Diana Australis' photos with the keyword: wild animal

Brazil...Pantanal roadside

09 May 2018 29 20 584
A caiman, wild, in the Pantanal in Brazil. This was the dry season when the waterholes were almost empty...there were caimans all along the roadsides. The whole area is a giant flooded wetland for some months of the year, and impassable at those times.

Water monitor (wild)

Proboscis monkey and his cucumber

26 Sep 2015 40 31 1102
The males of the species have permanently prominent erect penises...even when swinging through the prickly jungle! (Ouch!) In a wild environment in Borneo, where they come in from the jungle daily to be fed. This is because their habitat for foraging is depleted by palm oil plantations. They are my favourite monkeys, these gentle giants with their comical faces!

Juvenile Arctic fox....in the wild

16 Oct 2014 41 35 1409
No crop. On uninhabited Medney Island in the Bering Sea. It was very unafraid, curious and playful. It came and nibbled my boot and my trousers as I sat very still on the beach.

Fishing in Kamchatka

25 Sep 2014 57 42 1391
Kamchatka bear. Olga Bay. Eastern Siberia. Salmon spawning season. This is a remote, uninhabited stretch of coast. After a zodiac landing I had walked about 10 kilometers in welington boots along a beach covered in bear footprints, then through a forest and river. We were about to turn back when this bear came along the shore, entered the river, and started fishing, about 15 meters away.

On the road

16 Jul 2014 27 21 1105
Wild camels. Central Australia......a common sight in very remote areas. These feral pests are descended from escaped Afghan cameleer herds in the days [1860's] when camels were imported to transport good into remotest Australia. There are now about 6 million of these destructive pests in Australia. White settlers introduced rabbits, foxes and goats....previously not here...now also feral pests in their millions, along with millions of feral cats, descendants of house cats...... They are all through the désert and remote lands. These animals all wreak havoc with the land and decimate native animal species.

On a mission

25 Feb 2014 25 18 1044
In natural environment. Dominant male proboscis monkey. Bako National Park, Sarawak. Malaysia. I find these animals totally fascinating...they look like a patchwork assemblage of various other animal parts....or like stout gents in waistcoats with big boozy noses!

Seasons Greetings

20 Dec 2013 37 28 1413
Mother and child. Wild orangutans, Semenggoh Nature Reserve, Sarawak. Thanks and best wishes to you all at this festive season.