tiabunna's photos with the keyword: fungus

Ghost fungus glowing at night

03 May 2022 31 18 302
Best viewed on black. I recently posted what I identified as a Ghost Fungus and commented that I hoped to find a closer example to photograph it glowing at night. I've now been fortunate to find these, one PiP showing a close-up and the other in daylight. As with auroras, the camera seems to pick out the colour more intensely than does the eye, though they are quite visible glowing in the night.

Fascinating fungus

06 Apr 2022 22 18 262
Walking in the Murramarang National Park, I was fascinated by these fungi (up to about 15cm across - see second image in PiP). After spending some time working to identify them, I'm fairly sure they are Ghost Fungus (Omphalotus nidiformis) which glows in the dark (see this link). Unfortunately they're a bit far for a night walk, so I must look for some closer examples to get a shot of them glowing.

Fun with fungi

08 Mar 2022 27 18 233
The rain is still coming down (325mm for the 14 days to this morning, probably over 50mm since) and moist conditions are just what fungi like. These have popped up in my yard on this piece of timber. I think they're a "Burnt-orange Bolete" , but Wiki tells me Australia has some 13,000 identified fungi types and up to as many as 250,000 types altogether!

Fungus on log

23 Jun 2021 31 21 272
I have identified this fungus as being from the Calocera sinsensis group, but I cannot be more specific as apparently there are several varieties which can be differentiated only with a microscope - not something I carry, :-)

Honey Fungus

19 May 2021 44 25 574
This is "Australian Honey Fungus", which apparently is widespread in southern Australia and is parasitic, killing eucalyptus trees. The scientific title is Armillaria luteobubalina, and it may even be edible, though I certainly wouldn't be inclined to try it!

Where are the fairies?

11 May 2021 42 28 324
I'd seen photos of Fly Agaric toadstools overseas, but although I had read that they have found their way to Australia, these were the first I'd seen. Apparently they usually grow near pine trees and that was indeed the case, but I had been led to believe that they are associated with fairies. Maybe if I'd taken a bite I'd have also seen those as these apparently have hallucinogenic properties. :-) See also PiP (copied below).

A tasty salad?

25 Oct 2020 40 27 345
How about a salad of freshly picked rainforest fungus, sitting in a bed of green mosses? Don't even think about it ! Most Australian fungi are toxic beyond belief. Macro Mondays No 176, 26 October 2020. Topic "Toxic".

In the forest

05 Sep 2018 26 20 599
Fungus growing on a fallen Banksia trunk. I rather like how it's grown around the grass stem at left.

Fungal underside

30 Jan 2018 26 8 758
I shall not pretend to know the species of this fungus, suffice to say that it was about 2.5cm across and growing from the side of a plastic garden pot that had fractured. A second shot in the note shows the upper surfaces.

Assorted fungi

29 May 2016 20 13 429
Assorted fungi on rotting timber in the rainforest at Tuross. The flat layered fungi at the lower edge are a species found worldwide and known by the scientific name Trametes versicolor . I understand it is being researched for use in breast cancer treatment.

The bug on the fungus

07 May 2016 13 9 385
Back in the temperate rainforest where the light levels were very low. This little fungus was on a rotting log and I confess it wasn't until I uploaded the image that I saw the tiny bug on top.

Fungi taking over

25 Apr 2016 21 12 633
Fungi on rotting timber in temperate rainforest, NSW south coast. Explored.

Mystery fungus

07 Dec 2014 28 14 638
A fungus I found growing on Auckland Island. No idea of the ID, I just liked the shapes and colours: in any case, there is little information on the many species of fungus unique to the islands. Explored.