Veterok's photos with the keyword: gilding


02 Dec 2016 470
Gilding test on a plaque

Machine gilding

Brass and black

Yhteisvoimin kohti sosialismia

03 Feb 2015 1 1 351
Plaquette made as a gift, 2014

Salaperäinen Tiibet

30 Oct 2014 3 2 406
Found the right kind of type rather quickly, was happy. Type set for the title of Salaperäinen Tiibet, a translated version of the Tibet travelogue by Fosco Maraini.


14 Aug 2014 3 1 431
all nice and comfortable, in a new jar.

If you can read this you are a pope

17 May 2014 2 391
goes to show how much I use rulers, grids, guides, measuring etc. when setting brass type. (Hint: I use none)
15 May 2014 370
Very cleverly, someone has attached the thermometer on the Baier hot foil gilding machine so that it is nearly impossible to remove the heater head / chase without hitting it.

Tempora mutantur

29 Dec 2013 1 385
Something that has, for some reason, always applied to everyone except me. A foil gilt quote set in recess of a guestbook cover.

Magazine binding

23 May 2013 401
These volumes of two years' worth of magazines bound together were made for a customer who already had many others bound by another binder, so I tried to get them match the older books as best as I could. Covered in chestnut imitation leather and natural white linen-cotton bookcloth.

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