wintorbos' photos with the keyword: 1906

4558. Scene at Deer Lodge, a Winnipeg Suburb

10 Dec 2014 2 1 333
Posted November 15, 1906 on a Cyko back to Master Leslie Beal, Kent Coast College, Hern Bay, England. "With love from Alice. The cars also run out here. They keep buffalo, deer and a black bear at Deer Lodge. It is a fine ride there and back on the bicycle."

Niagara from Canadian Side

21 Oct 2013 254
Postmarked August 13, 1906 at Mimico to Master A. Smith, 5 Blenheim Rd, Reading, Berks., England. Valentine & Sons no. 100,481.

Black Dike Mills Band - Famous Yorkshire Musical O…

23 Sep 2013 4 223
Winnipeg Tribune, June 9, 1906, page 17.

Ottawa - Birdseye View

23 Aug 2013 427
Nice Illustrated Post Card Co. (Montreal) image of Ottawa. Posted there on May 16, 1906 to Mr. A. Nunn, 45 Hargurgne St., Brixton, London, S.W., England. That is Parliament Hill and in particular the West Block of Parliament (with a bit of the Centre Block -- destroyed by fire a decade later -- in the left foreground).

Barrowclough in Lead, S.D. (Feb. 1906)

27 Jul 2013 285
From the Winnipeg Tribune of February 3, 1906 (p. 16) comes this account of the aftermath of the grizzly bear attack on Winnipeg postcard photographer George Barrowclough, which had taken place in January in South Dakota. According to this, Barrowclough recovered and was appointed assayer at the Homestake Extension Mine in Lead, S.D. (presumably "Homestead" is a misprint).

Ice Leaving Assiniboine, Winnipeg

09 Jul 2013 241
Posted March 2, 1906, this embossed card by Novelty Souvenir Co. was sent to Dorothy but intended for "Harry", as the letter states: "Dear Dorothy, I am sending this P.P.C. for Harry. I sent one to you at the beginning of the week. Your letter to H arrived safely yesterday. He is working at the other end of City, (still for the C.P.R. you know) therefore is feeling too tired to wrie when he gets home. He thought you would be anxious if you did not get a reply as quickly as previous letters . He will write to you next week. Fondest love from us both, H + E." Exactly where the photo is on the Assiniboine is unclear, although my guess would be that that is the Main Street Bridge -- not sure, but if it were the case then "ice leaving Assiniboine" would be literally true.

Saskatoon Ferry

03 Jul 2013 478
An early Saskatoon real photo card, postmarked June 4, 1906 and addressed to MIss Ella MIghton, Muir, Ont., but with no message (as it's an undivided back card). This shows a ferry crossing the South Saskatchewan River.

Farm of H. Dorell, near Moose Jaw, Assa., Canada

22 Jun 2013 438
Another in the "Government Agent" series, this one happily has a postmark: Oxford, May 9, 1906. Very often these cards weren't actually mailed. The card is addressed to Miss A. A. Pasten, Carlingford, Sidcup and has the message: "Thank you so much for your kind invite. Shan't be able to accept now as I am off to Canada for a 3 months trip the end of the month - Else I had hoped to descend upon you for a night or two! Love from H.G.L."

Government Experimental Farm, Brandon, Man.

11 Jun 2013 350
Postmarked in November 1906 at Mitchell, Ont. and addressed to Miss Emma Bennewies of Brodhagen, Ont. (Perth Co.), this Russell, Lang & Co. card (no. 8) shows the Experimental Farm at Brandon. The message reads: Minto, 10/28/06, Hello Emma, How are you getting along. I have been expecting to get that photo from you but haven't got it yet. Did you get the one I sent you from MItchell. We are having lovely weather. We had our first snow to-day. Give my best respects to all. I remain your affectionate friend. Ans. soon. George H. Ratz, Box 40, Minto, Man." Why the card was posted in Mitchell, Ont. is a bit of a mystery.

Stock Gards [Yards] - Winnipeg

25 May 2013 214
De Nobele card no. 24, showing the Stockyards. This was postmarked on April 30, 1906 at Winnipeg and addressed to Miss L. M. Wetherell, 28 Overton Road, Brixton, London, S.W., England: "A busy time, working hard as usual. " This image also appears on the WINNIPEG postcard with two images, the other being a rendering of the Merchants Bank on Main Street.