wintorbos' photos with the keyword: 3856-3877

[Amherstburg, Ont. scenes]

14 Aug 2014 1 2 257
PECO (Photogelatine Engraving Co.) card with long message scrawled across the back by "Harold". Amherstburg, near Windsor (Detroit), has historical significance both from the War of 1812 and the Underground Railroad era.

View of Diamond Harbour, Quebec

14 Aug 2014 1 1 278
Postmarked London (England), June 2, 1910 to Miss G. Kettleton, Skelbrook Vicarage, Doncaster, from Kitty. Valentine & Sons, but no number visible.

Summer on the River, Kenora

14 Aug 2014 2 561
Unused, Geo. Barker, Kenora.

Stoney Lake Navigation Co.'s Steamer Stoney Lake

14 Aug 2014 374
Unused Valentine & Sons card no. 105,417.

Sailing on the Bay, Kenora.

14 Aug 2014 2 364
Unused, Geo. Barker, Kenora.

Ranching Scene, Canadian North-West

14 Aug 2014 208
Unused Warwick Bros. & Rutter card no. 1297, with a nice ranching scene from Saskatchewan or Alberta.

Ploughing the Fertile Lands of Western Canada.

14 Aug 2014 201
Another in the Canadian Department of Emigration (1, Regent Street, London S.W. 1) series. What could be easier than farming this land?

One of Natures Walks, Victoria Park, Truro, N.S.

14 Aug 2014 246
Published by The Stanfield-Smith Co. Limited of Truro. The Stanfield name is now associated with their underwear factory that is still in operation in Truro, and also with the Hon. Robert Stanfield, who came within a few votes of becoming Prime Minister of Canada in 1972. The card was posted on Octover 16, 1908 as part of a postcard exchange. It sees to have a 1d. postage due stamp on it as it was franked with a 1c stamp only (to Mr. Claude F. Scothon, 55 Windsor Street, Nottingham, England): "Would you kindly send me some views of Nottingham and if you wish it I will send more of Truro. Address Eva M. Purcell, P.). Box 517 Truro, N.S., Colchester Co., Canada."

Ogilvie's Mill and Elevator, Fort William, Ontario

14 Aug 2014 219
Stedman Bros. 634, recorded by Smith.

Jack Fish Tunnel - Lake Superior.

14 Aug 2014 279
Published by The Federated Press, Limited of Montreal, of which I've not heard before. Clearly torn out of a booklet.

Greetings from Wabamun

14 Aug 2014 253
A Stedman Bros. card. Only a few towns with this verse are listed in Smith's book, not including Wabamun, Alta.

General View, Waterloo, Que.

14 Aug 2014 1 226
A Novelty Manufacturing & Art Co. (NAMCO, of Montreal) card, printed in Germany. Unused. No. 434253.

From the Land of the Maple

14 Aug 2014 276
A nice Valentine & Sons patriotic, posted Sept. 2, 1912 at Vancouver, B.C. to Miss Maggie Warnock, Avondale Cottage, Aughlich Cookstown, Co Tyrone, Ireland: "My Dear Margaret, Many thanks for card I received safely, tell Mother I got her letter saying she had sent parcel, + I will write as soon as I get same, it is rather awkward trying to write with so many ups + downs so excuse scribble. Love from us Both to you all. Your Loving Sister + Brother May + John xxxx"

Devil's Gap, Rainy River, Kenora

14 Aug 2014 2 1000
Unused, Geo. Barker, Kenora. The boat is the Argyle.

Coming through the Gap on the Winnipeg River, Keno…

14 Aug 2014 257
Unused, Geo. Barker, Kenora.

Canadian Farm Scene.

14 Aug 2014 207
Posted Brigstock, Thrapston May 23, 1916 to Mrs. T. Slater, Bythorn, Huntingdon with a brief message from Beckie. S. B. 4481 (Stedman Bros.). This number is listed in Smith, p. 48, as "Farm Scene, Stratford, Ont."

Canada [Oilette]

14 Aug 2014 278
Tuck Oilette no. 2552, postd at Toronto on September 23, 1914 to Mr. R. Barkley, Ballarat Street, Ravenhill Road, Belfast, Ireland: "205 Keele St., Toronto, Dear R. Just a PC to let you see I am alive + well but very homesick. Drop me a line + let me know how you are getting along + give me all the news. "Are you going to the war" isn't it awful. Write soon. A. L. McI." [not sure about the "I"]

Assinaboine Park

14 Aug 2014 203
Warwick Bros. & Rutter no. 1513C, unused.

22 items in total