.:madworm:.'s photos with the keyword: box

Intelligence inside

50 chips

24 Nov 2013 240
Somebody had to put these chips into the box. He/she probably hates me now.

A bird crashed into one of my windows...

22 Oct 2013 252
A bird crashed into one of my windows. It looked pretty miserable at first (no wonder), and I thought it would die within a couple of minutes. To my surprise, the bird recovered and managed to get onto its feet again. However, it was still very disoriented and didn't resist me capturing it. I transferred it into this box and brought it to a vet. Fortunately the bird was declared healthy. I released it later in its accustomed living area. It was very eager to get away from me as fast as possible and vanished into the next shrub. Of course that's why I chose that very spot. The vet didn't charge me for her services.

Elecfreaks - OSHW box

09 Nov 2012 124
Quite nice, but not much of the printed stuff survived. The whole box was wrapped in sticky tape.

ESD Box containing an army

My Army of Darkness - AVR chips

17 May 2010 77
Muahahahha... erm... sorry ;-) I feel compelled to quote 'Pinky and The Brain' again. It's awful how hard these chips are to get hold of right now. Prices for single chips are outrageous.

Time toooo say goooodbye...

02 Jul 2012 137
Our ways part, and we shall never see each other again. Alternate text: "This foe is beyond any of you - RUN!"

Bye bye WaveAce 224...

19 Jul 2012 142
It is gone! The WaveAce 224 has just been picked up by DHL and is on its way to LeCroy Switzerland.

Just a few rotary encoders

02 May 2013 177
So they come in trays too...

Box of PARTS!

02 May 2013 171
If it hadn't been for the intervention of a public holiday yesterday, I could've delved into this box one full day earlier. Oh well, public holidays are nice to have too.

Box of parts!

28 Jun 2012 111
Too bad I already knew what was in there.


28 Mar 2012 108
Shipped just two days ago, arrived today. Very nice!

Just two - ATtiny84

28 Mar 2012 102
A lot of effort for just 2 chips. This box was vacuum sealed in a shielding bag with desiccant. I was planning to use these a replacements for two ATtiny24s (more code space), but unfortunately the free pins I was intending to use are on the same pin-change interrupt pin-group.


28 Mar 2012 91
Almost better than any "end-of-the-year" festivities.

Boxed up

28 Mar 2012 84
A lot of effort for just 2 chips. This box was vacuum sealed in a shielding bag with desiccant.