Gina P.'s groups

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Public groups in which Gina P. is a member
8 groups in total

  • Black and White

    Black and White

    Created 17 years ago

    All about black and white photography. Black and White only (means: no color-toned monochrome!), please. Moderated. Please no fetish, violance or similar content! We do not tolerate pictures with badges between the comments. Thanks. As said: moderated and limited ;)

  • Industrial In Details

    Industrial In Details

    Created 17 years ago

    Industrial beauty is often in the detail. Macro, ferro art, rust and more... (it doesn't matter if the pics are colorful or monochrome) If you want... you also can post non-industrial-stuff... but in details please! It would be nice if you tag your pics with 'industrialdetails'.

  • Katzen - Cats - Chats - Gatos- Katoj - Katten

    Katzen - Cats - Chats - Gatos- Katoj - Katten

    Created 17 years ago

    The first cat group at Ipernity! This is a international group for cat lovers. Please feel free to post pictures of all kind of cats and all ages. From Kitten to Granny, we want them all! 5 pictures per day. Have fun! :)

  • lines and curves

    lines and curves

    Created 16 years ago

    This is for images where curves or lines form a dominant theme.

  • Maximum Minimalism

    Maximum Minimalism

    Created 17 years ago

    Minimalism to the maximum. less is more so let's see less! Choose your main motif so that it dominates the image, is striking and rich in contrast. Use your camera's zoom function to hide details around your main subject. Minimalist images don't necessarily have to be black and white. But the reduction to grayscale or b/w helps to achieve the greatest possible simplicity. Playing with light and shadow, with transitions and contrasts Play with depth of field. It gives your main motif dignity and…

  • Minimal photography

    Minimal photography

    Created 12 years ago

    Minimal photography is the art of simplicity. The concept of minimalism is applied in different forms of art, such as photography, painting and digital arts. Minimal photography depends on one simple element in the photo, and is arranged with a background to create a unique visual experience with a focus on the objects. This focus is also supported by the contrast between the color of the element and the background.

  • Monochrome Photography

    Monochrome Photography

    Created 17 years ago

    With the photos you should have thought something in terms of composition, processing, artistic, artful, etc. Always quality before quantity - the quality has to be right... We mainly encounter monochrome images in black-and-white photography. Basically, monochrome just means mono for "one" and chroma for "color". But not only images in black and its nuances are meant: the tint in a certain color is also referred to as monochrome Monochrome to any color is also accepted.

  • Time For Experiments

    Time For Experiments

    Created 17 years ago

    Taking pictures can be so different and so can the results. - abstract, beautiful, colorful, conceptual, different, industrial, macro, monochrome, natural, beautiful, strange - Different kinds of experiments are welcome... Try out your skills.