wintorbos' photos with the keyword: 20140724

Town Hall and Post Office, Moosomin, Sask.

25 Jul 2014 339
Postmarked September 6, 1939 at Moosomin, Sask. The U.K. had declared war on Germany on September 3 and Canada's Parliament met the day after this postcard was mailed and had officially declared war itself by September 10. Which is interesting, because the postcard was mailed by an American named Herman Schmidt -- not a name you'd have wanted to have just about then. It was addressed to his father, Alfred Schmidt at Berlin, N.H., U.S.A., 145 Summer St., but readdressed to Lewiston, Maine: "Dear Folks, Here for just a few hours. Will write you from 'Calgary'. In haste. Love to all, Herman. P.S. Everything going great." Herman wrote in block capitals -- unusual but nice for transcribing. Although mailed in 1939, this appears to be a Golden Age card and is by Rumsey & Co.

Tighnduin Farm, Lashburn, Sask.

25 Jul 2014 348
Ellis & Carruthers, Drugs and Stationery. No. 671. Not in Souch. Letter to Miss M. J. C---- (?) Wentworth Hall, Mill Hill, London N. W. 4, England: "Received P.C. some time ago, many thanks. We sail Nov. 27th + I so hope to see you at Xmas. ?The children are very excited about coming to Eng. Busy threshing at present. M. T. (?)

Picturesque Saskatoon.

25 Jul 2014 154
Warner's, unused undivided back, no 1288.

Parliament Buildings, Toronto

25 Jul 2014 135
Unused, undivided back. I forget who did these beaver cards.

Normal School, Regina, Sask.

25 Jul 2014 148
Posted at Regina (postmark Regina, Assa.) on September 3, 1905, just two days after Saskatchewan became Canada's 8th province (along with Alberta). Thus the "Assiniboia" postmark was out of date, although it is found on postmarks for several years afterward. The letter -- which is straight to the point -- is to Miss Maggie Smith, 146 Lyons Lane, Chorley, Lancashire, England: "Dear Maggie, Just as a reminder, one of these [tiny drawing of an envelope!] would be welcome. Yours, Sam Smith, Regina, Sask."

Newfoundland Coast Scenes

25 Jul 2014 155
Postmarked July 5, 1907 at St. John's, Newfoundland, to Miss Margaret Trump, 55 Strafford Pl., Newark, N. J., U.S.A. The back is undivided. On the front, the note reads: "Someone has the indian sign [hex?] on us. Ran into a boat, hours behind time and continual fog. Saw an iceberg on the way up. J. F. C."

Main Street, Melville.

25 Jul 2014 219
M. Jaw & Cal. R.P.O. #2 postmark, dated February 10, 1912. Letter to Miss L. Ashbaugh, Halbrite, Sask.: "Between Regina + Moose Jaw - C.P.R. - Sun. Here we are on our way to Swift Current. Slept at Regina last nite, + went to Grand Opera. Had a box too. Write to Caesarville. Maud." Published by R. G. Combe, Melville, Saskatchewan. C. S. Co. Ltd. W. No. 640. Printed in Saxony. Recorded by Souch.

Hospital, Maple Creek, Sask.

25 Jul 2014 199
E. G. Hewitt, Maple Creek, Sask. C. S. Co. no. 546. Not in Souch.

Crossing the Saskatchewan, Elbow, Sask.

25 Jul 2014 186
Stedman Bros. (Brantford & Winnipeg) E.D. & B.C. no. 5534. Recorded by Smith. Unused.

Cowboys, Calgary, Alberta

25 Jul 2014 202
Valentine & Sons no. 100,389, postmarked Jan. 8, 1906 (year doubtful) at Hargrave, Man. to Mr. Norris S. Viles, 243 Ward Street, Newton Centre, Mass.: "Dear Father: Today is your birthday. You have passed another milestone. Many congratulations. We are all well. We are having lovely spring weather. The grain is well up. Most everyone has finished seeding around here. Both oats and wheat are a good price. Hoping you are well. I am -- Lovingly -- Eva."

C.P.R. Garden, Broadview

25 Jul 2014 161
Broadview, Sask. -- gold frame card by Pugh Manufacturing, although oddly the name is misspelled as "PUGU" on the back.

C.N.R. Depot, Prince Albert, Sask.

25 Jul 2014 148
Valentine & Sons no. 108,545, unused.

A Good Natured Crowd, Sherman Park

25 Jul 2014 162
Addressed to Mr George bedford, Spruce Grove, Rossendale, Manitoba and postmarked at Humboldt, Sask., on August 11, 1909: "How the boy. Anyway hope you are among the living. Hurry up and top a P.C. or a letter. Your old sister, M. F. B. (?)"