Sol Lang's photos with the keyword: glamour

Lost Innocence, Finally

20 Feb 2010 43 7 6787
Once gone, what is left is the guilt of animalistic, uncontrolled desire. Yet again, I have captured an aspect of Milena that is surprising even to me as I observe her expression, both facial as well as physical.The gestural sound of a growl, comes to mind. View the large version. Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Mature content Thanks for the support!

From the series – Milena, in a Boy's Room

16 Aug 2009 15 6206
She's a peach. View this image in the LARGE size . I did an entire set of Milena on I was interviewed for Magic Places Fine Art on-line photography magazine. I invite you to read the article. View the video A Rainy Day with Milena by sollang Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Mature content Thanks for the support!

Milena Unbound

08 Aug 2009 21 8319
She's a melody. View this image in the LARGE size . I did an entire set of Milena on I was interviewed for Magic Places Fine Art on-line photography magazine. I invite you to read the article. Get my 120 page book of fine art nudes entitled Gentle Vulnerability . Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Mature content Thanks for the support!

Not What I Expected

08 Aug 2009 10 4213
When I first set out to work on this image it wasn't at all what I thought I would get. As it was during a session with Kelli, there were quite a few images for me to choose from. But somehow this particular pose, with her legs this way, sitting on an office desk, excited my visual sense of erotica. Of course, as a male photographer, I see an erotic angle to every female physical gesture, but this was special and especially a pose attributable to Kelli, my model. Maybe one day I will show another image taken during this shooting session, where we see Kelli in her entirety. But I am still working on those images and it may take some time before I resolve them visually. View large. I was interviewed for Magic Places Fine Art on-line photography magazine. I invite you to read the article. View the video A Rainy Day with Milena by sollang Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Mature content Thanks for the support!

Reclining Milena

19 Jun 2009 38 3 10001
My photographic vision, in essence, is one of calm and serenity with intended agitation that would provoke on both a cerebral as well as sexual level. I use soft tones and contrasts in both my colour work as well as the black and white. Rarely harsh lighting with strong shadows. A dream-like atmosphere. Some would say that my models appear to be as if basking in the after glow of ecstasy. So there is a sort of odd tension that is developed between the provocation of desire and the calmness of fulfillment. Best way to view this image. Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Mature content Thanks for the support!

Kitchen Sophistication

02 Jun 2009 62 7 12258
I am often asked which one of my models is my favourite. That is probably the easiest question to answer. It is kind of like asking a parent which one of his or her children is his or her favourite. Where I come from, one does not make such a distinction between their children. In the same way, I can’t do it with my models. Wheather I have chosen them or they have chosen me, it was a decision to work together offering one another their trust and opening one’s self to stand naked and vulnerable before the other. Yes, the photographer too, although not naked, is vulnerable during the shooting session. So, really, no, there is no favourite model. But in the results of the sessions, every so often, there is a shot that stands above the rest. A “shooting star” photograph that I know when I am working on it, that it will get the most views, comments and favourites. Every so often, I have the good fortune of such an image. I know it when it’s there and my viewers, fans and general “Flickr” public know it, see it and delight in it. The comments start pouring in and the appreciation becomes overwhelmingly evident. I will sometimes hold back on such an image, thinking “let me save it for just the right time.” When is the right time? Right time of day? Week? Month? If I had only one such image, I would just hold on to it forever and never find a good enough time to exhibit it. Thankfully, I believe that there will always be another. In fact releasing one makes it possible for the others to come flowing in. Like water in a sink. You have to drain some out to let fresh water in. I believe this image is such an image. I am completely convinced that this image will be among my highest rated images. Friday afternoon is a pretty good time to post it. People unwind for the weekend and after a long hard week of work they can go see what’s new on Flickr. This is Milena feeling the warmth of the natural sunlight as it streams into our kitchen. The large version is spactacular. Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Mature content Thanks for the support!

Milena Feels Liberated

22 Oct 2008 31 2 11540
It's a special kind of woman that feels comfortable posing nude or semi-nude for a photographer. Consider her feelings when entering into the model/artist relationship. What are her thoughts and aspirations? Is she seeking fame and fortune? Is she fulfilling a fantasy of glamour? Is she just feeling naughty, knowing that men will look upon her with adoration and desire? Some models have told me that it is a "liberating" feeling to pose nude. I would like to examine the aspect of liberation. It is a rather strange word in this context. It begs the question “liberation from what?” How does posing nude give a woman the sense that she is liberated? I will continue to ponder this as I progress with my work of erotic female photography. Although there have not been that many, the women who have posed for me have all exhibited what I consider to be extreme strength of character. Independent thinkers, often having experienced life, far beyond what would be considered the norm for their age, they thrive with ambition and drive, in pursuit of some goal or another. Although I have not yet had an exhibit of these works (except on Flickr), it has been a pleasure to meet them and to collaborate with them on some of the most rewardingly creative experiences of my life. Begs to be viewed large . Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Mature content Thanks for the support!

Chaude et Froide (Hot and Cold)

10 Apr 2008 63 2 12255
Must be seen large Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Contains Nudity Thanks for the support!

What is Christy's concern?

01 Feb 2008 6 2638
Art is about asking questions, not giving answers. I guess, by now, everyone who ever took the trouble to read the texts that accompany my images, has heard my complaints/fears/worries of saying something poignant and relevant to accompany what the images already convey. As an artist I often hope that the visual communication is all that is necessary. However, I have found that the number of comments and responses are far greater when the image is accompanied by a well thought out text. It starts a dialogue that not only makes the images more interesting to the viewer, but also to me. As I create intuitively with images, the words alone can sometimes be quite limited. It is then that the comments left by viewers complete the communication of the art. I want to thank all the Flickr members that have continued to comment on my images and have added so much to their meaning and my own understanding of my art, bringing to light that which have until now only been feelings, sensations and undefined concepts or thoughts. This image, for example, is very appealing to me. As a professional visual artist and aesthete, I recognize the success of this photograph. Technically, it is very sound. Pleasing colour and composition, lighting and drama. The model’s pose is exceptional and the look on her face (and what a face!) is precious. But what does it say to the viewer? What does it say to me? I know it elicits emotion. It certainly does for me. At the very least, a reaction of some kind from whoever sees it. But what does it all mean? I can consider writing an entire scenario about Christy, my model. I could write about her life, aspirations and dreams. Give many answers to explain her expression in both facial as well as body language. But if I do that, I might as well just be a writer rather than a photographer. So I ask myself... writer or photographer? The answer is quite clear. I am a much better skilled photographer than I am writer. A large version of this image is available for greater scrutiny of its quality. Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Contains Nudity Thanks for the support!

The Canonization of Kimmey, Notre Dame

30 Mar 2008 3 5289
Rightly or not, I think that I have come to the conclusion that much of the reason for our sexually uptight society is our religious institutions. We accept violence much more readily than sex. That is perhaps because the early wars were often due to religious differences, so it was necessary to accept violence in order to make holy war. Come to think of it, we still have holy war declarations today. Are we to accept these beliefs? Has nothing changed? On our trip we happened to attend Good Friday services at Notre Dame Cathedral. This was a wonderful photo opportunity and what better way to express the dichotomy of sex and religion. But I prefer to have this photograph viewed as an expression of reverence for the Sacred Feminine. Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Contains Nudity Thanks for the support!

Nude at the Opera

27 Mar 2008 6 5485
In case anyone has noticed, I've been away for a week. How did I manage to stay away from Flickr for ONE WHOLE WEEK!!! Impossible! Mary and I took a small vacation on either side of a long Easter weekend. We decided to go off to France. Our main motive was to go visit our son in Chamonix. But how can we justify crossing the ocean without getting a good dose of Paris. I start my travel log with the Paris Opera. For details, please view large version. Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Contains Nudity Thanks for the support!

Reclining Christine

19 Jan 2008 6 2908
View the large version. Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Contains Nudity Thanks for the support!

Christine - When work is fun

18 Jan 2008 9 1 3252
Just couldn’t resist showing Christine’s full, hearty laugh during our first ever photo session. I thought this would be a good way to introduce Christine to my stream and my Flickr and Ipernity friends. Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Contains Nudity Thanks for the support!

This is The Place

31 Dec 2007 35 1 12147
As a young teen in the "sixties", the fashion of the day was the source of many a young man's fantasies. Having just discovered the hidden mysteries of femininity were also treasures of pleasure even if only in my imagination, at that time. Long legs in high heels were a pathway – an arrow on a map. Directions to a destination. The promise of ultimate bliss. So we pondered, sought and lusted. To catch a glimpse of the smooth and tender skin that is revealed only to the most privileged and only on that special occasion. A prize awarded only to the most deserving. I wondered when will I be the one to reach that place. for a better peek see the large version Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Contains Nudity Thanks for the support!

Natalie — She Falls for Art

02 Dec 2007 28 3 11969
Art is the great seducer, not the artist. I love to shoot my models in our living room. As artists, my wife and I constantly keep changing the art on the walls and all around the room. It never looks dull. Every model I have photographed in this room, was charmed by the creativity and beauty of the works on the walls and on the pedestals around the room. The ambience provides a calm, creative and sexual mood, making the model respond to her nakedness and her sense of femininity. She acts out her allure, her fantasies of glamour. She works her little but off for me, intending to create erotica. Worth seeing large version. Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Contains Nudity Thanks for the support!

A flower waiting to bloom

02 Dec 2007 43 2 10891
Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Contains Nudity Thanks for the support!

All that is creative, all that is pensive, all tha…

29 Nov 2007 17 3 8681
Why is the word "good" the same as the word "God", but with one additional "o"? View the large version for added detail. Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Contains Nudity Thanks for the support!

Caitlin — Glamour and Beauty

25 Nov 2007 42 4 17013
Is it all in the genes? Probably so. A classic nude that will have to be flagged "Restricted" due to a small tuft of dead human cells that grow out of the pubic area and are extremely offensive to some people and societies. Quels dommages. A large version of this photograph is available for better appreciation of the image details. Well worth viewing. Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Contains Nudity Thanks for the support!

21 items in total