Here you can find "selfies" from ipernity members, taken with a smartphone, via self-timer, or from friends.
No nudity!
Please also add your ipernity name to the keywords if possible.
Thank you.
Bienvenue ! Welcome !
Déposez ici vos créations artistiques en tout genre que ce soient des photos bidouillées, peintures, sculptures.......etc....
Welcome in your place and add here your artistic creations of al kind which can be doctored pictures, paintings, scupltures and so on !
Lascia qui le tue creazioni artistiche di ogni tipo, siano esse immagini, dipinti, sculture ...
Photos about anything and everything .
About Photo Potpourri
Tired of all the limitations to groups? What you can post, what you can't post. Only B&W. Only Flowers. Only nature shots. Only blue flowers in landscape orientation taken on a Tuesday? Do you have a photo of something and you can't find a group that it fits? Then this is the group for you.
This group is dedicated to people who love photography.
You are welcome to join this group and to be a part of the…
In dieser Gruppe können adäquate Fotoaufnahmen
- Fauna
- Flora
- Landscape
- Personen
- Art -
gepostet werden. Es findet keine Kontrolle
der Bildqualität statt.
Bilder, die den oben angeführten Anforderungen
nicht entsprechen, können entfernt werden.
Ebenso werden Bilder entfernt, die
- politische Aussagen,
- pornografischen Inhalt,
- beleidigenden Inhalt
haben. ----------------
Bitte nur eigene Bilder einstellen!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
In this gr…
Zeigen sie uns ihr Dorf , ihre Stadt , Region , Land wo sie leben. Landschaft , Kultur , Lebensart...
Montrez-nous votre village, votre ville, région, pays où vous vivez. Paysage, culture, mode de vie ...
Show us your village, your town, region, country on where you live. Landscape, culture, way of life ...
Facci vedere paese, la tua città, regione, paese in cui vivono. Paesaggio, cultura, stile di vita ...
Un seul arbre, isolé dans un large espace. ( pas de bois ou de forêt).
Only one tree in a large space ( Please no forest or wood).
Un solo árbol, aislado en una gran superficie (no un bosque).
Un singolo albero, isolato in una vasta area (non un bosco o una foresta).
Ein einzelner Baum, der isoliert in einem großen Gebiet steht. ( kein Wald oder Forst).
Uma única árvore, isolada numa grande área (não um bosque ou floresta).
Een enkele boom, geïsoleerd in een groot gebied (geen bos).
A group aimed at anyone over the age of 60. Please do not submit any photos that contain nudity/sex. This is a safe site for family viewing.
There is a monthly competition for anyone who would like to enter and also a song titles game. Try not to 'dump and run', if you have a moment it is nice to comment on an image that catches your eye.
Photo montages, drawings with looks as their features
Fotomontagen, Zeichnungen mit Blicken als Merkmalen.
Fotomontajes, dibujos que tienen como característica la mirada
Fotomontaggi, disegni che hanno come caratteristica l'aspetto.
Montages de photos, dessins ayants pour traits des regards.
Posted a photo to the pool? Please view pages 1 to 4 from the pool and try to find photos which deserve your personal comment, nice if you use the group commment code by your personal comment also. No rule but appreciated by all members. Thanks!
Comment Code:
Seen in <a href=" "> The World Through My Eyes </a>
Seen in The World Through My Eyes
We welcome quality images related to any and all WORLD RELIGIONS . Our motto is: "Coexistence & Tolerance!" Please, post appropriate images only and keep in mind that we are family-friendly group.
Please remember this is a Landscape group, Please avoid close up's or photos, where there is a main subject, like a tree, a waterfall, birds, the sea, but no "landscape" at all. Please only photos, no videos! Have fun! And please tell us the location! If possible, images that fail to follow these rules will NOT be accepted.
Here at Amazing Details, flowers are our passion! From the wild ones to the hybrids, we love them all! This group was created for gazers & PHOTOGRAPHERS alike. So PLEASE NO AI generated images, just photos BY YOU ! Unlike other flower groups, here we want to see the flowers only... Check out the group rules then bring us all your pretty flowers & show us their Amazing Details!
NO AI generated !
Group Rules ✿ Comment Code ✿ Meet the Staff
Help & Contact|Club news|About ipernity|History|ipernity Club & Prices|Guide of good conduct Donate|Group guidelines|Privacy policy|Terms of use|Statutes|In memoria
Public groups in which Petar Bojić is a member460 groups in total
That's me!
Here you can find "selfies" from ipernity members, taken with a smartphone, via self-timer, or from friends. No nudity! Please also add your ipernity name to the keywords if possible. Thank you.
Canon Photography Group
The use of canon cameras for photos for group.......
Créations artistiques / Artistic creations
Bienvenue ! Welcome ! Déposez ici vos créations artistiques en tout genre que ce soient des photos bidouillées, peintures, sculptures.......etc.... Welcome in your place and add here your artistic creations of al kind which can be doctored pictures, paintings, scupltures and so on ! Lascia qui le tue creazioni artistiche di ogni tipo, siano esse immagini, dipinti, sculture ...
Les fous et folles du rouge / Red madness.
Tous les rouges, les formes , les sujets ...rien que du rouge. All reds, forms, subjects ...only red.
Only landscapes, from all over the world. Découvrir ensemble les plus beaux paysages du monde . Paesaggi del mondo.
just take a picture of it before you sit down
Photo Potpourri
⚠️ ADMIN WANTED ⚠️ Photos about anything and everything . About Photo Potpourri Tired of all the limitations to groups? What you can post, what you can't post. Only B&W. Only Flowers. Only nature shots. Only blue flowers in landscape orientation taken on a Tuesday? Do you have a photo of something and you can't find a group that it fits? Then this is the group for you. This group is dedicated to people who love photography. You are welcome to join this group and to be a part of the…
Foto - à la carte
In dieser Gruppe können adäquate Fotoaufnahmen aus - Fauna - Flora - Landscape - Personen - Art - gepostet werden. Es findet keine Kontrolle der Bildqualität statt. Bilder, die den oben angeführten Anforderungen nicht entsprechen, können entfernt werden. Ebenso werden Bilder entfernt, die - politische Aussagen, - pornografischen Inhalt, - beleidigenden Inhalt haben. ---------------- Bitte nur eigene Bilder einstellen! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - In this gr…
" Bilder aus der Region wo ich wohne... Photos de la région où je vis ...Pictures from the region where I live ..." Zeigen sie uns ihr Dorf , ihre Stadt , Region , Land wo sie leben. Landschaft , Kultur , Lebensart... Montrez-nous votre village, votre ville, région, pays où vous vivez. Paysage, culture, mode de vie ... Show us your village, your town, region, country on where you live. Landscape, culture, way of life ... Facci vedere paese, la tua città, regione, paese in cui vivono. Paesaggio, cultura, stile di vita ...
Auprès de mon arbre -By my tree!
Un seul arbre, isolé dans un large espace. ( pas de bois ou de forêt). Only one tree in a large space ( Please no forest or wood). Un solo árbol, aislado en una gran superficie (no un bosque). Un singolo albero, isolato in una vasta area (non un bosco o una foresta). Ein einzelner Baum, der isoliert in einem großen Gebiet steht. ( kein Wald oder Forst). Uma única árvore, isolada numa grande área (não um bosque ou floresta). Een enkele boom, geïsoleerd in een groot gebied (geen bos).
Silver Surfers
A group aimed at anyone over the age of 60. Please do not submit any photos that contain nudity/sex. This is a safe site for family viewing. There is a monthly competition for anyone who would like to enter and also a song titles game. Try not to 'dump and run', if you have a moment it is nice to comment on an image that catches your eye.
Ipernity Addicts
Anything goes - except violence/nudity/porn
Photo montages, drawings with looks as their features Fotomontagen, Zeichnungen mit Blicken als Merkmalen. Fotomontajes, dibujos que tienen como característica la mirada Fotomontaggi, disegni che hanno come caratteristica l'aspetto. Montages de photos, dessins ayants pour traits des regards.
The Wonderfull Children in the World
images de nos enfants et des plus beaux portraits. ouvert à tous ceux qui aiment leurs petits !
⭐60 Faves⭐
Minimum of 60 faves
Posted a photo to the pool? Please view pages 1 to 4 from the pool and try to find photos which deserve your personal comment, nice if you use the group commment code by your personal comment also. No rule but appreciated by all members. Thanks! Comment Code: Seen in <a href=" "> The World Through My Eyes </a> preview: Seen in The World Through My Eyes
We welcome quality images related to any and all WORLD RELIGIONS . Our motto is: "Coexistence & Tolerance!" Please, post appropriate images only and keep in mind that we are family-friendly group.
Landscape - Landschaft - Paysage
Please remember this is a Landscape group, Please avoid close up's or photos, where there is a main subject, like a tree, a waterfall, birds, the sea, but no "landscape" at all. Please only photos, no videos! Have fun! And please tell us the location! If possible, images that fail to follow these rules will NOT be accepted.
❀⊱ Amazing Details ⊰❀ FLOWERS ONLY !!!
Here at Amazing Details, flowers are our passion! From the wild ones to the hybrids, we love them all! This group was created for gazers & PHOTOGRAPHERS alike. So PLEASE NO AI generated images, just photos BY YOU ! Unlike other flower groups, here we want to see the flowers only... Check out the group rules then bring us all your pretty flowers & show us their Amazing Details! NO AI generated ! ══════════════════════════════════ Group Rules ✿ Comment Code ✿ Meet the Staff ══…
light blue - dark blue - violet
This group wants to show that it is worth drawing attention to these colors from light blue to dark blue to violet.