LaurieAnnie's photos with the keyword: Anubis

Funerary Stela in the Metropolitan Museum of Art,…

29 Nov 2008 495
Funerary Stela 1st century BC- 4th century AD From Abydos Limestone Accession # 20.2.44 Flanked by Anubis and Osiris are four figures identified by the Greek inscription, "two adults, Pekysis, son of Aruotes, and his brother Pachoumis; two children, Tbaikis the elder and and Tbaikis the younger." Pekysis is probably the individual holding a torch, an attribute unusual in Egyptian-style funerary stelae, although it does have chthonic or underworld associations in Greco-Roman mythology. Anubis carries the key that symbolizes his role as guardian of the tomb and the one having access to the underworld. Text from the Metropolitan Museum of Art label.

Funerary Stela from Abydos in the Metropolitan Mus…

29 Nov 2008 661
Funerary Stela 1st century BC- 4th century AD From Abydos Limestone Accession # 20.2.43 In the uppermost register of the stela, Anubis presents the deceased to Osiris. Below are the two mourning goddesses Isis and Nephthys. Although crudely executed, the plain silhouetted forms and overlarge heads convey the subject matter with considerable impact. Text from the Metropolitan Museum of Art label.

Stela with a King Offering to Anubis and a Goddess…

29 Nov 2008 1570
Stela with a King Offering to Anubis and a Goddess 1st century BC- 4th century AD Limestone Accession # X.554 A king shakes a sistrum and offers a folded cloth to Anubis, who wears the double crown, and to Isis. The inscription above names the king simply as Pharaoh and gives the names and titles of Anubis, companion and escort of the dead. By Roman times Anubis was regarded as a conqueror of death and received particular attention. Text from the Metropolitan Museum of Art label.