Alle Mühlen. . . Wassermühlen, Windmühlen, Schiffsmühlen, Holzmühlen, Gebetsmühlen sind willkommen.
Any mills... water mills, wind mills, ship mills, lumber mills, prayer mills are welcome :o)
Tous les moulins. . . moulins à eau, moulins à vent, moulins à bateaux, moulins à bois, moulins à prière sont les bienvenus.
Alle molens. . . Watermolens, windmolens, scheepsmolens, houten molens, gebedsmolens zijn welkom.
Für Windräder siehe diese Gruppe. For wind turbines use this group. Pour les éo…
Pictures of the Lake District National Park in England.
This is one of England's - if not the World's - most beautiful areas. Please join in and share your pictures of our Lakeland.
Have fun & Welcome!
This group is a gallery for images of waterfalls - large and small.
It would be nice to mention the name and geo-position of the waterfall shown.
Posted images will be published without being checked. Thematically unfitting images will be removed without notice.
Here we collect images of volcanoes and volcanic landscapes - from craters, calderas and lava flows to geysers, hot springs and other fascinating phenomena created by volcanic activity.
A group aimed at anyone over the age of 60. Please do not submit any photos that contain nudity/sex. This is a safe site for family viewing.
There is a monthly competition for anyone who would like to enter and also a song titles game. Try not to 'dump and run', if you have a moment it is nice to comment on an image that catches your eye.
Share your most beautiful, colorful, country captures - scenes you might see traveling down a dusty road or country pathway ...
Dusty Roads or unpaved roads often lead to beautiful areas in the country or more isolated areas where it is more peaceful and serene and you may find beautiful nature spots or quaint scenes.
Types of Images Welcomed:
Rural landscapes
Scenic Country Roads with Trees, etc.
Fields of flowers
Pretty rural fence scenes
Sunrise and Sunset rural landscapes
Mountain count…
Detailaufnahmen aus dem Technologiebereich!
Detail shots from the field of technology!
Colpi di dettaglio dal campo della tecnologia!
Les détails du domaine de la technologie!
Photos mer et montagne, ciel d'ici ou d'ailleurs, le grand nord, la savane ,enfin toutes les images appelant à l'évasion.
Foto di mare e di montagna, cieli di qui e di altrove, l'estremo nord, la savana, insomma tutte le immagini che invitano alla fuga.
Fotos del mar y la montaña, cielos de aquí y de otros lugares, el lejano norte, la sabana, en fin, todas las imágenes que llaman a la evasión.
Photos of the sea and mountains, skies from here and elsewhere, the…
Here should be showed beautiful images rich in statement and images with detailed details to be displayed as an image in the image. Only a repetition of the main image is not in terms of these objectives.
Completely without stress and voluntarily and without hunting pictures.
Nakedness, porn, violence, etc. are excluded.
Bienvenidos al nuevo grupo de ipernity. Momentos mágicos de nuestro día. Saludos
"La vida es una pura llama y vivimos cerca de un sol invisible en nuestro interior" Saint Exupery
Tous avons un moment dans le notre jour par jour que nous ne voudrions jamais oublier, tant dans notre esprit ou immortalisés dans nos photographies. Et de cela ce groupe se fréquente(se soigne), ne jamais oublier, ces moments magiques de notre vie :
Des paysages inoubliables, papillons, macros, une aube et un…
Help & Contact|Club news|About ipernity|History|ipernity Club & Prices|Guide of good conduct Donate|Group guidelines|Privacy policy|Terms of use|Statutes|In memoria
Public groups in which Wild Rose is a member116 groups in total
Mühlen - Molen - Mills - Moulins - Molinos
Alle Mühlen. . . Wassermühlen, Windmühlen, Schiffsmühlen, Holzmühlen, Gebetsmühlen sind willkommen. Any mills... water mills, wind mills, ship mills, lumber mills, prayer mills are welcome :o) Tous les moulins. . . moulins à eau, moulins à vent, moulins à bateaux, moulins à bois, moulins à prière sont les bienvenus. Alle molens. . . Watermolens, windmolens, scheepsmolens, houten molens, gebedsmolens zijn welkom. Für Windräder siehe diese Gruppe. For wind turbines use this group. Pour les éo…
The English Lake District
Pictures of the Lake District National Park in England. This is one of England's - if not the World's - most beautiful areas. Please join in and share your pictures of our Lakeland. Have fun & Welcome!
Landscape Lovers
To display the finest of landscapes from around the world. Please be active in this community with comments and participate in our discussions
This group is a gallery for images of waterfalls - large and small. It would be nice to mention the name and geo-position of the waterfall shown. Posted images will be published without being checked. Thematically unfitting images will be removed without notice.
Volcanoes and volcanic landscapes
Here we collect images of volcanoes and volcanic landscapes - from craters, calderas and lava flows to geysers, hot springs and other fascinating phenomena created by volcanic activity.
Silver Surfers
A group aimed at anyone over the age of 60. Please do not submit any photos that contain nudity/sex. This is a safe site for family viewing. There is a monthly competition for anyone who would like to enter and also a song titles game. Try not to 'dump and run', if you have a moment it is nice to comment on an image that catches your eye.
Only landscapes, from all over the world. Découvrir ensemble les plus beaux paysages du monde . Paesaggi del mondo.
Dusty Road Photography
Share your most beautiful, colorful, country captures - scenes you might see traveling down a dusty road or country pathway ... Dusty Roads or unpaved roads often lead to beautiful areas in the country or more isolated areas where it is more peaceful and serene and you may find beautiful nature spots or quaint scenes. Types of Images Welcomed: Rural landscapes Scenic Country Roads with Trees, etc. Fields of flowers Pretty rural fence scenes Sunrise and Sunset rural landscapes Mountain count…
Fantasy image
Welcome to Fantasy image
Espléndido macro y primer plano
Submit macro & close-up photos, whatever the nature of the subject, I'm counting on you to keep "Special Macro" & Close-ups alive! Welcome to all!
Settle and Carlisle
Any rail-related aspect of this line.
Fascination of Technology Detailaufnahmen aus dem Technologiebereich! Detail shots from the field of technology! Colpi di dettaglio dal campo della tecnologia! Les détails du domaine de la technologie!
" - Espaces -Spaces- Räume - Espacios- spazi " Photos mer et montagne, ciel d'ici ou d'ailleurs, le grand nord, la savane ,enfin toutes les images appelant à l'évasion. Foto di mare e di montagna, cieli di qui e di altrove, l'estremo nord, la savana, insomma tutte le immagini che invitano alla fuga. Fotos del mar y la montaña, cielos de aquí y de otros lugares, el lejano norte, la sabana, en fin, todas las imágenes que llaman a la evasión. Photos of the sea and mountains, skies from here and elsewhere, the…
Un espace de douceur
photos douces
Pic-in-Pic - Welcome to the group...
Here should be showed beautiful images rich in statement and images with detailed details to be displayed as an image in the image. Only a repetition of the main image is not in terms of these objectives. Completely without stress and voluntarily and without hunting pictures. Nakedness, porn, violence, etc. are excluded.
Exposure Art
A group that contains "created image works" by the photographer rather than simply a record of what the camera captured.
Mágicos momentos★ Magic Moments;-))
Bienvenidos al nuevo grupo de ipernity. Momentos mágicos de nuestro día. Saludos "La vida es una pura llama y vivimos cerca de un sol invisible en nuestro interior" Saint Exupery Tous avons un moment dans le notre jour par jour que nous ne voudrions jamais oublier, tant dans notre esprit ou immortalisés dans nos photographies. Et de cela ce groupe se fréquente(se soigne), ne jamais oublier, ces moments magiques de notre vie : Des paysages inoubliables, papillons, macros, une aube et un…
Magical sunlight
Sunrises and sunsets. Sunbeams in the forest Lights and shadows
Les photos sont aussi les reflets de nos âmes...