Objectif du groupe : Soumettre vos photos "coup coeur" dans le beau monde animalier. Vous pouvez soumettre uniquement les photos des autres membres Iper, (C'EST POURQUOI VOUS ËTES TOUS MODÉRATEUR) laissant aux autres membres le loisirs de sélectionner les vôtres! Le but, partager les plus belles photos d'Iper dans le monde des animaux. (animaux, oiseaux, poissons et insectes)
Target group: Submit your photos "favorite shot" (fave) in the beautiful animal world. You can submit only the photos…
Bees, flies, spiders, butterflies ladybirds, bumblebees, Beetles, Caterpillars, Dragonflies ... as closely as possible to your eye!!! Only exactly focused pictures will be accepted!
for greater sharing of photographic exchanges.
il s'agit d'accueillir tout photographe animalier débutant ou confirmé afin qu'il puisse échanger, avoir des infos, et même rencontrer les autres sur le terrain.
pour les photos :
le nombre de photos est libre (sur ses productions nouvelles ). mais au delà de 3 pages dans la base les photos seront enlevées sauf celles des rencontres de photographes animaliers, de matos ou de sujets de discussion dans le groupe.
chaque membre peut ouvrir une discussion pourvu que le thème soit animalier
All sorts of animals, whether cuddly or creepy.
Post the best shots of your pet, wildlife photos or macros of insects, spiders and other tiny critters.
This group is for pictures of animals in their natural environment.
No buildings or people.
No black and white.
No dead, dying or stuffed animals.
No pets.
The animals must be in their natural surroundings. The only exception to the rule is if an animal is perched on something, such as a bird feeder.
Keep it clean - this is a family group
Animals with apparently human qualities
If we look animals, we see the qualities which we discover, otherwise, with our people: Avarice, compassion, care....
All pictures, compositions or collages, this point are welcome.
The name of the quality should be named in the picture or the subtitle.
The only ambition of this "Birds of my world" Group is to want to modestly participate in raising awareness among a larger number of people about the protection of birds, so that one day, future generations cannot blame us for having destroyed their environment. The land and animals do not belong to us. Learning to respect the earth and animals is learning to respect man.
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Public groups in which lelouis is an administrator1 group in total
Macrophotography insects and other animals
here put your best pictures of animals and insects in a wide plan and make us stund by your picts
Public groups in which lelouis is a moderator6 groups in total
Actualités animalières
Faciliter la consultation des dernières photos des photographes animaliers d'Ipernity
Coup de coeur animalier
Objectif du groupe : Soumettre vos photos "coup coeur" dans le beau monde animalier. Vous pouvez soumettre uniquement les photos des autres membres Iper, (C'EST POURQUOI VOUS ËTES TOUS MODÉRATEUR) laissant aux autres membres le loisirs de sélectionner les vôtres! Le but, partager les plus belles photos d'Iper dans le monde des animaux. (animaux, oiseaux, poissons et insectes) Target group: Submit your photos "favorite shot" (fave) in the beautiful animal world. You can submit only the photos…
Propose to the identification by members of Ipernity pictures of animals, birds, mammals, reptiles ...
Toutes expressions artistiques de qualité: Peintures Sculptures Photographies Bijouterie et tout travail d'artistes.
Bees, flies, spiders, butterflies ladybirds, bumblebees, Beetles, Caterpillars, Dragonflies ... as closely as possible to your eye!!! Only exactly focused pictures will be accepted! MODERATORS WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE ADMINISTRATORS for greater sharing of photographic exchanges.
The whole variety of songbirds , if possible with names intended.
Public groups in which lelouis is a member62 groups in total
@ l'auberge des animaliers
il s'agit d'accueillir tout photographe animalier débutant ou confirmé afin qu'il puisse échanger, avoir des infos, et même rencontrer les autres sur le terrain. pour les photos : le nombre de photos est libre (sur ses productions nouvelles ). mais au delà de 3 pages dans la base les photos seront enlevées sauf celles des rencontres de photographes animaliers, de matos ou de sujets de discussion dans le groupe. chaque membre peut ouvrir une discussion pourvu que le thème soit animalier ..sur…
Animal Photos
All sorts of animals, whether cuddly or creepy. Post the best shots of your pet, wildlife photos or macros of insects, spiders and other tiny critters.
Animal Portraits
In this group, the faces or heads of animals shall be presented. Please do not show whole animals! (There are other groups for this.)
animals (no dogs, no cats)
doggy and kitty there are pictures already enough
Animals in the Wild
This group is for pictures of animals in their natural environment. No buildings or people. No black and white. No dead, dying or stuffed animals. No pets. The animals must be in their natural surroundings. The only exception to the rule is if an animal is perched on something, such as a bird feeder. Keep it clean - this is a family group
Animals of the world
Become a GEO Reporter and publish your pictures of animals of the world.
Animals with apparently human qualities
Animals with apparently human qualities If we look animals, we see the qualities which we discover, otherwise, with our people: Avarice, compassion, care.... All pictures, compositions or collages, this point are welcome. The name of the quality should be named in the picture or the subtitle.
Animaux Sauvages
Portraits,photos relatives aux animaux sauvages
Au fil de l'eau, With the current
When water is painter and mirror lakes edges ocean blue ... Pretty new encounters (animals, characters etc)
baby animal pictures
Rassembler les photos qui présentent les facteurs de biodiversité (faune, flore, insectes, sols, eau, milieux marins etc....)
Birds of Europe
All the birds of Europe. Only wild species
Birds of my world
The only ambition of this "Birds of my world" Group is to want to modestly participate in raising awareness among a larger number of people about the protection of birds, so that one day, future generations cannot blame us for having destroyed their environment. The land and animals do not belong to us. Learning to respect the earth and animals is learning to respect man.