Our dear friend, Pam Johnson, is on the path to recovery from illness. This is a special place to add our warm thoughts and well-wishes in the form of pictures in the hopes that Pam will get some enjoyment and strength from them. WE LOVE YOU PAM!!
Impressions of human life in rural areas.
The images should show how human life is lived away from the cities. This includes the housing, work and food, leisure activities and traditions of the rural population, but also the farm animals that are essential to the farmer's work.
There are other groups for general landscape, animal or plant photos.
I hope this will become a showcase of high quality Dragonfly and Damselfly images.
Please post only your very best shots.
Quality is the key. As a minimum, photographs have to be in focus, and correctly exposed. Normally, the dragonfly has to be prominent in the frame.
To Go: comfortable, useful, garbage-producing, absurd, funny ....
Under the heading "To Go" food and drinks are mainly offered, which can then be consumed on the go. But these pieces are packed. Many packaging ends up on the roadside and in nature. We want to put together photos that represent this problem drastically and perhaps also humorously.
Regrouper les photos de géranium vivaces , sauvages et cultivés , ainsi que de pélargonium (espèces si possible), les érodium ...
Des photos nettes , bien réalisées
Pas de compositions fouillis , il faut que ce soit centré sur la plante
Pics of Spiders
*On candystripe legs spiderman comes
*Softly through the shadow of the evening sun
*Stealing past the windows of the blissfully dead
*Looking for the victim shivering in bed
*Searching out fear in the gathering gloom and
*Suddenly! a movement in the corner of the Room! *and there is nothing I can do when i
*Realise with freight that the spiderman is having *Me for dinner tonight (the cure"lullaby")
regroupons ici de belles photos de lamiacées
-Caractéristiques :
Fleurs à symétrie bilatérale ( zygomorphe) , labiées ( une ou deux lèvres)
tige carrée et feuilles opposées
- Principaux genres :
Beaucoup de lamiacées au jardin et dans la maison: sauges , lavandes , lamiers , cataires ( Nepeta), thyms et romarins , menthes , origan et marjolaine , monardes , phlomis, mélisse, basilic, plectranthus, coleus, stachys , Leonotis, Perilla , physostegia , Verveines , sariettes , agastaches
- Parmi…
Cette galerie a pour but de faire apprécier la beauté et la richesse des couleurs des Iris, leur diversité. Exclusivement des iris et rien que des Iris , toutes les espèces et genres classés dans la famille iris !
This group is devoted to
Dogs - Man's Best ♥ Friends !!!
Those of us who are dog lovers know that our 'best friend' will stand by us, love us, protect us, accept us like no other, and the acceptance of their master, is without question....it doesn't matter if we are crippled, blind, ugly, old, young or homeless. All a dog sees is through the eyes of love.
RULES: (4) Posts Per Day No Comments Required
HOWEVER, if you would like to comment on the wonderful photographs of our members be…
Photos mer et montagne, ciel d'ici ou d'ailleurs, le grand nord, la savane ,enfin toutes les images appelant à l'évasion.
Foto di mare e di montagna, cieli di qui e di altrove, l'estremo nord, la savana, insomma tutte le immagini che invitano alla fuga.
Fotos del mar y la montaña, cielos de aquí y de otros lugares, el lejano norte, la sabana, en fin, todas las imágenes que llaman a la evasión.
Photos of the sea and mountains, skies from here and elsewhere, the…
People, animals, anything with beautiful blue eyes...
Des beaux YEUX bleus (seulement!)... que ce soit des personnes ou des animaux...
Thank You... Merci!
Chantal Mandeville
Les voitures qui impressionnent sous quelle formeque ce soit. Pleines vues ou détaillées N / B ou couleur ...
Autos die in irgendeiner Form beeindrucken. Detail- Komplettansichten , S/W oder Farbe...
Cars that impress in some form. Detailed full views, b / w or color ...
The Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth and the fifth largest moon in the Solar System. It is the largest natural satellite of a planet in the Solar System relative to the size of its primary, having 27% the diameter and 60% the density of Earth, resulting in 1⁄81 its mass. Among satellites with known densities, the Moon is the second densest, after Io, a satellite of Jupiter.
The Moon is in synchronous rotation with Earth, always showing the same face with its near side marked by d…
“A protected area is a clearly defined geographical area designated, dedicated and managed by legal or other effective means to achieve long-term protection of nature and associated ecosystem services and cultural values.”
Help & Contact|Club news|About ipernity|History|ipernity Club & Prices|Guide of good conduct Donate|Group guidelines|Privacy policy|Terms of use|Statutes|In memoria
Public groups in which Ronald Losure is a member82 groups in total
Flo. Fam.: Asteraceae
Regrouper toutes sortes de plantes , fleurs , de cette famille fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asteraceae Caractéristiques : Capitule ( fausse fleur constitué de nombreuses petites fleurs soit tubulées ( coeur) soit ligulées ( les pétales de la couronne) asters , marguerites, chrysanthèmes, anthemis , matricaires salsifis , Dahlias,tournesols , centaurées , chardons , laitues , séneçons , ligulaires , bidens , pissenlits, gaillardes, Zinnia , Rudbeckia , Osteospermum, helichysum, soucis , tanaisie, ach…
Gorges, canyons, mountains, lakes - CLOSED - NEW ADMIN NEEDED
About gorges, canyons, mountains and lakes, nature has to offer!
Pictures for Pam
Our dear friend, Pam Johnson, is on the path to recovery from illness. This is a special place to add our warm thoughts and well-wishes in the form of pictures in the hopes that Pam will get some enjoyment and strength from them. WE LOVE YOU PAM!!
Rural Life
Impressions of human life in rural areas. The images should show how human life is lived away from the cities. This includes the housing, work and food, leisure activities and traditions of the rural population, but also the farm animals that are essential to the farmer's work. There are other groups for general landscape, animal or plant photos.
Dragonflies and Damselflies
Welcome! I hope this will become a showcase of high quality Dragonfly and Damselfly images. Please post only your very best shots. Quality is the key. As a minimum, photographs have to be in focus, and correctly exposed. Normally, the dragonfly has to be prominent in the frame.
ToGo: convenient & waste-generating
To Go: comfortable, useful, garbage-producing, absurd, funny .... Under the heading "To Go" food and drinks are mainly offered, which can then be consumed on the go. But these pieces are packed. Many packaging ends up on the roadside and in nature. We want to put together photos that represent this problem drastically and perhaps also humorously.
Flo.fam.Geraniaceae - géranium , pélargonium, érodium- Geranie , geranio
Regrouper les photos de géranium vivaces , sauvages et cultivés , ainsi que de pélargonium (espèces si possible), les érodium ... Des photos nettes , bien réalisées Pas de compositions fouillis , il faut que ce soit centré sur la plante
Fields--Linegames--super landscape- pasture's
velden-akkers--weiden-byzondere landschappen
Pics of Spiders *On candystripe legs spiderman comes *Softly through the shadow of the evening sun *Stealing past the windows of the blissfully dead *Looking for the victim shivering in bed *Searching out fear in the gathering gloom and *Suddenly! a movement in the corner of the Room! *and there is nothing I can do when i *Realise with freight that the spiderman is having *Me for dinner tonight (the cure"lullaby")
Flo. Fam.: Lamiaceae-Verbenaceae , les lamiacées et verbénacées , famille des lamiers et des verveines
regroupons ici de belles photos de lamiacées -Caractéristiques : Fleurs à symétrie bilatérale ( zygomorphe) , labiées ( une ou deux lèvres) tige carrée et feuilles opposées - Principaux genres : Beaucoup de lamiacées au jardin et dans la maison: sauges , lavandes , lamiers , cataires ( Nepeta), thyms et romarins , menthes , origan et marjolaine , monardes , phlomis, mélisse, basilic, plectranthus, coleus, stachys , Leonotis, Perilla , physostegia , Verveines , sariettes , agastaches - Parmi…
Cette galerie a pour but de faire apprécier la beauté et la richesse des couleurs des Iris, leur diversité. Exclusivement des iris et rien que des Iris , toutes les espèces et genres classés dans la famille iris !
Dogs - Man's Best ♥ Friend !
This group is devoted to Dogs - Man's Best ♥ Friends !!! Those of us who are dog lovers know that our 'best friend' will stand by us, love us, protect us, accept us like no other, and the acceptance of their master, is without question....it doesn't matter if we are crippled, blind, ugly, old, young or homeless. All a dog sees is through the eyes of love. RULES: (4) Posts Per Day No Comments Required HOWEVER, if you would like to comment on the wonderful photographs of our members be…
" - Espaces -Spaces- Räume - Espacios- spazi "
espaces.group.ipernity.com Photos mer et montagne, ciel d'ici ou d'ailleurs, le grand nord, la savane ,enfin toutes les images appelant à l'évasion. Foto di mare e di montagna, cieli di qui e di altrove, l'estremo nord, la savana, insomma tutte le immagini che invitano alla fuga. Fotos del mar y la montaña, cielos de aquí y de otros lugares, el lejano norte, la sabana, en fin, todas las imágenes que llaman a la evasión. Photos of the sea and mountains, skies from here and elsewhere, the…
Blue Eyes / Yeux Bleus
People, animals, anything with beautiful blue eyes... Des beaux YEUX bleus (seulement!)... que ce soit des personnes ou des animaux... Thank You... Merci! Chantal Mandeville
" - Passion automobile - Leidenschaft Auto - Car Passion - "
car-expert.group.ipernity.com Les voitures qui impressionnent sous quelle formeque ce soit. Pleines vues ou détaillées N / B ou couleur ... Autos die in irgendeiner Form beeindrucken. Detail- Komplettansichten , S/W oder Farbe... Cars that impress in some form. Detailed full views, b / w or color ...
Moon - Lune - Mond
The Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth and the fifth largest moon in the Solar System. It is the largest natural satellite of a planet in the Solar System relative to the size of its primary, having 27% the diameter and 60% the density of Earth, resulting in 1⁄81 its mass. Among satellites with known densities, the Moon is the second densest, after Io, a satellite of Jupiter. The Moon is in synchronous rotation with Earth, always showing the same face with its near side marked by d…
ONLY place name signs
The place name sign is the beginning or end of a village and is usually placed on the streets of the region.
Protected areas in nature and landscape protection
“A protected area is a clearly defined geographical area designated, dedicated and managed by legal or other effective means to achieve long-term protection of nature and associated ecosystem services and cultural values.” Wikipedia
~ All butterfly images ~