Xata's photos with the keyword: Dhows

Dubai, The Dhows, coolie.

Dubai, The Creek, Dhow, Blues

Dubai, The Creek, Dhow

11 Mar 2016 25 12 837
CLICK ABOVE TO SEE NOTE Dhow (em árabe: داو dāw) é o nome genérico dado aos tradicionais veleiros utilizados na região do Mar Vermelho e do Oceano Índico que possuem um ou mais mastros com velas latinas. Os historiadores estão divididos a respeito de o dhow ter sido inventado pelos árabes ou pelos indianos.Normalmente, possuem longos cascos finos e são utilizados principalmente para transportar itens pesados, como frutas, água doce ou mercadorias, ao longo da costa da Arábia Oriental, do leste da África, Iêmen e algumas partes da Ásia Meridional (Paquistão, Índia e Bangladesh). Os dhows maiores têm tripulações de aproximadamente trinta pessoas, e os menores geralmente de doze pessoas. **************************** Dhow (Arabic داو dāw) is the generic name of a number of traditional sailing vessels with one or more masts with lateen sails used in the Red Sea and Indian Ocean region. Historians are divided as to whether the dhow was invented by Arabs or Indians. Typically sporting long thin hulls, dhows are trading vessels primarily used to carry heavy items, like fruit, fresh water or merchandise, along the coasts of Eastern Arabia (Arab states of the Persian Gulf), East Africa, Yemen and some parts of South Asia (Pakistan, India, Bangladesh). Larger dhows have crews of approximately thirty, smaller ones typically around twelve. The exact origins of the dhow are lost to history. Most scholars believe that it originated in India between 600 B.C.E. to 600 C.E. Some claim that the sambuk, a type of dhow, may be derived from the Portuguese caravel. The Yemeni Hadhrami people, as well as Omanis, for centuries came to Beypore, in Kerala, India for their dhows. This was because of the good timber in the Kerala forests, the availability of good coir rope, and the skilled carpenters who specialized in ship building. In former times, the sheathing planks of a dhow's hull were held together by coconut rope. Beypore dhows are known as 'Uru' in Malayalam, the local language of Kerala. Settlers from Yemen, known as 'Baramis', are still active in making urus in Kerala. In the 1920s, British writers identified Al Hudaydah as the center for dhow building. Those built in Al Hudaydah were smaller in size, and used for travel along the coasts. They were constructed of acacia found in Yemen. Captain Alan Villiers (1903–82) documented the days of sailing trade in the Indian Ocean by sailing on dhows between 1938 and 1939 taking numerous photographs and publishing books on the subject of dhow navigation. Even to the present day, dhows make commercial journeys between the Persian Gulf and East Africa using sails as their only means of propulsion. Their cargo is mostly dates and fish to East Africa and mangrove timber to the lands in the Persian Gulf. They often sail south with the monsoon in winter or early spring, and back again to Arabia in late spring or early summer. Fonte: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhow

The Dhows, coolie...Atlas?