.:madworm:.'s photos with the keyword: facepalm

WHAT was I thinking?

10 Feb 2013 249
Apparently I goofed up again. The footprint was a 0603 one, but even for that size it was rather small. The next revision comes with 0805 with wide pads for hand-soldering. So what do you do if the footprint is too small for 0805? You go looking for 0603 LEDs! And if you can't find any of those, you just use 0402 ones ;-) I had to use heavy magnification for this one. The LEDs are so light they easily stick to the tweezers if only the slightest amount of "finger-grease" is on them. It's a good thing I refrained from buying 0201s. They would've pushed me over the edge.

ATtiny85 custom J-leads

07 Jan 2013 365
For some reason this @#! chip has a 200mil wide body and not 150mil like 'everybody else'. Thanks to this modification it still fits ;-)

ATtiny85 custom J-leads

07 Jan 2013 168
For some reason this @#! chip has a 200mil wide body and not 150mil like 'everybody else'. Thanks to this modification it still fits ;-)

USPS oddity

01 Jan 2013 159
The average speed of that letter was about 5 mph. Truly excellent. Today is the first of January 2013 - no letter so far. Posted: Dec. 5th 2012 Received: Jan. 5th 2013 A new speed record!


01 Jun 2011 148
0.99€ down the drain. Nichia NSSL157T-H3.

This is what you get

14 Jan 2013 219
when you mix bicycling and icy roads. Now both of my knees hurt... What a fortuitous coincidence that I have an appointment with my orthopaedic tomorrow. DUH.

Two-point impact - Ouch again

14 Jan 2013 267
I fell off my bike due to ice on the road. My left leg / hip took all the beating. Although I remember hitting the ground with my shoulder and head as well, nothing hurts there. Wearing a soft cap might have helped there and maybe my ribcage cushioned the fall. Tomorrow I'll go hunting for discoloured bruises.