Spo's photos with the keyword: scenery

Kalajoki sand dunes

02 Sep 2020 90 30 998
... People living on the coast of Gulf of Bothnia has this speciality that us southeners at the Gulf of Finland don't: the sun that sets into the sea. Shooting against the setting sun was especially challenging this time because of the huge contrast between the glittering sea and the gloomy skies. Luckily I always shoot raw, I wouldn't have succeeded at all without it, not even close. Funny that there was this constant flux of people to the tip of the sand bank even though everyone could clearly see there was absolutely nothing out there. Perhaps the adults hoped they'd hear Sirens singing there, and the kids would get a glimpse of the mighty Kraken.

Sign of the covenant

08 Aug 2020 52 21 732
Had the ancient shepherds had means to travel fast, they would have noticed that rainbow is not anchored to the ground but moves with the viewer. They would have understood that the arc is in the eye of the beholder, that each of us has their own, personal rainbow. Had that happened, would they ever have dared to tell a story, where rainbow is the sign of god's covenant with people? Oh modern man, shackled by science and knowledge!

Viva Napoleona!

In good company

Come to me, my children

06 Apr 2016 41 8 1426
And they went, and they melted.


One of the last

18 Feb 2016 32 7 1304
Only 30 years ago the plains were full of barns. Not so anymore.

Listen to me, man!

18 Mar 2015 26 22 1083
The point near the zenith where aurora were coming from. Aurora move fast, so in order to avoid the normal blurry look and to keep the stripes visible – as well as the noise! – I used ISO 10 000. The bright stars at the top belong to the Big Dipper, whereas the grey thing at the very bottom is ice.

Hay, man!

11 Mar 2015 53 22 1837
As photogenic as haypoles were, they are history. This I took in the end of the 70's; we had spent the night in the tent nearby but had gotten so cold before the dawn that we'd had to take a hike. Here the sun had just risen and can be vaguely seen behind the closest stack. In a thick fog in a place like this it can get so amazingly quiet at night before birds wake up that an urban dweller may go nuts out there! The fog sucks all reverberations and echos whatsoever from the ether and you can only hear your own breathing, blood circulating and brain buzzing – and the worst of all, your thoughts, if any. :-)

Quintuple with a rest on 4th

06 Dec 2014 24 8 1243
To add to the puzzling title I only say this: children's songs in odd time signatures should be outlawed because they lure innocent children into prog-rock.

Bag full of dreams

07 Apr 2014 76 14 1467
Taking A-train.


11 Jan 2021 147 40 2560
Together they are strong; they guide us, they protect us and they give shelter to our ways.


17 Jul 2013 13 2 678
If there is fate predefined, it lies ahead behind that ridge, unseen. Does it turn to the left, does it turn to the right; does it thin out and vanish, does it build up to a highway? Or does it always take form only to the next ridge and according to the rules we've already set – by ourselves? Which one would you prefer?

Days, swift as arrows

07 Jul 2013 26 5 1179
As much as I've always enjoyed calendar autumns - the disappearing of excessive light and the dissipation of the numbing heat, the amazement of wearing clothes again - just as much I have always hated the mental autumn , the idea that slowly but inevitably, everything around us starts to wither and die, and that there is nothing I can do about it. The magnitude of this annihilation falls heavy on me, every year. In this annulment, progress gets too deeply buried – but not quite. That year, the fall fell to a full halt in one long and incessant, unscrupulous slide, starting right here, with the taking of this picture. The smell of the void is already there, you can almost feel the land standing still inside of it in the thin and limpid air, timidly waiting for the permafrost. Golden birds have flown home, the only movement left is the darting of the clouds – the passage of days, swift as arrows. So, you may imagine my astonishment when I found the tree – in Google Maps. Without the tree I would have never, ever been able to place the picture on the map, not even close – I would have put it much further south, away from Ylläs. But then again, this is wide angle. This is with many calendar autumns passed. View to the west towards Ylläs from Lainiotie 301.

Alajoki dusk

05 Jul 2016 65 18 1975
Night falls and slight mist rises from the yet warm fields.

Off it went

05 Jul 2015 34 9 1323
Sun finally set behind the barn. In these latitudes the sun mainly moves sideways, so it took quite some time to go .