tiabunna's photos with the keyword: Clyde River

Clyde sunset

27 Feb 2025 33 32 88
Sunset above the Clyde River in southern New South Wales, with Venus shining brightly. Wishing everyone a Happy Fence Friday and a great weekend to follow.

Grey day

18 Aug 2024 20 23 185
Observation Point lookout at Batehaven, looking up the Clyde River estuary. There even was some rain! Wishing everyone a Happy Bench Monday and a good week.

Nelligen Bridge

09 Mar 2023 32 36 268
The bridge at Nelligen, suffering from concrete rot and being replaced by a new bridge - seen under construction in the background (view large to see better). The new bridge has now come into operation and the old bridge is under demolition. LATE ADDITIONAL NOTE: Unfortunately the road layout meant that there was no better access to show the development of the new bridge, structurally near complete. Another week gone and it's time to wish everyone a Happy Fence Friday and a great weekend.

The new bridge - from the south.

13 Aug 2022 25 15 196
The new Batemans Bay bridge from the southern side, with a mural commemorating the old bridge previously here. Best viewed large. See also PiP (featuring a shopping trolley).

Up the Clyde

10 Aug 2022 30 22 196
View up the Clyde River at Batemans Bay.

The new bridge at sunset

02 Sep 2021 36 71 316
With the new bridge structurally complete and only the concrete piers of the old bridge remaining, it seemed a good time to show the wider view - best seen large. Another week has flown by, so it's time for me to wish everyone a Happy Fence Friday and a safe and enjoyable weekend.

The last has gone

22 Jul 2021 33 31 342
The final box span has now been removed from the old bridge (see earlier images in this series). Work is now underway to begin the removal of the fixed end sections (see PiP). Wishing everyone a very Happy Fence Friday, followed by a healthy and enjoyable weekend.

There it goes!

14 Jul 2021 31 33 297
The remaining tower span of our old bridge has now been removed on this barge. Waiting for it was the large crane, laying tracks on which to haul the massive bogies now carrying the span (also visible in the first PiP). I was on a shopping trip and very thankful I had my phone with me! HFF, stay safe and best wishes for the weekend, everyone.

The two bridges

13 Apr 2021 39 22 279
Today I went for a stroll on the new bridge, now in use, while looking at the old bridge from a new angle. It is currently being dismantled. Although the details at top right suggest this was taken at 135mm, that is because I forgot to change a setting - the lens is actually 14mm.

It's built!

01 Apr 2021 36 28 220
The new Batemans Bay bridge is finally ready for use. I took this image just after crossing on the old bridge, which closed next day. The associated foreshore works will take some time yet to finish, as will dismantling the old bridge. View large. HFF, stay safe and best wishes for the weekend, everyone.

The message

25 Feb 2021 42 37 325
Taken on a cruise up our local river, some years ago. As I noted with my previous image, unfortunately Pauline is not in good health at present. As a result I shall be largely absent from the site and from commenting for a while, though I shall look in when the opportunity presents. HFF and best wishes for the weekend, everyone.

Almost there

14 Nov 2020 28 11 314
I decided I should post this image separately, rather than just as an addition to my previous image. Here the barge and its large crane have almost taken the bridge construction to the opposite shore (stuff on a boat ramp at left). A week later it was time for the barge to depart (the second barge had left some time previously).

Old and New

12 Nov 2020 49 74 476
It's been a few weeks since I posted on our new local bridge under construction. As can be seen, apart from a section on the far side, the main structure is now almost complete. It's Friday again, so best wishes for the weekend and stay safe, everyone. Not to mention a HFF to all!

Clyde evening

25 Aug 2020 36 21 294
Evening light over the Clyde River and the new bridge being built to replace the old lifting bridge behind it. Best viewed large (click image). Extra note: I've realised that I should add a note about the black stuff in the water and on the sand. That is soot and ash debris from the very extensive bushfires at the start of the year, recently brought down the river by heavy rain.

Bridge building

02 Jul 2020 45 31 431
It's been a while since I posted any photos of the work on our new bridge and it's a hive of activity. Best viewed large and other images in the PiPs. HFF and best wishes for the weekend, everyone.

Bridge building

01 Jun 2020 34 21 360
Over the past six months we've had bushfires, floods and most recently COVID-19, but despite that the new bridge construction has been progressing steadily, as this photo shows. The image in the PiP was taken in November, some 6 months prior. Best viewed large.

Tranquil dawn

21 Jan 2020 46 41 476
I have to admit that it's rare for me to take sunrise images. :-) This is our local estuary and, I would suggest, is best viewed large.

On the Clyde

16 Nov 2019 25 14 577
The Clyde River at Batemans Bay has many recreational boats, plus a variety of rental houseboats. The river is largely unspoiled and it is possible to go up quite a way. Best viewed large.

25 items in total