of a picture: Please read these rules, we are still getting images submitted for approval that do not comply This is a family group, so please, no porn, no nudity, no swearing/bad language, no offensive images, no images of dead animals, no political images/statements of any sort, however, this does not include photos depict…

  • ART - Absolute TOP of  photography@ipernity - ARCHIVED

    ART - Absolute TOP of photography@ipernity - ARCHIVED

    Created 9 years ago

    absolute-top.group.ipernity.com Le haut de gamme de la photographie ! Only the finest photography ! Nur die allerfeinste Photographie ! Solo i migliori fotografia!

  • Art Photo -phantasy  // L' Art de Foto-Fantaisie  // Art Photo -Fantasie

    Art Photo -phantasy // L' Art de Foto-Fantaisie // Art Photo -Fantasie

    Created 9 years ago

    art-of-photo-sy.group.ipernity.com Lassen Sie Ihrer Phantasie freien Lauf! Mehrere Elemente in einem Bild zusammen fügen... Laissez libre cours à votre imagination! Plusieurs éléments dans une seule image collé ensemble ... Let your imagination run wild! Several elements in a paste together image ... Lasciate che la vostra fantasia! Diversi elementi in un'immagine pasta insieme ...

  • "Z********************


    Created 8 years ago

    Tout sujet artistique à mettre en valeur avec la touche Z****** Pas d'images tendancieuses. Merci ! bienvenue à vous******

  • PiP ★ Picture in Picture

    PiP ★ Picture in Picture

    Created 16 years ago

    All kind of photos except of the following: Erotic, fetish, violence or other adult oriented content. Add a note to your picture to provide a magnified detail of your original image. This could be another shot, showing a closer view or another point of view as well. SORRY, with the new Ipernity rules it only works for Club-Members! Prepare two (or more) versions of your image: The complete view and a magnified detail. This detail should be up to a wide of 560 pixels. Upload both pictures…

  • flowers my passion

    flowers my passion

    Created 13 years ago

    About "flowers my passion" Welcome! File that has to offer us the best nature that this group aspires to Flowers, plants, trees, landscapes, Garden beautiful and unusual flowers

  • The Joy of Wide Angle (ANALOGUE)

    The Joy of Wide Angle (ANALOGUE)

    Created 11 years ago

    To celebrate, enjoy and have fun with wide-angles and their special way of "seeing" the world. Each focal length lens in the wide angle arena can provide such special perspectives and interesting ways in which one (as a photographer) can relate to her/his sorroundings, people, architecture, nature and sculpture among many other subjects in an intimate, close and dynamic way.Please no digital.Keep it free of porn and enjoy the perspective! Anything goes, from 35mm to 8x10 formats, whatever is con…

  • Selective color

    Selective color

    Created 17 years ago

    This group is for sharing photos that have been manipulated (or not) to emphasize color in part of the image: objects, shapes, contours . Black and white photos that have been selectively colorized are also welcomed here. Attention! Don't post monochrome / monotone pictures, there are other groups for those kind of pictures.

  • Master and Muse

    Master and Muse

    Created 11 years ago

    Kathleen's & Paul's Favorites Admin-invited images only. For Comment Copy:. Seen in <a href=" www.ipernity.com/group/master.and.muse " target="" rel="nofollow"> Master and Muse . . Looks like this: Seen in Master and Muse

  • PRESKAŬ NIGRA kiel nokto...Casi negro como la noche..

    PRESKAŬ NIGRA kiel nokto...Casi negro como la noche..

    Created 12 years ago

    Belaĵoj preskaŭ nigraj eniras en tiu ĉi grupo, sed gravas diri ke ne eniras blankajn kaj nigrajn kombinoj, sed ĉiuj oskuraj koloroj...preskaŭ nigra en ĉiuj nuancoj... Cosas bellas casi negras entran en èste grupo, pero es importante decir que no entran las combinaciones en blancos y negros, pero todos los colores obscuros..casi negro en todos los colores...

  • Bottle / can / tube / canister

    Bottle / can / tube / canister

    Created 8 years ago

    Verbeulte Dosen oder Kanister aus Blech, oder Flaschen aus Plastik oder Glas... plattgefahren, weggeworfen, dekadent, zerstört, demoliert ... Cans made of sheet metal, or plastic, or glas bottles from dented, decadently, thrown away, flat driven, demolished . . .

  • urban contrast

    urban contrast

    Created 11 years ago

    All contrast we can find in towns: modern/ancient; glass/stone; luxurious/destryed; floodlit/dark...

  • planet earth

    planet earth

    Created 11 years ago

    il rispetto verso il pianeta che ci accoglie è primario ... e lui contraccambia offrendoci scenari di naturale bellezza. Postate le vostre foto, magari aggiungendo la descrizione del posto fotografato, la località ... così da fare partecipi tutti allo scatto. respect for the planet that greets us is primary ... and he reciprocates by offering scenarios of natural beauty. Post your photos, perhaps adding to the description of the place photographed, the location ... so everyone to share it clic…

  • Birds


    Created 17 years ago

    Can't believe, that no one has found a "birds" group! So - here it is :)

  • Nature and Biodiversity

    Nature and Biodiversity

    Created 13 years ago

    Is humanity ready for transformation? consciousness as radical and deep as that which would allow him to open up to the splendor of the world, like a bud that explodes in spring to make the light of the flower appear, premise of the fulfillment of the fruit?

  • nos amis à plumes......

    nos amis à plumes......

    Created 14 years ago

    les canards les goelands et autres amis à plumes!

  • water,magical in all picture

    water,magical in all picture

    Created 10 years ago

    L'eau qui rend toute photo encore plus belle, dans la nature ou les paysages urbains

  • Experimentations


    Created 16 years ago

    Sorciers du temps d'exposition, effets de Zoom, fantômes et autres trainées de lumières, ce groupe est le vôtre! Pour tous ceux qui font de la magie à partir de scènes réelles, rendent le banal extraordinaire et font honneur à l'etymologie de la photographie "peindre avec la lumière". A group for all picture's wizards whose have fun with long exposure time, Zoom or ghostly effects. If you make everyday life looks singular and magic, then come and show us how you "paint with the light".…

  • Image Editing

    Image Editing

    Created 17 years ago

    Photos that have been manipulated or created in Photoshop or any other image editing software.