Vodd's photos with the keyword: Erbe

El vallista "Nadie"

12 Jan 2024 1 160
ºººº ¿Será un rey Gordias 2.0 experimentándose como "Corazónidas Beta" en clave de gamma radioactiva? Creerá quedar sujeto por su intrincado nudo hasta la Era del Plomo? ºººº Will it be a King Gordias 2.0 experiencing himself as "Beta Hearts" in radioactive gamma code? Will he believe that he will be tied by his intricate knot until the Age of Lead?

_former forest authority

20 Aug 2019 5 2 488
_a less abstract bad dream.

salvaje extinto

30 Jun 2021 4 2 129
"Dromedaria domesticum" alias Camelus dromedarius.

_Nobody's favorite: Predator Sapiens

01 Jun 2018 376
_Little-known desertification? Hugging nothing, lost spaces. A naked truth in a INCREASINGLY rocky planet.

(҂◡_◡) eternal noisy silence

06 Mar 2016 292
_Raffled again... dead or alive the breathing corpse?