wintorbos' photos with the keyword: TPS April 2014

Mount McKay, near the Twin Towns, Ont.

11 Apr 2014 196
MacFarlane no. 1133, showing Mount McKay near Thunder Bay (the "Twin Towns"). Unused. Does not appear to be recorded by Smith.

Kakabeka Falls, near the Twin Towns, Ont.

11 Apr 2014 216
MacFarlane no. 1132, depicting Kakabeka Falls. Does not appear to be recorded by Smith. Unused.

Cobalt, July 1905

11 Apr 2014 1 165
Posted at Haileybury July 10, 1906 to Master W. Loughrie, Mattawa, Ont. Early Cobalt card dated July 1905 and with the photographer's mark "Lake & Lewis, Cobalt" on the front.

An August Day in Galt Gardens, Lethbridge, Alberta

11 Apr 2014 172
Promotional card (see back). Photo by A. E. Smith.

An August Day in Galt Gardens, Lethbridge, Alberta…

11 Apr 2014 175
Back of the Galt Gardens card, promoting the "Dry-Farming Congress" in Lethbridge, October 19-26 of an unspecified, but evidently early, year.

[Norwood, Ont.???]

11 Apr 2014 177
Posted at Norwood, Ont., June 5, 1906. It looks like it could well be from there: e.g. this photo from Google Maps,-77.97821,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m5!1e2!3m3!1s20886827!2e1!3e10 The card has an undivided back and was postmarked June 6, 1906 to Mr. E. H. Rowntree, 358 Donald St., Winnipeg, Man. and readdressed to the Kings Hotel, Dauphin. The message reads: "One I took just after the sun had set. E. S. F."

S. S. Alberta at Riverside Park.

11 Apr 2014 215
Stedman (Brantford and Winnipeg) card no. S B 4945 (recorded by Smith), not postally used but with the message: "17.12.12 Dear Lizzie, This is to wish thee many happy returns of thy birthday. We are always pleased to hear any news of you thro' the Fritchley Chronicle. It would be nice to see you all again. With much love, Thy friend, M. ? Wallace" Fritchley is a village in Derbyshire.

Main Street, Winnipeg

11 Apr 2014 1 155
The famous Notman image -- I thought the colouring on this card might be superior to some of the others I have. Will have to check. The Valentine & Sons number is cut off at lower left.

Land Titles Office, Boissevain, Man.

11 Apr 2014 153
Souvenir Private Post Card postmarked November 22, 1907 to Miss Oliva Pinhale, Bayfield P.O., Ont. Undivided back. I have a second copy of this without then stains. "Please send me a P.C. of Bayfield Methodist Church. Yours, Amy G. Armitage, Boissevain."

Interior of St. Mary's Catholic Church, Winnipeg,…

11 Apr 2014 192
Posted May 1, 1911 with a Fort William and Winnipeg RPO postmark. Addressed to Miss M. A. Crocker, Hespeler, Ontario, Box 235: "Winnipeg - Have been around the City I think it a very nice place have ?? kept well have some very nice people on the train hope all are well write soon. Maude XXX" Valentine & Sons card 106,345.

Grand View, Man.

11 Apr 2014 1 244
Card by M. C. Prust, Druggist, Grand View, Man. Posted April 8, 1907 at Grand View to Miss Lena Callahan, Marmion, Ont.: "Dear Lena, this only shows about half of our town. The picture was taken three years ago that is taken off it is railway street the house all by itself by the back is the depot the store on the corner is where I boarded last winter I will put a mark under my bed room window they had three rooms over the store and I will put a mark where Aunties house it was not built when this was taken the nicest part of the town is now shown here it is just the business part so long from Nellie. Aunties is at the far end of the street I put A at it." "The rink is here" - notation at centre of image.

Broadway Avenue and Methodist Church, Winnipeg, Ma…

11 Apr 2014 193
Posted August 31, 1910 to Mr. George Charbonneau, Arnprior, Ont.: "416 Victor St. Hello George, We arrived safe and sound in the Peg and had a swell trip. How is Arnprior. Blanche." Valentine & Sons card no. 103,378.

Wetaskiwin, from East Side

10 Apr 2014 182
Unused card attributed to W. J. Stephenson, bookseller and stationer of Wetaskiwin.

Granville Street showing Post Office, C.P.R. Depot…

10 Apr 2014 226
Unused Valentine & Sons card, no. 105.701, showing Vancouver, B.C.

Getting Ready for a Tramp

10 Apr 2014 194
Valentine & Sons card 101,367 with this message written across the whole back: "Dear Little May, I hope you will have a happy Birthday and lots of good things guess I am rather early. I do hope you are better. Little Lidie must feal very proud of his 2 sisters. You must hurry up and get well it will soon be time to go to the seaside and make sand pies, kiss Lidie and Baby for me tell them Pat is coming to see them soon. Love and kisses, from Pat XXXXXX"

Excursion Party at Arlington Beach, Last Mountain…

10 Apr 2014 371
Numbered 22905, "Compliments of Wm. Pearson & Co. Ltd., Winnipeg, Canada." Posted at Govan, Sask., May 28 of unclear year: "Arlington Beach, Sask: Dear Ida, You will see by address we have removed, we expect to stay here until Sept: it's just a dandy little summer resort, sixteen miles from the nearest town and 130 from Saskatoon but we have good time so don't care, write soon as we only get mail twice a week. Yours, Mabel."

Easter Section of Edmonton, Alta.

10 Apr 2014 190
Unused Valentine & Sons card, no. 105,834.

Court House, Moose Jaw, Canada.

10 Apr 2014 186
Pugh Manufacturing Co. card no. 578-22, posted at Moose Jaw, May 16, 1910 to Mrs. Fred Masters, Niagara on [the] Lake, Ont.: "Dear friend, I have not forgotten you. I will write you next week, am busy just now we have started to keep house, remember me to each of sisters in A. Q. U. W. [?] Charlie joins with love to Fred + yourself and babe yours in C. H. P. Mr + Mrs. C. Todd ... Don't forget to write anyway."

21 items in total