This group is for all the stuff of the beautiful city of Hamburg in Northern Germany.
Here you can find more, more specific groups about Hamburg:
District-Groups: Altona , Barmbek , Bramfeld , St. Pauli
Bridges and Tunnels
FC St. Pauli
Guess Where Hamburg?
Heinrich-Hertz-Turm ("Fernsehturm", "Telemichel")
Historical Office buildings ("Kontorhäuser")
Miniatur Wunderland (MiWuLa)
Museum of Work ("Museum der Ar…
Making sculptures from all over the world accessible to everyone.
Pictures of sculptures made of wood, stone, metal are welcome here.
Three images per day may be set
A group for photos with an historical interest, be it buildings, literature, sculpture, works of art, transport, etc. Anything 1970's or earlier is acceptable. We all like to learn, please try to give as much information about your image as possible.
HBM "Happy Bench Monday"
A bench invites you to linger. You sit down to rest, watch people or let your gaze wander through the landscape. Sometimes it is a place for lovers, other times a place to sleep or you enjoy a picnic with friends. Show your favorite benches or very simple benches. There are no limits to your creativity.
A maximum of three pictures should be uploaded between Sunday afternoon and Monday evening.
And, if you want, wish you "Happy bench Monday" (HBM).
Founder of the group: "…
Un Jeu (Un défi) pour toutes & tous ! En quelque sorte le foto - domino , mais basé sur les pays , villes , régions et paysages...
Ein Spiel( Eine Herausforderung ) für Alle ! Funktioniert so wie Bilder - Domino , nur dass es sich auf Länder , Regionen , Städte, Regionen und Landschaften bezieht...
A game for everyone!A game( A challenge ) for everyone! Works like pictures - Domino, but it refers to countries, regions, cities, regions and landscapes ...
Un g…
Alle großen (relevanten ) Flüsse und Ströme dieser Welt.
Tous les grandes ( pertinantes ) rivières et fleuves dans le monde.
All the great (relevant) rivers and streams of this world.
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Public groups in which Walter 7.8.1956 is a member31 groups in total
Hamburg (Germany)
This group is for all the stuff of the beautiful city of Hamburg in Northern Germany. Here you can find more, more specific groups about Hamburg: District-Groups: Altona , Barmbek , Bramfeld , St. Pauli Places: Airport Alster-lake Bridges and Tunnels Elbe-river Elbphilharmonie FC St. Pauli Guess Where Hamburg? Heinrich-Hertz-Turm ("Fernsehturm", "Telemichel") Historical Office buildings ("Kontorhäuser") Miniatur Wunderland (MiWuLa) Museum of Work ("Museum der Ar…
the river elbe in the northern part of germany - pictures of the river, the region, ships on it ...
Making sculptures from all over the world accessible to everyone. Pictures of sculptures made of wood, stone, metal are welcome here. Three images per day may be set
Outdoor Clocks
Post pics of clocks outdoors or on public or private buildings. Invite clocks you see that fit the description above -
Interesting History
A group for photos with an historical interest, be it buildings, literature, sculpture, works of art, transport, etc. Anything 1970's or earlier is acceptable. We all like to learn, please try to give as much information about your image as possible.
HBM "Happy Bench Monday"
HBM "Happy Bench Monday" A bench invites you to linger. You sit down to rest, watch people or let your gaze wander through the landscape. Sometimes it is a place for lovers, other times a place to sleep or you enjoy a picnic with friends. Show your favorite benches or very simple benches. There are no limits to your creativity. A maximum of three pictures should be uploaded between Sunday afternoon and Monday evening. And, if you want, wish you "Happy bench Monday" (HBM). Founder of the group: "…
" - A Domino across the globe - " Un Jeu (Un défi) pour toutes & tous ! En quelque sorte le foto - domino , mais basé sur les pays , villes , régions et paysages... Ein Spiel( Eine Herausforderung ) für Alle ! Funktioniert so wie Bilder - Domino , nur dass es sich auf Länder , Regionen , Städte, Regionen und Landschaften bezieht... A game for everyone!A game( A challenge ) for everyone! Works like pictures - Domino, but it refers to countries, regions, cities, regions and landscapes ... Un g…
Churches, Chapels and Monasteries
All photos about...
From the source to the estuary - Von der Quelle bis zur Mündung
Alle großen (relevanten ) Flüsse und Ströme dieser Welt. Tous les grandes ( pertinantes ) rivières et fleuves dans le monde. All the great (relevant) rivers and streams of this world.