Bob Taylor's photos with the keyword: redbud

Redbud Pods

27 Sep 2023 3 3 132
On a sunny September day.

Redbud Leaves

Redbud (4)

18 Aug 2023 8 1 139
Taken early spring with the Pentax SF1n film camera, using Fuji ISO 200 film, the Helios 44-2 lens, at f8 - 1/250. Negative scanned on Epson V600.

Redbud (3)

18 Mar 2023 7 3 169
Can't keep my camera away from the redbud.

Early Redbud (2)

08 Mar 2023 5 2 90
Blossoms supplanting seed pods.

Early Redbud

05 Mar 2023 6 130
The beginning!

Redbud Seed Pods (3)

15 Nov 2022 10 1 121
As if girded for the winter.


09 Nov 2022 6 115
Beauty for all seasons. The redbud in late October.

Seed Pods and Changing Leaves

06 Oct 2022 5 2 124
Our redbud tree, early October.

Redbud Pods

Redbud Branches with Bee

19 Mar 2022 6 121
Quite a few bees have alighted and feasted on our redbud tree's blossoms in the last couple of days. Nice to see.

Our Backyard Redbud Tree

13 Mar 2022 7 160
Holding on nicely even as the March weather fluctuates dramatically, sunny spring one day, dead of winter the next.

Redbud Tree

08 Jun 2021 4 125
Pentax 645, Ektar 120 format film, ISO 100, SMC Pentax-A 45/2.8 @ f8 - 1/60.

Redbud on the Verge of Blossoming

21 Mar 2021 8 3 137
With pine needles held in place.

Redbud Pods

14 Mar 2021 7 2 130
Late afternoon March sun.


26 Mar 2020 6 2 191
Blossoming this week, a sight to savor in the midst of frightening pandemic reports.

Redbud Leaves

23 Aug 2019 221
Pentax 645, SMC Pentax-A 75/2.8, Kodak Portra 120 format film, ISO 400, f5.6 - 1/125.


01 May 2019 6 3 440
Pentax Spotmatic II, Super Takumar 55/1.8, Kodak Ultramax 400 film, f5.6 - 1/1000.