LutzP's photos with the keyword: River

Heidelberg, Altstadt und Schloss - Old City and C…

04 Dec 2013 4 4 642
This panorama has been compiled from 22 portrait shots in two rows taken with a Canon EOS 70 D in combination with the excellent EF 85mm/1.8 lens stopped down to 5.6. ISO 160, 1/500 sec, tripod. Please view original size for plenty of details. This has been a pretty difficult job because of the extremely high dynamics of the scene. I couldn't avoid minor tonal separation in the sky.

Vehicle Carrier "Guardian Leader" leaving the Port…

22 Dec 2020 38 25 1021
Some old stuff again, originally uploaded Dec. 12th, 2013 Stay well and optimistic, cross your fingers for the soon return of the upload function VESSEL INFO HERE:

Golden Hour in the Harbor - Goldene Stunde im Hafe…

15 Aug 2015 29 33 1005
Bulk Carrier Panther Max (GT / BRZ 44.326 t) in Blohm + Voss' floating dock 10

Norway 1968 - Øvre Fiskumfoss (060º)

11 Jul 2015 15 54 789
TSC - The Sunday Challenge - July 12th, 2015 - ELVIS PRESLEY SONGS ♪♫ Bridge over troubled water ♪♫ Somewhere must be Sunday by now ;-)

Frankfurt Skyline

Monsoon Rainstorm - Singapore 1995 (135°)

Norway 1968 - Øvre Fiskumfoss (060º)

Floating Dock - Schwimmdock

Hamburg - Museumshafen und Augustinum (090°)

16 Dec 2014 3 4 607
Das Hochhaus (Ausgustinum) kennen die Älteren noch als Union Kühlhaus

Heavy Lift

16 Dec 2014 6 6 509
... being towed from Blohm&Voss Shipyard

Dunkle Wolken über Bankfurt / Dark Clouds over Ban…

Der Neckar bei Bad Wimpfen

Schwäbisch Hall im Herbstlicht (345°)

20 Nov 2014 10 18 759
Kocher und Steinerner Steg - Wie in alten Zeiten, nichts erinnert ans Heute!

This is where the big adventure starts - Lees Ferr…

19 Nov 2014 3 8 712
Starting point of the whitewater rafting tours through the Grand Canyon. We desperately wanted to do this, however, when I tried to book 1980 there was a waiting list of over one year. And since we never knew how long we would stay in the US (I had 3 months notice), there were simply to many unknowns. In the end, we should have done it anyway, because we stayed much longer than expected, but in hindsight you are always smarter :-) Hier gehen die "Whitewater Rafting Tours" durch den Grand Canyon ab. Wir wollten das damals unbedingt machen, aber leider gab es eine Warteliste von über einem Jahr. Da wir nicht wussten, wie lange wir in den USA bleiben würden (ich hatte damals drei Monate Abruf für die Rückkehr nach D), war das einfach zu unsicher. Letzendlich hätten wir es doch machen können, denn wir blieben viel länger als geplant. Aber hinterher ist man immer schlauer :-)

Kocherbrücke in Schwäbisch-Hall (000°)

Museumshafen - Veteran Ship Museum

10 Oct 2014 4 6 526
Das außer Betrieb genommene Feuerschiff Elbe 3 hat hier seinen letzten Ankerplatz gefunden. The retired light vessel Elbe 3 has found it's final berth here in the veteran ship museum.

Norway 1970 - Dönvoss Bro near Lom - 21.6.70

Nö, Angst hab ich eigentlich nicht ... solange der…

01 Oct 2014 1 2 608
Naaah, I'm not afraid as long as the big one is on the leash ;-)

19 items in total