Photos taken vertically or almost vertically, from below or above the object, with an interesting perspective
All scales and black and white accepted
Basic post-treatments accepted, but no artistic treatment or special effects.
No shocking photos, no picture generated by AI
"Pareidolia" refers to the phenomenon of recognising supposed faces, familiar beings or objects in things and/or patterns.
Such "found faces" are not real faces of living people, animals or figures, but supposed "faces" that our imagination allows us to recognise in objects.
It is all about deception and illusion.
Als Pareidolie wird eine Sinnestäuschung bezeichnet, bei der ein tatsächlich vorhandenes Objekt um ein nicht vorhandenes ergänzt wird. So können beispielsweise Gesichter in ein Mu…
Die Industriegeschichte als schützenswerte kulturelle Leistung...
The industrial history as worth protecting cultural performance ...
L'histoire industrielle digne d'être protégé dans sa performance culturelle ...
La storia industriale come pena proteggere manifestazione culturale ...
La carte de visite de la maison, les fenêtres et la porte ...
Tous les types de fenêtres, vitrines, portes
Anciens ou nouveaux, en couleurs ou en N / B
Die Visitenkarte des Hauses , Türen und Fenster
Schaufenster , Tore , Alt oder Neu , farbig oder S / W
Uniquement des images : Ombre & Lumière , n/b ou en couleurs !
Nur Fotos zum Thema : Licht & Schatten , S / W oder in Farbe !
Welcome to Fotografika! From around the middle of the last century,
"Fotografik" has been known for images that are based primarily on graphic
elements and design reflecting artistic photography.
The key aspect of this group should be black and white images, but colour images will not be excluded in case they match the general idea of Fotografik.
Toutes les images valorisant la culture, les traditions, l'humour, les villages et les villes de notre beau pays sont les bienvenues. Merci de préciser le lieu et le nom des sujets pour nos amis extérieurs à l'hexagone.
All the images valuing the culture, the traditions, the humor,the villages and the cities of our beautiful country are welcome. Thank you for specifying the place and the name of the subjects for our friends outer the hexagon.
Toute image qui montre des cercles , courbes , lignes courbées...
Alle Bilder , die Kreise , Kurven , oder gebogene Linien zeigen...
All images, with circles, curves or curved lines ...
Tutte le immagini, con cerchi, curve o linee curve ...
Pictures with 25 ⭐ or more
See also the sister groups:
5+ Favourites
10+ Favourites
15+ Favourites
20+ Favourites
30+ Favourites
40+ Favourites
50+ Favourites
75+ Favourites
100+ Favourites
A collection of all the images of autumn. If you feel like autumn with a picture of yours, this is the right place.
Further groups:
4 Seasons - Spring
4 Seasons - Summer
4 Seasons - Winter
A collection of all the images of spring. If you feel like spring with a picture of yours, this is the right place.
Further groups:
4 Seasons - Summer
4 Seasons - Fall
4 Seasons - Winter
the winners of pic #1 - "a smell of spring"
Varin for "Incredibly Nice"
iljuschin for "Angies Relaxing"
shilluette for "Frühlingsbotin"
Esther Demaría for "Come Up"
Help & Contact|Club news|About ipernity|History|ipernity Club & Prices|Guide of good conduct Donate|Group guidelines|Privacy policy|Terms of use|Statutes|In memoria
Public groups in which E. Adam G. is an administrator3 groups in total
human shadows
i am fascinated about the intimate connection betweet humans and their shadows and also about their bizzare (sometimes) appearance and tranformations
Red Bull verleiht keine Flügel. Und dennoch fliegen die Dosen - tausendfach.
Public groups in which E. Adam G. is a moderator1 group in total
Landscape Dream
Public groups in which E. Adam G. is a member149 groups in total
# Diving, counter diving
Photos taken vertically or almost vertically, from below or above the object, with an interesting perspective All scales and black and white accepted Basic post-treatments accepted, but no artistic treatment or special effects. No shocking photos, no picture generated by AI
"Pareidolia" refers to the phenomenon of recognising supposed faces, familiar beings or objects in things and/or patterns. Such "found faces" are not real faces of living people, animals or figures, but supposed "faces" that our imagination allows us to recognise in objects. It is all about deception and illusion. Als Pareidolie wird eine Sinnestäuschung bezeichnet, bei der ein tatsächlich vorhandenes Objekt um ein nicht vorhandenes ergänzt wird. So können beispielsweise Gesichter in ein Mu…
" 1 A Industriedenkmäler / 1A industrial monuments" " Die Industriegeschichte als schützenswerte kulturelle Leistung... The industrial history as worth protecting cultural performance ... L'histoire industrielle digne d'être protégé dans sa performance culturelle ... La storia industriale come pena proteggere manifestazione culturale ...
" 1:1 Fenêtres , vitrines & portes - Fenster & Türen " La carte de visite de la maison, les fenêtres et la porte ... Tous les types de fenêtres, vitrines, portes Anciens ou nouveaux, en couleurs ou en N / B Die Visitenkarte des Hauses , Türen und Fenster Schaufenster , Tore , Alt oder Neu , farbig oder S / W
" A - 1 Les chiffres et les lettres - " A - 1 Zahlen und Buchstaben - A - 1 numbers and letters "
Des chiffres et des lettres. Numbers and letters. Numeri e lettere. Cifras y letras. Números e letras. Zahlen und Buchstaben. Cijfers en letters.
" A Yin & Yang group - Light & Shadow - Licht & Schatten - Lumière & Ombre " Uniquement des images : Ombre & Lumière , n/b ou en couleurs ! Nur Fotos zum Thema : Licht & Schatten , S / W oder in Farbe !
* Fotografika *
Welcome to Fotografika! From around the middle of the last century, "Fotografik" has been known for images that are based primarily on graphic elements and design reflecting artistic photography. The key aspect of this group should be black and white images, but colour images will not be excluded in case they match the general idea of Fotografik.
Toutes les images valorisant la culture, les traditions, l'humour, les villages et les villes de notre beau pays sont les bienvenues. Merci de préciser le lieu et le nom des sujets pour nos amis extérieurs à l'hexagone. All the images valuing the culture, the traditions, the humor,the villages and the cities of our beautiful country are welcome. Thank you for specifying the place and the name of the subjects for our friends outer the hexagon.
...Black & White Every Day...
Nur schwarz/weiß Fotos Only black/white photos Uniquement les photos noir/blanc
...La terre est ronde...Die Erde ist rund...The earth is round...La terra è rotonda... Toute image qui montre des cercles , courbes , lignes courbées... Alle Bilder , die Kreise , Kurven , oder gebogene Linien zeigen... All images, with circles, curves or curved lines ... Tutte le immagini, con cerchi, curve o linee curve ...
100+ visits
See also the sister group: 10+ visits 50+ visits 250+ visits 500+ visits 750+ visits 1000+ visits 2500+ visits 5000+ visits
100+ Visits groupe
100 up to 9999999999999999 visits
25+ Favourites
Pictures with 25 ⭐ or more See also the sister groups: 5+ Favourites 10+ Favourites 15+ Favourites 20+ Favourites 30+ Favourites 40+ Favourites 50+ Favourites 75+ Favourites 100+ Favourites
4 / Quatre / Four / Vier / Quattro / Cuatro / τέσσερις
4 / Quatre / Four / Vier / Quattro / Cuatro / τέσσερις
4 Seasons - Fall
A collection of all the images of autumn. If you feel like autumn with a picture of yours, this is the right place. Further groups: 4 Seasons - Spring 4 Seasons - Summer 4 Seasons - Winter
4 Seasons - Spring
A collection of all the images of spring. If you feel like spring with a picture of yours, this is the right place. Further groups: 4 Seasons - Summer 4 Seasons - Fall 4 Seasons - Winter the winners of pic #1 - "a smell of spring" Varin for "Incredibly Nice" iljuschin for "Angies Relaxing" shilluette for "Frühlingsbotin" Esther Demaría for "Come Up"