Pilago's photos with the keyword: Sigtuna

Fences of Sigtuna, Sweden >> HFF - HAPPY FENCE FRI…

Sigtuna, Sweden

29 Aug 2019 10 1 203

Sigtuna, Sweden >> HFF - HAPPY FENCE FRIDAY

29 Aug 2019 12 8 233
Das Sigtuna Museum befindet sich im Zentrum von Sigtuna an der Stelle, an der Ende des 9. Jahrhunderts das erste königliche Anwesen erbaut wurde.

Stora gatan, Sigtuna, Sweden

26 Aug 2019 13 3 176
Stora gatan, die Hauptstraße ist genauso lang wie vor tausend Jahren.

Sigtuna, Sweden

25 Aug 2019 8 1 237
Stora gatan, die Hauptstraße ist genauso lang wie vor tausend Jahren.

Sigtuna, Sweden

25 Aug 2019 8 7 214
Stora gatan, the old main street

Sigtuna Museum, Sweden

24 Aug 2019 100

Sigtuna Museum, Sweden

24 Aug 2019 8 3 216
Das Sigtuna Museum befindet sich im Zentrum von Sigtuna an der Stelle, an der Ende des 9. Jahrhunderts das erste königliche Anwesen erbaut wurde.

Sigtuna, Sweden >> HFF - HAPPY FENCE FRIDAY

23 Aug 2019 16 14 256
Das Sigtuna Museum befindet sich im Zentrum von Sigtuna an der Stelle, an der Ende des 9. Jahrhunderts das erste königliche Anwesen erbaut wurde.

Sigtuna, Sweden >> HFF - HAPPY FENCE FRIDAY

Sigtuna, St Olof's Church ruin (S:t Olofs kyrkorui…

22 Aug 2019 14 4 203
Kirche St. Olaf in Sigtuna wurde dem norwegischen Wikingerkönig Olav Tryggvasson gewidmet, der in den Jahren 995-1000 als erster Herrscher Norwegens getauft wurde.

Sigtuna old town hall, Sweden

22 Aug 2019 6 155
Das Rathaus von Sigtuna aus dem Jahr 1744 soll das kleinste Europas sein. Es wurde von Bürgermeister Eric Kijhlman (1708-1784) entworfen.

St. Mary's Church (Mariakyrkan) is a fine example…

21 Aug 2019 6 4 151
Sigtuna was founded on what was then the shore of Lake Mälaren just over 1,000 years ago. It took its name from an ancient royal estate (see Uppsala öd) several kilometers to the west (see Fornsigtuna). Various sources claim King Eric the Victorious as founder while others claim King Olof Skötkonung.[3] It operated as a royal and commercial centre for some 250 years, and was one of the most important cities of Sweden. During a brief period at the end of the 10th and beginning of the 11th century, Sweden's first coins were minted here. St. Mary's Church, built in the 13th century by the Dominican order as a monastery church, still remains largely intact. The Dominican monastery played an important role in the Swedish Middle Ages and produced many important Church officials. Among them, many Swedish archbishops. Many church and monastery ruins still stand, including St. Pers Church (S:t Pers kyrkoruin) dating the 1100s, St. Olof Church (S:t Olofs kyrkoruin) dated from around the middle of the 11th century and St. Lars Church (S:t Lars kyrkoruin) dating from the middle of the 13th century. In 1187 Sigtuna was attacked and pillaged by raiders from across the Baltic Sea, possibly Karelians, Curonian and/or Estonian (Oeselian) raiders. Archaeological excavations have not verified the traditions of destruction of the town. Normal life in Sigtuna continued until town started to slowly lose its importance during 13th century due to navigability problems caused by post-glacial rebound. The current coat of arms can be traced to the town's first known seal, dating from 1311. According to a legend (possibly inspired by the town arms) Sigtuna was once the Royal seat, but this can not be confirmed. The crown may also symbolize the large royal mint which was located in the town. Since 1971 the coat of arms has been valid for the much larger Sigtuna Municipality.

St. Mary's Church (Mariakyrkan) is a fine example…

21 Aug 2019 6 1 178
Sigtuna was founded on what was then the shore of Lake Mälaren just over 1,000 years ago. It took its name from an ancient royal estate (see Uppsala öd) several kilometers to the west (see Fornsigtuna). Various sources claim King Eric the Victorious as founder while others claim King Olof Skötkonung.[3] It operated as a royal and commercial centre for some 250 years, and was one of the most important cities of Sweden. During a brief period at the end of the 10th and beginning of the 11th century, Sweden's first coins were minted here. St. Mary's Church, built in the 13th century by the Dominican order as a monastery church, still remains largely intact. The Dominican monastery played an important role in the Swedish Middle Ages and produced many important Church officials. Among them, many Swedish archbishops. Many church and monastery ruins still stand, including St. Pers Church (S:t Pers kyrkoruin) dating the 1100s, St. Olof Church (S:t Olofs kyrkoruin) dated from around the middle of the 11th century and St. Lars Church (S:t Lars kyrkoruin) dating from the middle of the 13th century. In 1187 Sigtuna was attacked and pillaged by raiders from across the Baltic Sea, possibly Karelians, Curonian and/or Estonian (Oeselian) raiders. Archaeological excavations have not verified the traditions of destruction of the town. Normal life in Sigtuna continued until town started to slowly lose its importance during 13th century due to navigability problems caused by post-glacial rebound. The current coat of arms can be traced to the town's first known seal, dating from 1311. According to a legend (possibly inspired by the town arms) Sigtuna was once the Royal seat, but this can not be confirmed. The crown may also symbolize the large royal mint which was located in the town. Since 1971 the coat of arms has been valid for the much larger Sigtuna Municipality.

St. Mary's Church (Mariakyrkan) is a fine example…

21 Aug 2019 7 5 178
Sigtuna was founded on what was then the shore of Lake Mälaren just over 1,000 years ago. It took its name from an ancient royal estate (see Uppsala öd) several kilometers to the west (see Fornsigtuna). Various sources claim King Eric the Victorious as founder while others claim King Olof Skötkonung.[3] It operated as a royal and commercial centre for some 250 years, and was one of the most important cities of Sweden. During a brief period at the end of the 10th and beginning of the 11th century, Sweden's first coins were minted here. St. Mary's Church, built in the 13th century by the Dominican order as a monastery church, still remains largely intact. The Dominican monastery played an important role in the Swedish Middle Ages and produced many important Church officials. Among them, many Swedish archbishops. Many church and monastery ruins still stand, including St. Pers Church (S:t Pers kyrkoruin) dating the 1100s, St. Olof Church (S:t Olofs kyrkoruin) dated from around the middle of the 11th century and St. Lars Church (S:t Lars kyrkoruin) dating from the middle of the 13th century. In 1187 Sigtuna was attacked and pillaged by raiders from across the Baltic Sea, possibly Karelians, Curonian and/or Estonian (Oeselian) raiders. Archaeological excavations have not verified the traditions of destruction of the town. Normal life in Sigtuna continued until town started to slowly lose its importance during 13th century due to navigability problems caused by post-glacial rebound. The current coat of arms can be traced to the town's first known seal, dating from 1311. According to a legend (possibly inspired by the town arms) Sigtuna was once the Royal seat, but this can not be confirmed. The crown may also symbolize the large royal mint which was located in the town. Since 1971 the coat of arms has been valid for the much larger Sigtuna Municipality.

Sigtuna, St. Mary's Church (Mariakyrkan)

21 Aug 2019 1 129
Mitte der 1230er Jahre wurde mit dem Bau der Marienkirche begonnen. Spät im Herbst 1247 wurde die Kirche eingeweiht, aber nur der Chor wurde fertiggestellt. Um 1255 wurde die Kirche fertiggestellt, als Erzbischof Jarler im Chor beigesetzt wurde. Die Grabnische des Erzbischofs befindet sich noch in der nördlichen Chorwand. Die Sakristei entstand im Zusammenhang mit einem Umbau in den 1280er Jahren. Dann wurden auch die Bögen im Langhaus geschlagen, die die flache Holzdecke ersetzten. Die Außenwände wurden umgebaut und das Dach angehoben. Die Marienkirche wurde im Übergangsstil zwischen Romanismus und Gotik aufgeführt und hatte ein völlig anderes Erscheinungsbild als die Steinkirchen. Während der Reformation im Jahr 1530 befahl Gustav Vasa, das Kloster abzureißen und die Marienkirche in eine Pfarrkirche umzuwandeln. Von den 1600er bis 1800er Jahren wurden nur Reparaturen und kleinere Maßnahmen durchgeführt. Bis 1641 befand sich die Kirche in einem so schlechten Zustand, dass die schwedische Regierung der Gemeinde befahl, sie zu renovieren. Die Kanzel wurde zu dieser Renovierung hinzugefügt. Eine größere Restaurierung fand 1904-1905 statt, als die mittelalterlichen Fresken entwickelt und ergänzt wurden. [Wikipedia, übersetzt aus dem Schwedischen]

Rune stone in Sigtuna

19 items in total