Old Owl's photos with the keyword: public art


31 Jan 2025 17 16 103
May I wish you a Happy (and joyful) Fence Friday. This fence may be small, but it is very important in preventing these creations from wandering in the road. Have a great day and a pleasant and restful weekend.


01 Jan 2025 9 4 79
May I wish you a Happy First Wednesday Wall of 2025. I hope your minutes, your hours, your days, your months and your year are all you hope and work for. Keep the good memories of last year and wash all the bad things out of your hair. To quote D:Ream from 1993, "Things Can Only Get Better" (especially for mushrooms).


28 Aug 2024 15 12 125
A Happy Wednesday Wall to everyone. I hope your day and the rest of your week are full of fun and frolics. This wall is part of an underpass at the junction of National Route 1 and the new Bunbury Outer Ring Road in WA. Construction of this ring road has been going on for the last couple of years. It would be nice if it was completed in my life time, but who knows the secret ways of road planners. They do a nice line in bridge decoration though. Sorry it's a bit fuzzy, but the car window needs cleaning and there was no way She (Who Must Be Obeyed) would (or could) stop the car to let me take the picture. The woman has no sense of adventure ...


08 Aug 2024 11 3 143
Australia Post Office, Rokeby Road, Subiaco WA.


10 Jan 2024 9 6 136
Happy Wednesday Wall. I hope your day is bright and joyful. To those in the UK, keep warm; to those in Australia's eastern states, keep dry; to those in Western Australia, try to keep cool. Love and best wishes to all. This is a wall of the Manjimup Visitors' Centre and Shire Admin building in the Manjimup Timber and Heritage Park in WA. Manjimup was once primarily a timber town, but is now more known for its black truffles and its fruit. (The Pink Lady apple, much loved in Australia, was created in Manjimup in the 1970s.)


07 Oct 2021 10 4 184
Centre of a roundabout, Dolphin Quay, Mandurah, WA. Mandurah - or Mandjoogoordap, to give the place its Noongar name - is a city on the Indian Ocean. It was once a fishing village and holiday destination; now it is a populous city, though primarily a dormitory for working in Perth, Fremantle and FIFO. The sculpture represents both the old and the new, as it is located just outside a large marina which is used by recreational fishing boats which go out to the ocean or inland to the Peel Inlet, a body of shallow water some 130 sq km (50 sq miles) in area. It is my home and the closest I'll ever get to paradise.


27 Feb 2023 25 12 257
HBM, everyone. Let’s hope that wherever you are you can sit and contemplate the joys of the world (those that are still to be found). These benches face Mandjar Bay. The sculpture here has six faces showing paintings representing the six seasons of the Nyoongar calendar. Mandjoogoordap (now called Mandurah) is home to the Bindjareb people of the Nyoongar nation. The six seasons have variable lengths since they relate to weather patterns and natural occurrences rather than to fixed dates like whitefeller seasons. We’re currently in Bunuru - the season of adolescence, which is the hottest part of the year, lasting from early February until late March or early April. It is sometimes called Second Summer.


13 Feb 2023 18 12 247
HBM to all. May your bottoms rest on comfortable benches and your day be calm and gentle. This is in the Wheatbelt town of Dowerin in WA. There are a number of benches along the main street, all of which are bright red. Note also the tin dog on the wall to the right. Again a number of dogs appear throughout the town, most of them with a front paw extended. This is Tin Dog country, named after Tin Dog Creek just outside the town where, according to folklore, miners on their trek from Perth to the Kalgoorlie goldfields (about 600 km) stopped to camp and eat on their journey, and where they left their empty corned beef tins. Just outside the town is a large statue of a tin dog ("Rusty") designed and built by students from the local high school in 2004. UPDATE WITH PiPs Three PiPs are in the top left edge of this picture: the first is of Rusty; the second is of Rosey, created in 2020 as a female companion for Rusty; the third is a tin dog affixed to a litter bin and doing what dogs do to such structures. These pictures were taken by She Who Must Be Obeyed and I give her much thanks for her permission to use them. Many thanks, too, to the delightful and caring Ecobird for helping me by telling me how to add PiPs. This was most necessary for I am an owl of very little brain ...


08 Feb 2023 22 13 191
HWW to everyone. I hope your week is a good one. This is part of a sequence at the base of walls in Bridgetown, WA. This one is at the entrance to the post office.


18 Jan 2023 16 9 205
Happy Wall Wednesday to all. This Australian Shelduck a symbol for the small town of Dumbleyung in Western Australia. It appears in a number of places throughout the town, although I have no idea why this symbol is used here. The town has a population of about 300 and is famed as the place where Donald Campbell broke the world water speed record on 31st December 1964, his boat "Bluebird" reaching 276.33 mph (444.71 km/h) on the nearby Lake Dumbleyung. He thus became the only person to break the land and water speed records in the same calendar year. The fine picture above was taken by Mrs Much Younger (and Far More Attractive) Owl, and has been used here with her permission