.:madworm:.'s photos with the keyword: road safety

Test ride under harsh conditions

Pimped tail lights

19 Dec 2009 117
No test drive yet. It has snowed a lot and it feels like -20°C outside. My fingers almost fell off.

Pimped tail lights

19 Dec 2009 198
2x RGB LED Ring , 2x AA, 1x MAX756, 1x 1N5817, 1x 22µH 3A, 1x 220µF, 2x 47µF, 1x 100nF and lots of patience. No test drive yet. It has snowed a lot and it feels like -20°C outside. My fingers almost fell off. And the best thing, as usual, it works with the Arduino IDE. Just pull off the cpu modules and reprogram them as you like. A 6pin FTDI compatible header is on their backsides. There's also an ICSP header, but that can only be used once to program a bootloader. After that MOSI/MISO/SCK are used for the LEDs (whole PORTB of the chip). The backplane provides power (5V) and a common bus consisting of 2 GPIO pins and of course the I2C lines. In this case I use one line for a trivial syncing routine. The boards run with the internal oscillator and that seems to vary quite a low between these two chips. Without syncing after each run, there would be significant dephasing. Now I should really get some mudguards. Getting a wet but is one thing, but deliberately exposing hand-made electronics to a mixture of salty, dirty and half molten snow is unheard of.

Test ride under harsh conditions

20 Dec 2009 163
"Can you see me now ?" And before you post a comment regarding the illegal-ness of white taillights, read this .

Test ride under harsh conditions

20 Dec 2009 191
Now this bike should be clearly visible at night. The next step will be a bigger headlight with more "bang".

Improvised mudguard

20 Dec 2009 179
Plastic bags have many applications, just like rubber bands. After taking off the bag again, the rubber bands holding it in place just vanished! I've searched every pocket in my jacket, the floor, you name it. A rubber band eating 'thing' is down there.