wintorbos' photos with the keyword: 1911

5795. Bob-Lo (Bois Blanc Island) Detroit and Winds…

06 Oct 2015 1 94
The first and only five-fold card I've seen. It's a souvenir of Bois Blanc Island ("Bob-Lo") just off Windsor, Ont., which served as a big amusement park for residents of Detroit. On the reverse is a printed description: BOB-LO. Bois Blanc Island, Detroit River, one of Detroit's favourite pleasure grounds is situated in Canadian waters at the junction of Detroit River and Lake Erie. The Island is owned by the Detroit & Windsor Ferry Co., comprises 225 acres and is equipped with a Casino, Dancing Pavilion, Athletic Field, Bathing Beach and similar conveniences. The fine steamer Columbia covers the run several times daily. The card was posted at Amherstburg, Ont., on July 12, 1911 at addressed to Att'y. W. N. Butler, Room 204, Brown Blg., Washington, Pa. with a brief message from Harriet.

Hanlans Point, Toronto.

29 Oct 2013 1 327
This Valentine & Sons moonlight card (no. 101,806) was sent by Alfred J. Clark with the typewritten message: "139 Spadina Ave. Toronto, Ont. , Canada 19.2.1911 Dear Miss Leech, Shall be glad to exchange cards with you Mr. T. Walker as [has?] done collecting so gave me your address. I shall be gald to hear from you SOON. What kind do [you?] like. Yours Etc. Alfred J. Clark." Interestingly this message is typed across the entire back but there is a cancelled stamp in the stamp box -- it looks as though the card was mailed in an envelope and then Miss Leech cut the stamp off the envelope and pasted it over the stamp box on the card. Kind of a pretty moonlight card showing the amusement park at Hanlan's Point on Toronto Island.

Bridal Veil Falls, Shadow River, Lake Rosseau.

29 Oct 2013 199
With a long letter to Fred from his "Dadda" dated at Toronto, September 23, 1911. Valentine & Sons 103,063.

A Winnipeg Residence

11 Sep 2013 196
This MacFarlane card is postmarked at Bruederheim, Alta., on Jan. 21, 1911. It bears two serial numbers -- I.0291 and 201790. This is "Ravenscourt", the home of J. Stewart Tupper, at 158 West Gate on Armstrong's Point.

University of Manitoba, Review of High School Cade…

23 Aug 2013 1 344
Posted September 6, 1911 at Winnipeg: "Arrived O.K. Didn't miss my train. Am enjoying every minute. Saw Ricahrds yesterday + was speaking to Mr. Black over the phone. Muriel M. Bliss" Addressed to P. Q. M. S. Carmen, Militia Dept., Ottawa, Ont. P.O.O.'s office. The image seems to show the houses and other buildings along Osborne Street North, behind the U of M building (in what is now Memorial Park). Valentine & Sons card no. 105,781. This event took place on October 7, 1909. The schools involved were: Aberdeen, Alexander, Argyle, Carlton, Dufferin, Gladstone, Isbister, Somerset, John M. King, King Edward, Lord Selkirk, Luxton, Machray, Mulvey, Norquay, Pinkham, Strathcona, Victoria and Wellington.

[Outlook, Sask.]

09 Jun 2013 322
This unattributed image is a very sharp photo of downtown Outlook, Sask., including the snazzy new Canadian Bank of Commerce, a fascinating pastiche of Prairie Clapboard and Ancient Athens. Two well-dressed gents appear to be posing for the photographer. The letter was composed at 12:05 p.m. on December 12, 1911 and reads "We drove in here today my brother it is 16 miles from his place. We are going back with him and to-morrow we will go to Saskatoon. Snow is falling here to-day. Best wishes, Wm." This was addressed to Miss Hilda Melander, Temple, N. Dak., U.S.A. and postmarked at Outlook on December 12, 1911.

Baths. [Medicine Hat, Alta.]

19 Jun 2013 306
This postcard was posted July 28, 1911 at Medicine Hat and shows a barbershop, presumably in that Alberta city. The card was mailed to Mrs. E. W. Brown of Woodbridge, Ontario with the message: "Hello Emma - received your letter some time ago. And will try and ans. it sunday. Hopeing your all well. Yours truly, George." This card is by J. W. Wilson Co., of Toronto and Regina.

Settlers enroute to Last Mountain Valley, Sask.

22 May 2013 2 355
This lithographed postcard shows settlers departing for the Last Mountain Valley area of Saskatchewan on March 27, 1911. It was produced by William Pearson Co., as indicated on the front. This company was likely the promoter of settlement in this region of Saskatchewan.