Siebbi's photos with the keyword: cross


13 Sep 2011 2 648
La Chaise-Dieu, Église abbatiale de Saint-Robert La Chaise-Dieu, Saint Robert Abbey Church

St-Julien de Brioude

30 Nov 2011 1 594
Das Kruzifix ging aus der Leprose von La Payasse hervor, was zeitweilig zu dem Namen „Christ lépreux“ (Der aussätzige Christus) geführt hat. Es handelt sich offensichtlich um eine einheimische Arbeit, in Tradition der großen Holzkreuze seit der Romanik in der Auvergne. The crucifix emerged from the leprosy of La Payasse which has temporarily led to the name "Christian lépreux" (The leprous Christ). It is obviously a local work, in the tradition of the great wooden crosses since the Romanesque in the Auvergne.

Cross of Nails

31 Aug 2008 2 1 1238
St. Nikolai Church, Kiel, Germany This Cross Of Nais from Coventry was the first cross the was handed over to the former enemy on the continent in 1947. Made from three nails from the cathedral of the English city Coventry, destroyed in 1940 by the Germans. Right after the destroying in the middle in the time of the terrible enmity the clergymen decided to send „the CROSS OF Nails" as an indication of reconciliation to Germany after the war. Also different churches have a nail cross (e.g. in Hamburg, Berlin and Dresden), but this is the first, which was presented in a city also destroyed by British combat fliers. (German: )