Stiffleaf's photos with the keyword: rousham

  • rousham church, oxon, dormer, tomb, c20
  • rousham church, oxon (13) portrait detail of tomb of rev. robert cowcher +1716
  • rousham church, oxon (2)
  • rousham church, oxon (1) tower early c13, most of the church windows are of the 1860 rebuild
  • rousham church, oxon ; c16 glass quarries, initials of john dormer, william fox, queen elizabeth I and john and elizabeth dormer
  • rousham church, oxon ; crest of a wolf with a wing in its mouth, part of the c17 dormer glass
  • rousham church, oxon ; dormer heraldry in c17 glass
  • rousham church, oxon ; c14 glass roundel in modern setting
  • rousham church, oxon , dormer heraldry, prob c19
  • rousham church, oxon ; c12 capital
  • rousham church, oxon ; c18 font
  • rousham church, oxon ;c12 capital shaved down to take the later western arches
  • rousham church, oxon ; c12 eastern arch, c14 western arcade, pews made up with c17 work
  • rousham church, oxon , c19 tiles
  • rousham church, oxon; effigy of john dormer +1584 and wife elizabeth goddard from c16 tomb in steeple barton church
  • rousham church, oxon (23) c17 brass of lucy marten +1698
  • rousham church, oxon (21) brass of john marten +1670
  • rousham church, oxon (22) c17 brass of john martin +1639
  • rousham church, oxon (20) c17 brass of thomas marten +1659
  • rousham church, oxon (19) brass of william marten +1700
  • rousham church, oxon (17) c19 crucifixion, annunciation, nativity glass in the east window, perhaps lavers and barraud
  • rousham church, oxon (16) skull and cross bones on tomb of rev. charles leader +1752 and wife judith +1753
  • rousham church, oxon (14) detail of tomb of rev. robert cowcher +1716, skull, cross bones, hourglass
  • rousham church, oxon (11) heraldry from c16 tomb of john dormer +1584 and wife elizabeth goddard from  steeple barton church
  • rousham church, oxon (12) c12  eastern respond capital
  • rousham church, oxon (9) c12 arcade arch
  • rousham church, oxon (10) heraldry from c16 tomb of john dormer +1584 and wife elizabeth goddard from  steeple barton church
  • rousham church, oxon (7) early c18 tombstone of thomas ? +1706
  • rousham church, oxon (8) early c13 west tower
  • rousham church, oxon (5) bees swarming in the wall of the tower
  • rousham church, oxon (6) c15 clerestory and blocked chapel arch, big c16 nave windows, c13 tower
  • rousham church, oxon (4) churchyard yews
  • rousham church, oxon (3) churchyard yews
  • rousham 1738 kent's praeneste arcade
  • rousham stables 1738 kent
  • rousham 1720 pyramid house by kent
  • rousham 1738 kent
  • rousham 1635, kent 1738 etc.
  • rousham 1738 kent, vale of venus
  • rousham 1738 kent's praeneste
  • rousham 1738 kent
  • rousham 1738 library by kent