Stiffleaf's photos with the keyword: chelmsford

  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (3)c18 tomb to john wallinger +1767
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (1)
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (4)
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (9)
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (10)
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (11)
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (12)
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (13)
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (14)
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (15)
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (16)
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (17)tomb of matthew rudd +1615 attrib to francis grigs
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (18)tomb of matthew rudd +1615 attrib to francis grigs
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (21)c18 tomb of j.p.tindal +1797 showing the ship he died on, hms monarch
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (23)
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (20)skeleton death holding two darts and saying veni vidi vici to matthew rudd +1615 and wife on his incised tomb attrib to francis grigs
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (26)
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (25)c18 tomb of j.p.tindal +1797 showing the ship he died on , hms monarch
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (27)
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (28)
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (29)c16 tomb to thomas and avice mildmay +1566 and +1557, erected 1571
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (32)cherub on c18 tomb of benjamin mildmay, earl fitzwalter +1756
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (30)c16 tomb to thomas and avice mildmay +1566 and +1557, erected 1571
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (33)cherub on c18 tomb of benjamin mildmay, earl fitzwalter +1756
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (34)c18 tomb of benjamin mildmay, earl fitzwalter +1756
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (36)
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (35)
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (37)
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (42)
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (43),c17 tomb of robert bownd +1696 attrib stanton
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (44)
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (45)
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (46)
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (47)
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (48)
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (49)
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (50)
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (51)
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (52)
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (53)
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (54)
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (55)
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (56)
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (57)
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (58)
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (59)
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (60)c19 tomb to n.e. of the church to george and anne wray c.1810
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (61)c19 memorial to n.e. of the church to george and anne wray c.1810
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (62)
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (63)
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (64)
  • chelmsford cathedral, essex  (2)
  • chelmsford cemetery, essex,late c20 tomb with standing effigy of jane buckley
  • chelmsford cemetery, essex,late c20 tomb with standing effigy of jane buckley
  • chelmsford cemetery, essex,late c20 tomb with standing effigy of jane buckley
  • chelmsford cemetery, essex,alice w.d. morley, +1952, mourner with roses
  • chelmsford cemetery, essex,cast iron memorial to c.e. pragnell, +1946
  • chelmsford cemetery, essex,belgian wwi grave; francois vrancken +1917
  • chelmsford cemetery, essex,memorial to sportsman robert cook +1908 with masonic and sporting symbols: bicycle, cricket bat, golf clubs
  • chelmsford cemetery, essex,memorial to sportsman robert cook +1908 with masonic and sporting symbols: bicycle, cricket bat, golf clubs
  • chelmsford cemetery, essex,memorial to sportsman robert cook +1908 with masonic and sporting symbols: bicycle, cricket bat, golf clubs
  • chelmsford cemetery, essex,travelling showman's memorial with big wheel: philips family +1990, +2012
  • chelmsford cemetery, essex,travelling showpeople's memorials: philips family +1990, +2012
  • chelmsford cemetery, essex,travelling showpeople's memorials: horace tolson +1995 with fairground swing detail
  • chelmsford cemetery, essex,lorry detail of travelling showman's memorial: mark hamilton +2001
  • chelmsford cemetery, essex,travelling showman's memorial: mark hamilton +2001
  • chelmsford cemetery, essex,travelling showpeople's memorials: levi and jean draper +2001, +2002, with equestrian details
  • chelmsford cemetery, essex,late c20-early c21 travelling showpeople's memorials
  • chelmsford cemetery, essex,travelling showpeople's memorials: elisher and violet stanley +1998, +2000
  • chelmsford cemetery, essex,belgian wwi grave; karel steylemans +1915
  • chelmsford cemetery, essex,cast iron memorial to winifred and olive carter, children who died in 1935 and 1946
  • chelmsford cemetery, essex,john gaskin, +1938, angel with roses
  • chelmsford cemetery, essex,john gaskin, +1938, angel with roses
  • danbury tiles
  • chelmsford cathedral
  • dominican friary tile
  • chelmsford cathedral
  • chelmsford bridge
  • pleshey castle chapel tiles
  • chelmsford cathedral
  • agnus dei  tile
  • danbury tile
  • danbury tile
  • danbury tile

115 items in total