Stiffleaf's photos with the keyword: matching church

matching church and marriage feast room

09 May 2010 91
c15 building to west of c15 tower of church, still used for village and wedding celebrations

matching church c15 font

09 May 2010 98
font with roses and heraldry, early c15

matching church, c18 gravestones

09 May 2010 123
stones of 1756 and 1776 next to table tomb on vault

matching c15 marriage feast room

09 May 2010 114
jettied building still used for its original purpose. it faces away from the church and onto the green unlike guild or chantry buildings in this position, and is definately for secular village enjoyment. must be the oldest village hall type of building extant.

matching church pulpit, 1624

matching church, c19 glass

09 May 2010 89
best of a poor lot, this 1874 glass shows some aesthetic style

view of matching, church end green

09 May 2010 103
the area to the west of the church is surrounded by the moated hall and its old barns and the c15 jettied marriage feast room. the layout of this green goes back to saxon days and whilst the church suffered from a blomfield restoration in 1875, the area has been little spoiled by modern developement.

matching church, c18 gravestone

09 May 2010 142
1776 hannah nayler

matching church and marriage feast room

09 May 2010 85
c15 building to west of c15 tower of church, still used for village and wedding celebrations. feast room has nice early c19 gothick iron window frames at the rear.

matching c18 memorial

09 May 2010 95
nicholas ashton 1716. note unusual method of dating, i.e.not MD as generally written. I've come across this on the jeffreys tablet in st.andrew undershaft recently too; its based on the etruscan numerative glyphs that predate the roman, the CI ]. turning into M and the I ] becoming D.

matching c17 brass

09 May 2010 92
daughters from brass of 1638 to john and rosa ballett. one or two look like bearded women, so inept is the shading.

matching church

09 May 2010 99
mostly 1874 by blomfield; a boring architect. tower c15, s.aisle late c14. to the west can be seen the c15 marriage feast room, still used today.

matching c18 memorial

09 May 2010 102
nicholas ashton 1716. note rare method of archaic dating .

matching c17 brass

09 May 2010 104
heraldic arms from brass of 1638 to john and rosa ballett

matching c18 memorial

09 May 2010 89
nicholas ashton 1716. nice growth of vegetation from skull.

matching c18 memorial

09 May 2010 111
nicholas ashton 1716. nicely rooted growth from skull.

matching church chancel

09 May 2010 92
this piscina is the only bit of blomfield's 1874 rebuild that has any spark at all.

matching c17 brass

09 May 2010 110
rosa from brass, 1638 john and rosa ballett

19 items in total