analog photography !
but for work that does not follow traditional aesthetic rules at all
Join up for some Ping Pong :) I would like to invite you to shape a discussion in images, text, sounds, all as erratic as art itself. Let's be open for all things, create space.
metaphysical esoteric mystical dream poetry in spired on nature or returning to nature perhaps or just very dream like stuff
the dreamier the better it should have that feeling in it
its all about feelings, warm involved close feelings
Yes , yes Just do it :-) and be Free ! and dream :-)
Analog work preferred
Dream Poems
where were you when I asked you to come ? me I don't remember ,
I have no Idea I…
The Black & White loves beautiful pictures and their members. Beautiful and friendly is The Black & White's watchwords.
A single objective: TBW
Visible use of 'hdr' will not be accepted. As well as software of image editings such Photoshop etc... Refused frame. Well, not always ;) but do not overdo them!.
Panoramas accepted on the admin's recognizance.
No selective color, please.
> Free admission for the Moderators and Invitations.
Or moderating validation. 3 contributions a day.
Visit TBW.…
Gruppe für analoge Fotografie - egal ob Kleinbild, Mittelformat oder Großformat - Hauptsache auf Film.
Gerne dürfen hier auch Tipps und Tricks ausgetauscht werden!
Pictures shot with a camera (or lense) made around the year you were born.
Still, the camera is only a tool. Thus, before all, the picture needs to make sense.
[Please don't forget to name the camera/lens model]
Buildings of the Gothic Revival (Neo-Gothic), a movement which started in England in the late 1740s and spread to the other countries of Britain, to Ireland and to the continent of Europe, Australia, South Africa and the Americas.
Adeiladau'r Adfywiad Gothig, mudiad a gychwynnodd yn Lloegr yn niwedd 40au'r 18fed ganrif ac a ymledodd i wledydd eraill Prydain, i Iwerddon ac i gyfandir Ewrop, i Awstralia, i Dde Affrica ac i ddau gyfandir America.
An adeiladouriezh nevezc'hotek
Ordinary everyday places and spaces that don't normally get a second glance. Simple views. Topographic photography. This group is not about people or street photography. No close-ups, no plants, no romantic sunsets, no animals, please.
For mundane objects, we recommend the Art of the Mundane group.
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Public groups in which Marc Boujong is an administrator5 groups in total
Analog Resistance
analog photography ! but for work that does not follow traditional aesthetic rules at all -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Die dominante Vertikale
Die dominante Vertikale / The dominant vertical
forced perspective
Objects in the photo may appear bigger than they are.
Ping Pong
Join up for some Ping Pong :) I would like to invite you to shape a discussion in images, text, sounds, all as erratic as art itself. Let's be open for all things, create space.
We Left Long Ago
metaphysical esoteric mystical dream poetry in spired on nature or returning to nature perhaps or just very dream like stuff the dreamier the better it should have that feeling in it its all about feelings, warm involved close feelings Yes , yes Just do it :-) and be Free ! and dream :-) Analog work preferred ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dream Poems where were you when I asked you to come ? me I don't remember , I have no Idea I…
Public groups in which Marc Boujong is a member28 groups in total
'The Black & White'
The Black & White loves beautiful pictures and their members. Beautiful and friendly is The Black & White's watchwords. A single objective: TBW Visible use of 'hdr' will not be accepted. As well as software of image editings such Photoshop etc... Refused frame. Well, not always ;) but do not overdo them!. Panoramas accepted on the admin's recognizance. No selective color, please. > Free admission for the Moderators and Invitations. Or moderating validation. 3 contributions a day. Visit TBW.…
allet druff!
Berlin slang for "it's all there".
Analoge Fotografie - photographie analogue
Gruppe für analoge Fotografie - egal ob Kleinbild, Mittelformat oder Großformat - Hauptsache auf Film. Gerne dürfen hier auch Tipps und Tricks ausgetauscht werden!
Badly Hidden
Badly hidden people, animals, and objects in every day life.
Blinds and Shutters
Blinds and shutters with visual appeal: closed, half-open, pristine, weathered, tatty, etc.
City Furniture
Street lights - rubbish bins - chewing gum dispensers - post boxes - traffic signs - traffic lights - phone boxes - - - City Furniture.
Cones and Bollards
Cones and bollards in everyday life
Construction Site Fence!
Contemporary Site Fence
Doors and Entrances
Houses, flats, shops, cinemas, theatres - doors and entrances of all kinds.
From the year I was born
Pictures shot with a camera (or lense) made around the year you were born. Still, the camera is only a tool. Thus, before all, the picture needs to make sense. [Please don't forget to name the camera/lens model]
Gothic Revival Architecture / Pensaernïaeth yr Adfywiad Gothig / Gotika Revival Arkitekturo
Buildings of the Gothic Revival (Neo-Gothic), a movement which started in England in the late 1740s and spread to the other countries of Britain, to Ireland and to the continent of Europe, Australia, South Africa and the Americas. +++++ Adeiladau'r Adfywiad Gothig, mudiad a gychwynnodd yn Lloegr yn niwedd 40au'r 18fed ganrif ac a ymledodd i wledydd eraill Prydain, i Iwerddon ac i gyfandir Ewrop, i Awstralia, i Dde Affrica ac i ddau gyfandir America. +++++ An adeiladouriezh nevezc'hotek ++++…
HC-110 Developer
Welcome to the HC-110 Developer Group! Please put your film type and dilution in the tags. E.g.: tx400 hc110b
Inspired by Lee Friedlander
Leica M (Film Only)
Post pictures shot with any Leica M film camera. Limited to five photos per day.
Mundane Banality
Ordinary everyday places and spaces that don't normally get a second glance. Simple views. Topographic photography. This group is not about people or street photography. No close-ups, no plants, no romantic sunsets, no animals, please. For mundane objects, we recommend the Art of the Mundane group.