MJ Maccardini (trailerfullofpix)'s photos with the keyword: carlton house terrace

Giro: A True Companion

27 Dec 2015 349
Giro was a terrier (not an Alsatian, as often reported) who belonged to Dr Leopold von Hoesch, the German ambassador to the United Kingdom from 1932 1936, and died in 1934 when he was electrocuted while chewing on a live electrical cable. He is mistakenly called "The Nazi Dog," owing to the misconception that his master was pro-Nazi. In fact, von Hoesch was adamantly opposed to the Nazis, but because the Nazis were in power at the time of his death, his coffin was draped in the Nazi flag at the time of his state funeral. Read more about Giro and von Hoesch here (I think this is an accurate article, but for the breed of the dog): blackcablondon.net/2012/06/13/the-sad-tale-of-giro-dr-leopold

Sleeping Rough

27 Dec 2015 303
I normally don't take photos of homeless people, so I'm not sure why I took this one. His pitch was in a sunny place between the statutes of George VI and Queen Elizabeth, just off The Mall.

Queen Mum Memorial

27 Dec 2015 1 326
There are a couple of bronze panels depicting Queen Elizabeth (the Queen Mum) facing The Mall. They're by Paul Day, who did that horrid sculpture called The Meeting Place at St Pancras station and they are just as ghastly. I took more photos, but I couldn't bring myself to upload them.

King George & Queen Elizabeth

27 Dec 2015 300
Monument in Carlton House Terrace.

George & Liz

27 Dec 2015 295
Monument to King George VI and Queen Elizabeth (the Queen Mum) between Carlton House Terrace and The Mall. The statue of George VI is by William MacMillan, erected in 1955 (three years after his death). The statue of Queen Elizabeth is by Philip Jackson, who depicted her at the age of 51, her age when George died. Her statue was erected in 2009, seven years after her death.