.:madworm:.'s photos with the keyword: receiver

IR-upgraded Ikea Samtid

IR-upgraded LCD backlights

24 Apr 2012 116
This was only for testing, it doesn't really make sense to have remote control here. I sit right in front of it.

ATtiny85 based IR switch

07 Jan 2013 330
The ATtiny85 had to be forced to fit onto a standard (150mil wide) SO8 footprint. I don't feel like rerouting the board, so I choose to use 'the force'. You can take a look at an animated version on my blog. It's quite annoying ;-) It can adapted to work with any IR protocol, as it doesn't do any decoding. It only compares stored to measured patterns. There's a soft-UART in the code, so you can use it to print measured / unknown IR data and later add that to the known IR codes. Requirements: ISP programmer, suitable IDE to compile the code. It should also be possible to Arduino-ize the code and use the existing Tiny-core, but that is up to you ;-)

IR receiver - back side

24 Apr 2012 130
Please forgive me for adding these quotations. At that time I thought it to be funny. What a deranged little mind I have.

IR receiver V1.10

24 Apr 2012 137
It works really well. It implements an IR-to-serial bridge (one way, not transparent). Receive any 38kHz modulated IR signal, process however you like and send serial data out the other end. I use if for remote controlling LED lamps. Total power consumption is 3.6mA in idle mode (20µA for the AVR, a couple of 100µA for the TSOP, about 3mA for the L78L05).

IR receiver - front side

24 Apr 2012 127
I ordered these boards at SeeedStudio about 3 weeks ago. The usual shipping time to me. And that is called air-mail. HAH. I'd really like to know how much of it is caused by delayed customs processing. Instead of creating more jobs for inspectors they make us wait... as if I were ordering illegal stuff like 20mW laser pointers ;-)